Ten years ago, on November 10th, was Mu Hanfeng's 18th birthday.

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He had a birthday celebration with some close friends at the time. A group of young people who have just grown up or are about to reach adulthood always want to pretend to be adults. So they teased him to persuade them, and in the end, everyone drank a lot of wine.

By the time they left the restaurant, it was already dark.

Everyone was drunk, but it was the birthday boy, Mu Hanfeng, who had been drunk the most, but was the most sober.

Although he loathed Mu Yang, Mu Hanfeng had to admit that he had inherited some good things from him.

For example, business talent and the ability to drink well.

Mu Hanfeng called a car for each of his friends, watched them get in, instructed the driver, and finally watched the car drive away before he left alone.

Although he was the so-called young master of the Mu family, it was just an empty title. Naturally, there would be no car to pick him up.

And Mu Hanfeng himself did not want to go home so early on his birthday and ruin his rare good mood.

So he didn't call a car for himself and just wandered aimlessly through the streets.

There was a lake in Yangcheng city, not far from where they were eating, and as Mu Hanfeng walked, he unconsciously walked to the lake.

In the summer, this lake would be very lively, with many people enjoying the cool air and lovers whispering sweet nothings.

But now it's November. It was late autumn in the north, and at night, the wind became extremely cold.

Mu Hanfeng continued to walk along the lake in such a bleak wind, unconcerned.

Until a thin figure appeared in front of him.

The person was really skinny. The 18-year-old Mu Hanfeng had been differentiated for five years and had the unique robust physique of an Alpha transitioning from a teenager to a young adult, and upon further comparison, Mu Hanfeng felt he could pick up the person in front of him with one hand.

The thin figure was lying on the sidewalk by the lake. The clothes he was wearing were very thin, his whole body huddled together. He couldn't see the face, he could only see the body trembling uncontrollably.

Mu Hanfeng subconsciously stopped in his tracks.

On such a cold day and at such a late hour, lying alone by the lake shivering like this was obviously not a normal situation.

Mu Hanfeng's first thought was that this person was sick, and he hesitated for only a second before walking forward, ready to take a look at the situation and call the emergency services afterwards.

As soon as he got closer and saw this person’s face clearly, Mu Hanfeng's breathing subconsciously tightened.

Although the look on his face was extremely painful, one could tell that it was still the face of a teenager, only childish and youthful. But it couldn’t hide the impact the overly delicate face brought.

However, Mu Hanfeng was only shocked for a moment, and then immediately stabilised his mind to carefully observe the teenager's condition.

The young man's eyes were tightly closed, and his eyebrows were furrowed. His ears and cheeks were flushed abnormally, his lips were pursed in a straight line, pale and bloodless, and his breathing was even more rapid.

Because he was curled up on his side, the back of his neck was completely exposed.

Through the transparent neck collar, Mu Hanfeng could clearly see a small piece of skin raised there, red and swollen, as if something was about to burst out.

With one glance, Mu Hanfeng understood that the young man in front of him was about to differentiate and would become an Omega.

He had never seen an omega differentiate with his own eyes, but he had read about it in a physiology book. The book didn't say that all people who differentiated into Omegas would be unconscious during the process.

This was obviously an abnormal situation. Mu Hanfeng was only 18 at the time, after all, so in a moment of panic, he didn't crouch down but ended up kicking something.

He subconsciously looked down and realised that there were two beer cans lying at his feet.

The cans were so close to the boy, and Mu Hanfeng was stunned for a moment. He then inhaled through his nose again, before realizing that the smell of alcohol that had been filling his nose might not all have come from him.

But how could anyone drink at the time of differentiation?

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Do they want to die?!

Mu Hanfeng did not bother to think too much anymore. He recalled what the physiology book had written -

Alpha's pheromones would naturally have a calming effect on Omega and help Omega differentiate.

Without further hesitation, Mu Hanfeng tried releasing a bit of his own pheromones.

Soon, the teenager reacted, and although he hadn't opened his eyes yet, he subconsciously curled his body closer to him, while at the same time, Mu Hanfeng noticed that the back of the teenager's neck was redder and more swollen than before.

It seems to be working!

He was delighted and continued to release pheromones again.

He was afraid that the excessive pheromones would hurt the person in front of him, so he released it slowly and gradually.

It was a very long process, but the teenager still didn't open his eyes. But the glands at the back of his neck were becoming more visible the closer he moved to him.

It went on like this for an unknown amount of time, until Mu Hanfeng felt he had mobilised all the pheromones in his body and was on the verge of exhaustion. Suddenly, he smelt a very faint, whiff of a fresh fragrance.

He couldn't quite tell what that smell was yet. The physiology book said that the smell of pheromones was not quite defined when an omega or alpha had just differentiated. And that it would take about two to three days for the body condition to stabilise, and the smell of pheromones would follow suit.

The moment that fragrance appeared, the young man lying on the ground slowly opened his eyes and woke up!

But his eyes were still empty and confused, as if he was completely unaware of Mu Hanfeng's presence.

Mu Hanfeng didn't care, and simply released all the remaining pheromones in his body at once.

The moment the thick ocean scent collided with the very faint fragrance, it suddenly grew stronger, and the fragrance became extremely strong and penetrated into Mu Hanfeng's every pore!

That was the first time Mu Hanfeng was induced into estrus, and it was also the only time.

A feeling that he had never felt before rose up from deep inside his body, and Mu Hanfeng suddenly felt that no cold autumn breeze could relieve his fever.

His alpha animal like instincts made him want to badly mark the omega in front of him.

But still holding onto the strings of reason, Mu Hanfeng would not let himself be dominated by instinct.

But the scent had no intention of abating; instead, it intensified.

Mu Hanfeng's body was overwhelmed; his mind was dizzy, his breathing was heavy. He could not open his eyes, and could only desperately let his reason fight against his instincts.

As a result, he was momentarily unaware that the young man beside him had somehow sat up on his own, fished a folding knife out of his pocket, and slashed his wrist!

After an unknown amount of time, a distinct bloody smell suddenly appeared between the sea breath and the other scent.

Mu Hanfeng was startled and immediately opened his eyes. Only to see the image of the young man sitting next to him, holding the knife in one hand while blood was gurgling out of the wrist of the other hand.

At that moment, Mu Hanfeng's body was still very hot and uncomfortable, but all his lost sanity had returned.

He snatched the knife from the boy's hand and pulled his own scarf to stop the bleeding.

The young man was very uncooperative, struggling and muttering things like "I want to die, there is no point in living".

It was the first time Mu Hanfeng had encountered such a situation, so he didn't know how to comfort him. He was feeling very uncomfortable, so he could only try to stop the bleeding while saying whatever came to his mind, "Have you seen the sea yet?"

The boy was silent for a few seconds, then answered him in a low voice, "No."

Mu Hanfeng then added, "You haven't seen the sea yet, why do you want to give up?"

At the time he said this, Mu Hanfeng did not think that he could make the young man beside him, who was so determined to die, change his mind with just one sentence.

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As he was racking his brain to say something else, he suddenly found that the force that was twisting against him was missing.

Mu Hanfeng froze and looked down, only to find that the boy had inexplicably stopped struggling and was silent.

He was surprised that he really persuaded the teenager with one sentence. Mu Hanfeng hurriedly bandaged his wrist and called an ambulance.


Then things got easier and smoother.

The ambulance came quickly and pulled them both to the hospital.

For the first time in his life, Mu Hanfeng went into heat, which was forcibly suppressed by drugs. But because of the excessive omega pheromone shock he received, it caused him to suffer from pheromone indifference.

And the teenager was saved in time. Although the wound on his wrist was not shallow, it was fortunately, not life-threatening.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che's somewhat worried voice rang in his ears, "are you... what's wrong?"

Mu Hanfeng suddenly returned to his senses. His eyes subconsciously fell on Tong Che's wrist, which had a bracelet, and then quickly moved away.

After a long while, he said hoarsely, "It's fine, I'll tell you later."

The two of them had finished recording, and the other two pairs were all still discussing what song to sing. So no one came to urge them to move out of the way.

Mu Hanfeng just sat there in front of the recording stage, lost in thought.

Tong Che watched his expression carefully, still not quite at ease.

The glance that Mr. Mu gave him just now was very deep and heavy, as if it contained some strong emotions.

But Tong Che could not see through it.

When Yin Lan and Xiao Yao finished discussing and headed to the recording stage, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng got up and gave them their places. They both coincidentally avoided others and walked to the corner of the room.

When they stood still, neither of them spoke up immediately.

Tong Che was still thinking about the look in Mu Hanfeng's eyes just now, while Mu Hanfeng was thinking about what he had seen two days ago, the bruises on Tong Che's wrist.

He had noticed it at the time, one of the marks was obviously deeper than the others, but Tong Che had intentionally skipped over talking about it, so he didn't ask more.

At that time, he could not dare associate Tong Che with that young man back then. After all, too many people in this world live unhappily and want to die.

Now that he thought about it, the deepest scar should be the one left when the differentiation took place.

"Teacher Mu," finally it was Tong Che who spoke first, tugging gently at the hem of Mu Hanfeng's shirt, with some unease in his eyes, "What's wrong with you? Can't you tell me? "

Mu Hanfeng came back to his senses, saw the look in Tong Che's eyes and realised that it was his own state that was not right and had made Tong Che panic.

He immediately collected his expression, and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair. In a warm voice, "I can tell you everything. It's really nothing. It's just that listening to you sing that song, and saying those words, reminded me a little of the past."

But having said that, Mu Hanfeng was still struggling in his heart about whether he should talk with Tong Che now.

Without dwelling on it for too long, he decided to say half and keep half.

The part about Tong Che's initial differentiation was left out for now.

When Tong Che told him about his past at that time, he also intentionally did not mention it. Mu Han Feng could understand that he did not want to cause him any heartache

So, on one hand, he also did not want to bring it up and make Tong Che relive that painful experience.

On the other hand, although this pheromone indifference was not a big problem, he would never be induced into heat. There was really something lacking. Not to mention that this was caused while saving him.

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So, if Ton Che found out that he caused this condition, he would feel guilty.

Mu Hanfeng could not let him feel guilty.

It's better to suppress it for the time being, anyway. They will have a long time to talk about it in the future.

So, when Tong Che asked, "What past?" Mu Hanfeng's eyes became very gentle and he asked softly, "Tong Tong, did you know? I listened to you on the radio seven years ago."

Tong Che was stunned, understanding what Mu Hanfeng meant, and abruptly widened his eyes, "Really? I only recorded that one time! "

"Yes, really," replied Mu Hanfeng seriously, "I only listened that one time too."

Mu Hanfeng explained the situation to Tong Che in a few words, and the more Tong Che listened, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but sigh in a small voice, "What a coincidence! Teacher Mu, we... we really are destined!"

Mu Hanfeng looked at Tong Che’s bright eyes and the tips of his red ears and responded solemnly, "Of course, didn't I tell you before that we were born for each other, a natural pair."

Their destiny, it turned out, had quietly begun as early as that late autumn night ten years ago.

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan finished recording, and finally Mi Beibei and Ning Ran. They were all in the circle, so this kind of task was a piece of cake, and was successfully completed.

The staff thanked them and said, "Love Radio will be on at 10 p.m. sharp tonight, so all the teachers can listen to it when they have time."

After everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while more, Wang Qi took the six people, along with the entire programme team, and left Radio Love's studio.

Today was the last day of the cohabitation session, and tomorrow the relationship session starts. They will have to change places and not record here.

So the remaining half of the day was left to the children of the orphanage. The children knew they were leaving and were very sad to see them go, so they made a lot of small gifts for them.

Xiao Qi drew a picture of Tong Che and Mu Han Feng kissing on a small balcony, with the evening sun in the background, and a line written vertically next to it -

"True love is a desire that comes from the heart."

Mu Han Feng was rarely interested in teasing children. He hooked his lips, curled his fingers, and flicked Xiao Qi's forehead, laughing, "Writing what I said and sending it to me, unoriginal."

After spending two days together, Xiao Qi was not so afraid of Mu Hanfeng anymore, and she defended, "This girl thinks that brother Hanfeng's words are good."

"And" Tong Che laughed, "this girl is so bad."

Xiao Qi replied with a flip of her hair, "Of course!"

Xiao Qi's current state of mind was a far cry from the two days before, when she had tried to die. Her whole being was much more cheerful and lively.

Tong Che was really relieved.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after a lot of parting words were said and gifts had been received, Wang Qi proposed that they all get together for a meal.

It was still at the cafeteria, but the chef was hired by the program team, so the dishes were beautifully presented and full of flavour and colour.

The six guests and Wang Qi had a separate table, eating and chatting in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

Towards the end of the meal, Mu Hanfeng got up to go to the door for a smoke. Tong Che was being pestered by the little beans, so he didn't follow.

The little bean, Sugar, came up to Tong Che's ear and spoke mysteriously in a milky voice, "Brother Che Che, I'll give you a good thing!"

Tong Che poked her chubby cheeks and asked, with a smile, "What good thing?"

Sugar flipped her wrist, only to show a chocolate in pink wrapping lying in her little chubby hand.

"It's for you," Sugar said, "I asked for it from Sister Xiao Qi. It's delicious!"

Tong Che was so touched that he stroked Sugar's braid and smiled, "Just eat it, Sugar. Brother Che Che is grown up and doesn't eat chocolate."

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"No!" Sugar decisively refused, "I want to give it to Brother Che Che!"

Tong Che couldn't argue with her, so he felt his pocket and found that Mu Han Feng happened to have hidden the snacks in this pocket of his. So he gave the remaining two pineapple cakes and a strawberry pudding to Sugar, and only then did he accept the piece of chocolate, "Okay, Brother Che Che will trade with you."


Mu Hanfeng had just finished smoking a cigarette and was about to walk back when Mi Beibei ran out and said anxiously, "Teacher Mu, come back quickly, Brother Che seems to be drunk. The whole person is sitting there dizzy and is making a fuss to find you! "

He had just had memories of ten years ago, and when he heard the word "drunk," Mu Hanfeng's heart jumped heavily as he walked back quickly, asking in a deep voice, "Who gave him alcohol? It's only been less than five minutes. How come he's already drunk? "

"No," Mi Beibei hurriedly explained, "No one gave him alcohol."

"Then how did he..."

Mu Hanfeng wanted to ask how he could get drunk without drinking, but the words that followed didn't come out again.

Because he had already returned to the table, Tong Che’s soft body with a faint smell of wine pounced on him. He buried his head in the nook of his neck, his voice soft, "Teacher Mu."

Mu Hanfeng held him steady and answered, "Okay, I’m here. Why is kitten drunk?"

Tong Che didn't pay any attention to his question, but just called out softly again, "Teacher Mu."

Mi Beibei hurriedly picked up a piece of pink wrapping on the table and held it up in front of Mu Hanfeng's eyes, saying helplessly, "Brother Che really didn't drink, he just ate this."

Mu Hanfeng glanced at it, only to see that the paper read -

[Wine Heart Chocolate

Alcohol content: 1.8%]

Mu Hanfeng: "......"

His kitten was really amazing, to think that he could get drunk just from eating a chocolate with a little wine!

After making sure that Tong Che hadn’t been drinking, Mu Hanfeng was relieved and said to Wang Qi, "Director Wang, I'll take Tong..."

Before he finished his sentence, Mu Hanfeng's breath stalled violently.

This perverted kitten was actually licking his neck!

Half comforting, half warning, he gently pinched the back of Tong Che's neck and finished his words quickly, "I'll take Tong Tong back to the dormitory first."

Wang Qi waved his hand, so Mu Hanfeng simply picked up Tong Che by the bend of his legs, and headed for the stairway.

After taking two steps, Tong Che buried himself in his arms again and called out to him, "Teacher Mu."

Mu Hanfeng answered in a warm voice, "Well, Teacher Mu is here. What do you want?"

Tong Che probably just thought it was fun to call him, and didn't want anything. So he changed his name again, "Brother."

Mu Han Feng's adam’s apple rolled, and then he answered, "Brother is here."

Tong Che laughed to himself, and after laughing for a while, he unknowingly changed his name again, "Husband!"

Mu Han Feng: "......"

Ah! To hell with it!

The tip of his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth, Mu Han Feng turned Tong Che to his shoulder, tapped his butt twice, saying in a hoarse voice, "Be good, and hubby will take good care of you tonight."

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