Immediately afterwards, Ruan Tang sent a link to a microblog.

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Tong Che was stunned for a couple of seconds, but did not rush to click on it. Instead, he turned to look at Mu Hanfeng.

Noticing his gaze, Mu Hanfeng turned and asked in a gentle voice, "What's wrong with Tong Tong?"

Tong Che pursed his lips and didn't say anything. He simply held up his mobile phone screen.

Mu Hanfeng took a glance at it, but was also stunned for a moment before casually commenting, "Not bad, quite efficient."

He didn't know whether he was complimenting the police or the people working for him.

Tong Che spoke with some embarrassment, "I... I'd forgotten about Lou Gui."

Since the last time Mu Hanfeng said he would help him out, Tong Che had really taken Lou Gui out of his thoughts.

It wasn't because he had a big forgiving heart; it was because, on one hand, his character was such that he didn't like to dwell on the painful past, and on the other hand, he trusted Mu Hanfeng 100%.

 "Forget him," Mu Han Feng reached out and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair. His tone was gentle, "Just remember, it’s enough for your boyfriend to clean him up for you."

Finally, without the camera by his side, Mu Hanfeng could say "boyfriend" openly. Tong Che couldn't help but blush and glance at Yun Su, who was driving in the front seat.

This glance coincided with Yun Su’s stare in the rearview mirror.

Tong Che instantly became even more red.

As he was waiting for the traffic light, Yun Su made a quick gesture to cover his ears, laughing cheerfully, "Do as you wish, consider my ears deaf."

Tong Che: "......"

Mu Hanfeng saw that Tong Che was getting more and more embarrassed, so he hurriedly pulled him back to the right track and raised his chin to the mobile phone, "Don't you want to see how he is dealt with?"

 Tong Che came back to his senses, hurriedly lowering his head and clicking on the link.

With Yun Su in the front seat, Tong Che still couldn't let go and sat upright in his seat, not daring to get too close to Mu Hanfeng.

On the contrary, Mu Hanfeng, who didn't care, came over and half-embraced Tong Che in his arms, resting his chin on his shoulder and looking at the screen with him.

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Tong Che took another quick glance at Yun Su and found that he was concentrating on driving, so he didn't move.

The link from Ruan Tang was to the official WeChat report from the Yangcheng police:

"Luo Gui, a manager at XX Entertainment Company, is suspected of illegal trafficking of inducers and has been arrested by the Yangcheng police. The subject will be retained for an open and thorough investigation. We will report the latest developments from time to time."

"Trafficking inducers?" Tong Che found this charge familiar, and thought about it for a while before his little brain turned around, "Isn't that Yun Ying?"

Yun Ying was the new artist assigned to Lou Gui under Mu Hanfeng's operation.

At that time, Mu Han Feng had already told Tong Che that he had found evidence of Yun Ying’s sale of inducers.

He knew that he was going to use this to bring down Lou Gui, but he didn't know the specific operation.

So he didn’t know how this charge had been put on Lou Gui's head.

He was about to ask about it, but before he could open his mouth, Mu Hanfeng’s finger inadvertently slipped down to the relevant links.

The first link was that Yun Ying had been arrested by the police for the crime of illegal sale of inducers and sentenced to eight years in prison.

The second link was a video of the last press conference Yun Ying held before she was arrested.

 Tong Che felt that this press conference was important, so he clicked on it immediately.

It must have been an excerpt, less than a minute long, and the opening screen is of Yun Ying’s sobbing.

She was standing in the middle, dressed in black, with two men in Yangcheng police uniforms standing guard behind her.

The former traffic flow star now looked haggard, no longer the glamorous woman she once was.

But as a victim of an inducing agent, Tong Che had no sympathy for her.

Yun Ying finally began with a sobbing voice, and the first sentence she uttered was a king's bomb, "I have done something wrong and I am willing to admit my guilt. But before that, I have to report someone. That's my manager, Lou Gui! "

Tong Che was stunned. His eyes were fixed on the screen, not blinking.

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In the remaining forty seconds, YunYing tells the story, seemingly in tears, but in a clear and coherent manner: shortly after she came under Lou Gui, he found out that she was selling inducers and offered to work with her. Yun Ying claimed that she wanted to stop after that one time, but Lou Gui threatened her, forcing her to continue cooperating with him, or else he would make everything known to the public.

She was afraid and succumbed to the threats and worked with him.

The video ends at this point, with Yun Ying crying and talking at the same time. It seemed so real that Tong Che couldn’t tell which of her words were true and which were false.

He turned to Mu Hanfeng for help, "Teacher Mu, is what she said... true?"

Mu Hanfeng gave the answer, "Half true and half false."

Tong Che quickly responded, "Her saying she wanted to stop must be a lie!"

People like Yun Ying or Lou Gui, had no bottom line for the sake of profit. Their appetite only gets bigger, and they would not want to stop unless they had no choice.

Mu Han Feng responded, "That's right. Tong Tong is very smart. "

Tong Che touched his ears and asked, "So the rest of it, is it true?"

"It’s basically true," Mu Han Feng gave him a brief explanation. His tone of voice was very light. "I had someone reveal to Lou Gui that Yun Ying was selling inducers, but it was Lou Gui who volunteered to work with her."

“She did not want to stop, so she chose to bring Lou Gui on board because there are only two ways to deal with someone who knows a secret: to keep that person's mouth shut forever, or to let that person ride in the same boat."

Tong Che was stunned for a while. After carefully going through what Mu Han Feng had just said, he felt it was very reasonable. But he still had another question, "Mr. Mu, how did you know that Luo Gui would want to join Yun Ying once he found out about it?"

It's not that he thinks that Lou Gui is a good person; it’s just that bad people do things out of their own choices and various considerations.

"I didn’t have a 100% guarantee either," Mu Han Feng said indifferently, as a hint of mockery crossed his eyes, "This was only the first step. It's a bet on people's hearts.If he didn’t take the initiative to join, the next step would be to make Yun Ying approach him and pull him into the water. "

In the end, this was a result of Lou Gui's own greed, knowing that he should not do it but still did it. He naturally had it coming.

He is now being investigated for what he did, and will inevitably be convicted and sentenced. But



Tong Che found a new question and was a bit anxious. "Teacher Mu, what favors did you promise Yun Ying?

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It stands to reason that now that Yun Ying had been convicted, she didn’t have to hold this press conference and work for Mu Hanfeng.

"How could I give her any favors?" Mu Han Feng snorted, "I just looked for someone to give her some advice. Now that she was in such a situation, would she really be willing to let Lou Gui go scot free? "

This is a complete dog-eat-dog drama, in which Mu Hanfeng has only been involved twice. Once in giving information to Lou Gui, and the other in "advising" Yun Ying.

But now he has achieved such a successful result, when one thinks about it, one cannot help but marvel at the depth of Mu Hanfeng's calculations.

Tong Che was completely dumbfounded and was still trying to understand the implications of the story, so he did not rush to answer.

 Mu Hanfeng saw that he was silent and felt a little uneasy afterwards. He restrained the cold aura that he had just unconsciously released and asked Tong Che in a low voice, "Tong Tong, do you think I..."

Tong Che came back to his senses and looked into Mu Han Feng’s eyes. This time, he also read Mu Hanfeng's unspoken words and his eyes curled up, interrupting him in time, "I don't think Mr. Mu is scary. On the contrary, I think Mr. Mu is particularly powerful!"

Mu Han Feng’s plan was really amazing. He was like a sharp sword, but the handle was always facing outwards. He only uses the sword to protect him, not to hurt him. Is there anything to be afraid of?

"I'm really not afraid,"

Thinking like this, Tong Che also ignored Yun Su in front of him and kissed Mu Han Feng's chin, seriously emphasizing, "On the contrary, I feel very relieved that Teacher Mu is so powerful."

Feeling Tong Che’s intimacy and listening to his sincere tone, the slight uneasiness at the bottom of his heart was instantly dissipated.

Unknowingly, the car was already driving into Mu Hanfeng's neighborhood. Yun Su glanced at the two of them in the rear-view mirror, coughed lightly, and said, "Xiao Che, the commercial for Solace will start shooting tomorrow for a week."

Tong Che had already signed a contract with Solace to become the new spokesperson for the whole line, but because he had been recording a variety show before, he hadn't shot any new commercials yet.

Before he could say anything, Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows, "Why is he starting work tomorrow? Tong Tong has been recording a variety show for a month. Can't we just give him at least two days off to rest? "

Tong Che hurriedly tugged on Mu Hanfeng's sleeve and said, in a low voice, "Mr. Mu, it's okay. I'm not tired after the recording. "



Did you hear that?" Yun Su rolled his eyes and said, "It's already the 19th. It will soon be New Year's Day. If he takes two more days off, do you want him to work on New Year's Day? "

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Mu Hanfeng paused, calculated the time, and stopped talking.

Today was December 19th, and there were still 11 days until New Year's Day.

If he takes two days off, he will only have nine days left, and recording will take a week. In case they are not satisfied with anything, he will be recalled to make up a shot, and it may be delayed until New Year's Day.

It’s just that starting tomorrow,

Mu Hanfeng gritted his teeth and sighed. It looked like he had to endure for another week.

Tong Che was unsure and asked him, "Mr. Mu, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Hanfeng took a deep breath and gently rubbed the side of Tong Che's waist, smiling harmlessly, "It’s nothing. I just feel sorry for my little boyfriend. He's working too hard. "

Yun Su's eyes rolled up in disbelief. What kind of person is this big wolf pretending to be? He clearly wanted to devour someone.

However, Tong Che believed whatever Mu Hanfeng said, and he even appeased him, saying, "It's not hard. This month of recording the variety show was like a vacation. It was very relaxing."

He hadn't had such a relaxing and fun job for a long time.

"Besides," Tong Che rubbed his head against Mu Hanfeng's neck, softening his voice. "In a week's time, I’ll be able to rest."

"Okay," Mu Han Feng responded, patting Tong Che's back twice and saying calmly, "When you get a break, your boyfriend will take you to play a fun two-player game."

Tong Che still asked, foolishly, "What kind of two-player game?"

"It’s a secret for now," Mu Hanfeng pressed into the back of Tong Che’s head so that he wouldn't see his lips curl up into a meaningful smile. "You’ll know when the time comes. Tong Tong will definitely like it."

Yun Su, who was listening: "......"

He was really this close to stepping on the accelerator and driving into the green belt.

How can someone be so serious when saying such things?

Mu Han Feng, this rascal. He is a real scumbag!

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