It was the first time Tong Che went to Mu Hanfeng’s home, but he couldn’t stay for long.

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With his pheromone disorder, he needed to have his pheromone levels reviewed every month.

It had been exactly one month since he went to record the variety show. Tong Che had originally planned to go for a review the next day, but now he learned that he would be shooting another week of commercials starting tomorrow. So, Tong Che still scheduled the review for this afternoon.

Mu Hanfeng rummaged through the kitchen but couldn't find anything suitable for Tong Che to drink. He could only pour him a cup of warm water and hand it to him, "I only have tea and wine here, so I'll have someone bring you something you like to drink."

Tong Che nodded obediently as he held the glass of water, and whispered, "It's okay, I'll just have water."

"That won't do," Mu Han Feng said, nudging him on the tip of his nose and asking, in a feigned anger, "Kitten, isn't this your home now?"

This was a poke at the softest part of Tong Che's heart, and he immediately changed his tone, "Yes! I want to drink Taotao Oolong! "

A smile rose in Mu Han Feng's eyes, "Okay, I’ll have someone bring it to you."

He fished out his phone and sent a message, then looked up and asked Tong Che, "When are you going to the hospital?"

"The appointment is at five o'clock," Tong Che said as he pursed his lips and looked at the time. "It's time to go."

Mu Han Feng's laptop on the side was open, and information kept flashing by. He casually glanced at it and ignored it. He got up and went to the cloakroom to get his coat, "Let's go, I will take you."

"No.” Tong Che shook his head hurriedly and pointed to the laptop on the table, "You're busy."

"It won’t take long," Mu Hanfeng smiled and said, "I’ll deal with it when we get back."

He didn't say this just to console Tong Che.

Ninety percent of his company's matters had been handed over to the people below him, but there was still a small portion that he needed to go through personally.

He had been recording a variety show for a month, so he had a backlog of things that he needed to handle. Even if he started now, he would still have to stay up late. There was no difference.

But Tong Che had an inexplicable stubbornness when it came to such things. He shook his head and refused, "I can really do it myself. I can drive. "

Every time he had gone for a review in the past, he had always gone alone.

Mu Hanfeng sighed and made a compromise. He simply closed the laptop and put it into the laptop bag, saying, "I'll bring it with me and drop you off. You can go up for the check as I wait for you in the parking lot. Is that okay? "

Only then was Tong Che willing, and he smiled, "Okay!"

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The doctor in charge of giving Tong Che an examination was named Qin. She was the attending doctor when he was brought to the hospital ten years ago during his differentiation. The two had known each other for ten years and were already very familiar with each other.

"Little Che is here." Dr. Qin greeted Tong Che with a smile.

"Hello Dr. Qin." responded Tong Che, curling his lips.

Dr. Qin came over and teased, "You and Film Emperor Mu are so sweet!"

Tong Che: "!"

His cheeks instantly reddened, and after a long time, he asked, "Sister Qin, did you also watch our live broadcast?"

"Of course," Dr. Qin smiled, "I originally wanted to see you, but who knew there would be a surprise."

The red on Tong Che's cheeks spread downwards, extending into his neck.

"Tell me," Dr. Qin looked at the blushing Tong Che and found it even more amusing, "Are you two really together?"

After a second of hesitation, Tong Che nodded his head and said, frankly, "It's true."

He and Teacher Mu will definitely go public in the future, and Dr. Qin was a very close acquaintance, so there was nothing that he couldn't admit.

"Congratulations," Dr. Qin said, her smile widening, and she urged again, "it appears that your pheromone level will be stable this time."

Tong Che immediately understood what she meant. Five years ago, when he had just reached adulthood, Dr. Qin told him that his disease was not completely incurable. But as long as he could find an Alpha with a high enough pheromone match to give him a stable marker, his pheromone levels would then slowly stabilize to a normal value, and he would no longer have to rely excessively on suppressants.

Understanding this, Tong Che was even more shy as he said vaguely, "It should... it should be better."

Without further ado, Dr. Qin entered the inner testing room first and called out to him, "Come on in.  We'll know after checking. "

The pheromone level test was not complicated. It could be done in ten minutes and the results would be ready on the spot.

Dr. Qin looked at the data graph on the screen of the instrument. Although she was already prepared, she still stared in amazement, "How can you be so stable? You two must have a high level of compatibility! "

Tong Che shook his head honestly, "I don't know. I haven't measured it, but I went into fake-estrus a day and a night after being in contact with him at first."

Dr. Qin looked back at him and said, "Fake-heat after a day and a night?"

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Tong Che nodded, "That's right."

"Then the fit between the two of you must be," Dr. Qin said conservatively, "at least ninety-five or more."

Hearing this number, Tong Che also froze. He knew that he and Mu Hanfeng had high pheromone compatibility. However, ninety-five was a very rare fit.

Dr. Qin went to look at the data again carefully. She frowned as she looked at it and found a question, "Xiao Che, from the available data, it can be reflected that your current stable pheromone level is due to the long-term feeding of alpha pheromone over this month."

 Dr. Qin paused before hesitantly asking, "So, you and Emperor Mu, you were marked from the beginning?"

Tong Che was stunned and shook his head, "No, it only started half a month ago."

Dr. Qin believed that Tong Che wouldn't lie, but it really didn't match up with what the data reflected, so she didn't say anything else for a while, tapping her fingers on the desktop one by one in thought.

Tong Che hesitated for a moment and suddenly opened his mouth to ask, "Sister Qin, if I said that forty days ago, I found myself being marked by Teacher Mu in my dream, and that I didn't need to use suppressants after I woke up, would you believe me?"

This question had always been buried in Tong Che's heart, and he really wanted to know the answer, so today he could no longer resist and asked it.

Dr. Qin was stunned and abruptly looked up at Tong Che, "Are you serious?"

Tong Che nodded without hesitation and looked serious, "Really, it's just that I've always felt it was mysterious. That's why I didn't dare ask you."

"It's not mysterious," She stood up and walked around Tong Che, her fingers trembling slightly with excitement. "This situation is medically documented, but it's very rare. Very, very rare. The first time I heard of this condition was twenty years ago, when I was still in college, and that was also the last time. I heard it from our tutor, so I had never seen it myself."

Once he heard that it was medically documented, Tong Che was also shocked, "There's even a medical basis?"

"I would like to retract my previous statement that your pheromone fit is at least ninety-five," Dr. Qin said solemnly, "To amend it, your fit is at least one hundred."

Tong Che was now confused. He blinked, "At least one hundred? Isn't 100 the upper limit?"

"One hundred is not the real upper limit," Dr. Qin corrected in a serious tone, "it is only the upper limit that today's medicine can reach."

Tong Che vaguely felt he understood, but he was still shocked. How did such a rare example happen to him and Mu Hanfeng?

"This situation you just mentioned," Dr. Qin explained, "there's a medical term for it, it's called pheromone symbiosis. It is said that a pheromone symbiotic pair of AOs will have the possibility of dream connection and the possibility of dream markings that actually affect the body.”

Tong Che murmured, "Pheromone symbiosis," repeating it, and asking, "And what are the prerequisites for its occurrence, then?"

"It's not clearly documented," Dr. Qin shook his head and replied, "The initial conclusion now is that the AO hit each other with a large amount of pheromones during the differentiation of one or both of them."

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When he heard the word "differentiation," Tong Che's heart suddenly jumped, and he recalled the person who had saved him when he differentiated.

That person said, "Why do you want to give up when you haven't even seen the sea yet?"

The sea...

Ever since the day of his differentiation, a young boy by the sea has appeared in Tong Che's dreams. A young boy turned sideways to him, with only an insufficient outline.

This dream lasted ten years, but Tong Che had never seen the boy's face clearly.

It was not until forty days ago that he met Mu Han Feng at that banquet, and from then on, the teenager in his dream was replaced by Mu Han Feng, never to appear again.

 Tong Che had never thought deeply about the connection between the two of them before. He had never met Mu Han Feng in person before, but after he had, he started to dream about him night after night.

But now, for the first time, Tong Che had a thought that could even be called absurd.

Could it be that the teenager on the beach was actually Mu Hanfeng?

Could it be that the person who saved him was Mu Hanfeng?

Moreover, Mu Hanfeng's pheromones happened to be of a sea scent, and he had been able to feel at ease from the very beginning.

This thought was so incredible that Tong Che's fingertips trembled slightly. He swallowed as he asked in a trembling voice, "Sister Qin, do you remember the person who sent me to the hospital ten years ago, the time I differentiated?"

Not understanding how Tong Che's topic suddenly jumped to ten years ago, Dr. Qin still answered truthfully, "I didn't see him with my own eyes at that time. You were brought in an ambulance together, and you were sent to my department while he was sent to the dedicated department for Alphas. "

This was something that Tong Che had never known, and he asked sharply, "What happened to him? It was my differentiation that went wrong, why did he have to be sent to the hospital too? "



You were unconscious when you were brought in," Dr. Qin recalled. "Your pheromones were rampant and couldn't be reined in at all. He suffered a pheromone shock from you and was induced to go into heat and had to be suppressed with drugs. "

Dr. Qin also gradually reacted, and she drew a backward breath, saying incredulously, "Could it be that... the person who saved you at that time, was the Great Film Emperor Mu?!"

Tong Che did not answer her, but took a deep breath and asked one last question, "Sister Qin, what is the cause of pheromone indifference?"

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"This condition is also relatively rare," Dr. Qin had been able to calmly face Tong Che's jumping questions from east to west and explained, "From the known cases, it's related to pheromone shock."

As the last word fell from Dr. Qin's lips, Tong Che closed his eyes and his body couldn't help but sway. He subconsciously held onto the edge of the table before he managed to stand still.

Why did his dream change from a young boy by the sea to Mu Hanfeng by the sea, and why did the markings in his dream work in reality?

Why did Mu Hanfeng suffer from pheromone indifference, and why was it so coincidental that Mu Hanfeng's pheromone was ocean scent and his was coconut scent?

Why could their pheromone fit be so high that it exceeded the medical ceiling?

It was most likely because his pheromones were simply derived from the influence of Mu Hanfeng's pheromones.

And at the same time, his pheromones, in turn, affected Mu Hanfeng’s.

Their pheromones influenced each other, entangled with each other, connected and became symbiotic...

Tong Che did not know how he had said goodbye to Dr. Qin, how he had walked out of the hospital back to the car park, or how he had found Mu Hanfeng's car.

By the time he came back to his senses, he had already gotten into the car, and his whole body flung itself into Mu Hanfeng's arms.

"What's wrong, kitten?" Mu Hanfeng closed the laptop and casually threw it into the back seat, reaching back to hug Tong Che and patting him on the back, "What's wrong? It's okay, I am here. "

Tong Che buried his head in the nook of his neck and shook it vigorously, squeezing words out of his throat, "No... nothing happened."

"Then what's wrong?" Mu Hanfeng felt panic when he saw Tong Che's appearance, but he couldn't show it yet. So he only slowed down his voice to soothe him, "Okay, speak slowly, there's no rush."

Tong Che wanted to say a lot of things, but all his words felt like they were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a single word.

He clutched Mu Hanfeng's clothes tightly and tried for a long time before he could manage to say back three words: "Was it you?"

Just three words, but it was as if they had already consumed a huge amount of Tong Che's strength, and even his voice was trembling.

Mu Hanfeng's breathing stagnated. He vaguely understood what was going on, but only asked, "What is it about me?"

Tong Che tried to explain but couldn't. He pursed his lower lip anxiously and stubbornly looked into Mu Han Feng's eyes and repeated, "Was it you?"

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes to meet his, and after a long time, he sighed tersely, hugged him tighter, and whispered in response, "Yes, it was me."

The person who saved you was me, and the person who was "saved" by you was also me.

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