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Seeing that Tong Che had turned into a little wooden man, Mu Hanfeng became addicted to the drama. He walked the script with a smile on his face; he raised his hand and pulled off his tie in a couple of seconds, and raised his chin at Tong Che, "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you say hello when you see your boss?"

Tong Che came back to his senses and glared at Mu Hanfeng, but still cooperated, "Hello, Boss Mu."

Probably because he found the title new, Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows, tapped his fingers on the table, and continued to tease, "Come closer, let me see who this little artist is. He looks so good."

Tong Che obediently walked in front of Mu Hanfeng. Separated from him by a distance of a desk, he bent down and approached, replying in a small voice, "Y-yours."

Mu Hanfeng let out a soft hiss, and the tip of his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth, lightly rubbing over them twice.

This kitten was really getting good at talking.

Mu Hanfeng rolled his Adam’s apple. "What a sweet little mouth." He raised his hand and pressed twice on Tong Che's lips not too lightly, hooking his lips in a wicked smile, "Come here. The boss will reward you."

Tong Che subconsciously took two steps around the corner of the desk, only to find that there was no place for him to sit. There was only one seat behind the desk.

Before he could figure out where to sit, his wrist was held by Mu Hanfeng, and in the next second, his whole body fell into Mu Hanfeng's arms and sat on his lap.

"Why don't you sit on such a good seat?" Mu Hanfeng asked with a smile as he cupped Tong Che's chin, "Why are you hesitating?"

Tong Che was unable to turn his head with his chin pinched, so he could only glance towards the door with his eyes and hesitantly asked, "Won't someone come over?"

"Don't worry," Mu Hanfeng said as he lowered his head and kissed the tip of his nose. "No one will dare to come in directly. Besides, Yun Su is still guarding the door. "

After these words were said, Mu Hanfeng did not restrain himself any longer and pressed the person into his lap and kissed him hard.

Having been kissed so many times, Tong Che still hadn't learned to breathe during a kiss, and it wasn't long before he was kissed until his brain was starved of oxygen.

"Silly little cat," Mu Hanfeng pulled back a little, but still refused to let go of Tong Che, and nibbled on the lips again before laughing, "Breathe in and out. How come you get kissed silly every time?"

Tong Che was still dizzy, and when he heard Mu Hanfeng speak, he subconsciously took a deep breath, as he had said, and only then did he ease up a little.

The tips of his ears burned again. Tong Che refused to discuss such issues and changed the subject rigidly, "You still haven't told me, what... what is this all about?"

How come, all of a sudden, the big boss of the company was Mu Hanfeng?

Mu Hanfeng played dumb to tease him, "What's going on? You can't learn to change your breath and you're asking me what's going on? "

"Not about that!" Tong Che was so embarrassed that he dug his head into Mu Hanfeng's neck.

"Okay, okay," Mu Hanfeng said, "I'm not going to tease you anymore."

Turning to business, he lightly explained, "I already had shares in this company, just a small one, but now I have more."

Mu Hanfeng said it in an easy-to-understand manner, and Tong Che understood it. Mu Hanfeng now has most of the remaining shares in his own hands.

But wasn’t this too much trouble just to settle his own betting agreement?

Thinking like this, Tong Che unconsciously narrowed his brows and bit his lower lip.

"Kitten," Mu Hanfeng skilfully put his finger in Tong Che's mouth, as if he knew what he was thinking, and said, "Don't worry, your boyfriend won't do business at a loss."

Tong Che was stunned. He mulled over what Mu Hanfeng meant, and felt relieved.

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It was true that he did not understand business matters, but as long as he knew that Mr. Mu had his own considerations, he would not lose out.

After talking about the business, Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but continue to tease, "The new contract is still being drawn up. Won't you take the opportunity to do some "unspoken rules" with the big boss? "

Tong Che raised his head and bumped into the teasing smile in Mu Hanfeng's eyes. He also smiled and probed over to gently lick Mu Hanfeng's Adam's apple.

Mu Hanfeng froze for a second, then suddenly reached out, picked up Tong Che and put him on the desk, not forgetting to affirm, "The desk is newly replaced; it's all for you to use."

The environment had a different kind of stimulation, and Tong Che felt the back of his neck already starting to burn. He subconsciously reached out and clasped his hands around Mu Hanfeng's neck.

The central air conditioning in the room was warm, and the hem of Tong Che's shirt was lifted, revealing a gleam of white skin.

The side of his waist with the small moon birthmark became very hot and moist, like it was stained with steam.

When Tong Che lowered his head slightly, he saw the top of Mu Hanfeng's hair.

Mu Hanfeng's hair had always been as cold, well-kept, and stern as he was, but at this moment it was slightly messy, as if even his hair was conveying some kind of hidden ambiguity.

It didn't take long for Tong Che to watch Mu Hanfeng's slender fingers disappear into his loose clothing, accompanied by another kiss to his waist.

The back of his neck was jumping more and more, and the ends of his eyes, the tips of his ears, his cheeks, and even his neck, were all tinged with red.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but moan softly, like a cat that had been served to its heart’s content.

After an unknown period of time, Tong Che tensed up in an instant, his knees curled up subconsciously as the grip on Mu Hanfeng’s hair tightened, and then he slowly relaxed again, remaining in that position for a long time.

Mu Hanfeng straightened up, his eyes were deep, and he asked in a hoarse voice, "Did you like it?"

Tong Che returned to his senses and nodded shyly, "I liked it very much."

As he said that, he sat up straighter and reached over, also wanting to help Mu Hanfeng.

But before his hand touched Mu Hanfeng's waist, there was a sudden knock on the door and Yun Su's voice came in, "Hanfeng, someone is looking for you."

Tong Che raised his eyes to Mu Hanfeng and asked him, with a gesture, "What should I do?"

Mu Hanfeng gritted his teeth and responded, "Wait a minute," to the door. He carried Tong Che off the desk, lifting his chin towards the other door in the inner room and whispering, "You go in first."

Tong Che straightened his clothes and obediently entered the inner room, shutting the door behind him.

Mu Hanfeng quickly cleaned up the "scene," opened the window by hand, then sat back down in the seat and straightened his shirt before saying, "Please come in."

The person who came was the general manager of the company. Mu Hanfeng's equity collection process was so fast that there was actually still a lot of information that he had not familiarized himself with.

The general manager was a Beta who could not smell what had just happened in this room, and he looked as normal as ever as he reported his work to Mu Hanfeng.

At first, Mu Hanfeng was still a bit distracted, but this person was too dedicated, and the report took half an hour. Mu Hanfeng had stopped thinking about other things after that, and he was solely focused on talking about work.

After he left, Mu Hanfeng sighed helplessly and got up to go into the inner room.

The inner room was a small lounge with a soft sofa on which Tong Che was lying as he swiped his mobile phone.

Seeing Mu Hanfeng enter, Tong Che's eyes first darted to his legs and froze, surprised, "No need to help you?"

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Mu Hanfeng raised his hand to pinch his brow and sighed, "Forget about today. It’s all owed. Prepare for the audition first, and when you're done with these two days,... "

Mu Hanfeng paused, his tone sank, his index finger traced over Tong Che's waist, one word at a time, "When they’re done, you have to pay back with interest."


However, as they say, man’s plan is not as good as Heaven’s plan.

On the 29th, Tong Che's audition went well, and Director Wang decided to book him on the spot.

It just so happened that Mu Hanfeng and Yun Su were both present, so they discussed the time to join the crew and set it for January6th.

Tong Che had indeed finished his work, so he could take a week off.

However, Mu Hanfeng suddenly received a phone call from his subordinate, who told him that there was a temporary change in a project of his company in Haicheng, and he needed to go there personally.

As a result, Mu Hanfeng had to book a flight for that afternoon.

Before booking the ticket, he and Tong Che discussed whether he should take Tong Che with him.

But in the end, he decided to let Tong Che wait for him at home.

After all, this was not a fun trip, and if he was busy outside and Tong Che had to wait for him alone at the hotel, it would be better to be at home, with Coconut Milk to keep him company.

Tong Che drove to see Mu Hanfeng off and wanted to get out of the car and follow him into the airport, but was stopped by Mu Hanfeng, "Don't go in. You're alone today, and you don't even have an assistant bodyguard with you. I'm not comfortable in case you are recognized. "

"Then you want to go in alone?" Tong Che retorted in a small voice, "I'm not at ease either."

Mu Hanfeng reached out and rubbed the top of his hair, saying, "You can be rest assured. I'll call you once I've gone in and passed the security check, okay? "

Hearing him say that, Tong Che could only nod his head and say "okay".

"Okay," Mu Hanfeng came over and kissed Tong Che on the lips again, promising, "I will come back as soon as possible, before New Year's Eve."

Tong Che nodded and instructed, "Don't over-work, take care of your health."

The two of them said goodbye in the car for a long time, before Mu Hanfeng got out of the car and entered the airport, fully armed with sunglasses, a mask, and a scarf.

Tong Che was not in a hurry to leave, and he sat in the car until Mu Hanfeng called him and said that he had passed the security check, then he drove home.

After recording the variety show, Tong Che did not return to the house he used to live in, and only had Ruan Tang send him some of the clothes he usually wears.

That house was not originally his but was under the company's name.

But now, the company also became Mu Hanfeng's, so it didn't seem to make much difference whose house it was.

The house that he was living in with Mu Hanfeng was big enough and well located, but the only problem was that the decoration was too cold.

The two of them had discussed that after they entered the crew, they could take the opportunity to redecorate the house since they would not be home for a long time.

Now that the time to join the crew has also been set, the matter of decoration can be brought into the process.

Tong Che originally thought that he might not be able to adapt to being alone, as this was the first time he and Mu Hanfeng would be separated since they had been together.

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However, after arriving home, perhaps because he was back in a familiar environment, with Mu Hanfeng's traces everywhere, and being pounced on by Coconut Milk, Tong Che was not able to feel much apprehension.

He played with Coconut milk, worked on the script, and studied the decoration, and most of the day passed by.

In the evening, after Mu Hanfeng returned to the hotel, the two of them had a video chat.

The man's flirtatious remarks were constant, and Tong Che was teased to the point of blushing, which was particularly tempting and delicious to watch.

A certain old rascal in Haicheng could only watch but not eat, and in the end, it was him who was tortured.

But fortunately, their dreams were connected.

In that night's dream, Mu Hanfeng naturally ate to his fill.

The next day, Tong Che basically spent it the same way. Mu Hanfeng video called and said that he would be back the next day, but there was a small part of work to be wrapped up in the morning, so he booked an afternoon flight and would have to arrive home in the evening.

Don't come to pick me up," Mu Hanfeng instructed Tong Che in the video, "It’s New Year's Eve, so it’s bound to be crowded outside. Be a good boy and wait for me at home. The driver will take me back. There's also no need to cook, Uncle Hui will have someone come to deliver it. I'll tell him in advance what you want to eat. "

Tong Che thought about it and felt that all the dishes Uncle Fai cooked were delicious, but what he missed most was the little dessert, so he replied, "I want to eat cherry blossom custard."

"That one is definitely available," Mu Hanfeng said with a smile, "what else do you want to eat?"

"Anything else," Tong Che smiled back, "you know my taste."

In the past, he had said "anything" because he was used to not revealing his own thoughts, but now he was saying "anything" because he trusted Mu Hanfeng and knew that whatever Mu Hanfeng chose would be to his liking.

The two of them had a few more words, and then Tong Che was urged to hang up and go to sleep.

It was a beautiful night's sleep.

Tong Che was awakened by the discomfort.

His glands were burning, his body was sweating, and his limbs were weak.

His first thought was that he was in heat again.

But he dismissed this thought, because it was only last night that Mu Hanfeng had marked him in his dream.

Moreover, if he felt carefully, he found that the condition of his body right now was slightly different from being in heat.

He felt itchy at the bottom of his heart, as if he was constantly being scratched by Coconut milk, but as soon as he got close to Mu Hanfeng's pillow or robe, the feeling seemed to ease.

Tong Che didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he couldn't help but get up and go to the wardrobe with feeble feet, eager to find more clothes that were tainted with Mu Hanfeng's scent.

Most of the clothes Mu Hanfeng usually wore were made of very soft materials, which normally didn't feel like anything, but at times like this, Tong Che instinctively felt that they weren't comfortable enough.

Therefore, after searching for a while, Tong Che could only take out all of Mu Hanfeng's pajamas and robes and throw them on the bed.

He also went back into the bed, and after a moment's hesitation, he took off his own pajamas and changed into the nightgown Mu Hanfeng wore most often.

The smell was the strongest on this robe.

After changing, Tong Che began to use the pillow as a base and stacked the rest of the pajamas and robes on top of each other until they were piled up into a small mountain, and only then was he contentedly nestled in.

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When he was doing this, his head was not quite clear and he was relying on instinct.

It was only when he felt himself surrounded by Mu Hanfeng's scent and his body became more comfortable that Tong Che realized, as an afterthought, that this reaction and practice was typical of Omega's nesting period.


Mu Hanfeng arrived home at the same time as dinner.

The person who came to deliver the food was Uncle Fai's apprentice, and Mu Hanfeng recognized him. The two of them exchanged greetings, and Mu Hanfeng carried a large set of meal boxes into the house by himself.

After putting the boxes in the dining room, Mu Hanfeng took off his jacket and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

But he couldn’t wait any longer for Tong Che to come out to greet him. So Mu Hanfeng quickly entered the bedroom, but once he entered the door and saw the scene in front of him, his steps stopped.

It was already dark outside and the curtains were not drawn. There were no lights on in the room, and the only light was from the tablet on the bed.

From a distance, Mu Hanfeng could not see the contents of the tablet.

All he could make out was that his little Omega, enveloped in this little halo of light, had balled himself up in a nest built from his clothes and was sleeping soundly.

Mu Hanfeng stood at the bedroom door and watched for a long time before gingerly walking over to him.

When he got closer and saw the content on the tablet, Mu Hanfeng's breath hitched.

On the tablet, there was a high-definition still of a certain movie he had acted in before.

But not just any still, there were bathroom tiles in the background, with his upper body half naked, half sitting in the bathtub!

What a perverted kitten, he’s really to die for!

Mu Hanfeng licked the corner of his lips and turned his head to look at Tong Che again.

Only then did he realise that Tong Che was wearing his nightgown. Probably because it was too big, and his slender neck, delicate collarbone and white chest were so unreservedly all exposed to him.

The black colour of the robe was in contrast to the white colour of Tong Che's skin, and the only thing that stood out was a little glistening at the end of his eyes.

All the things in front of him were stirring every nerve of Mu Hanfeng.

As he looked, Mu Hanfeng's eyes turned darker and deeper, and his Adam’s apple rolled. He was about to change and get into bed when he saw the little omega move, as if he was aware of something. His little head arched up to his hand and rubbed against his palm.

Mu Hanfeng felt his alpha's wicked factor take over. He stretched out the index finger of his other hand, placing it on Tong Che's lips and rubbing them twice before prying Tong Che's teeth open effortlessly.

The index finger wrapped around his tongue, and soon, Tong Che's breathing became more and more rapid, and he even murmured vaguely, "I want..."

Mu Hanfeng leaned closer and asked in a low voice, "What do you want?"

Tong Che was half asleep and only hesitated for a second before he murmured, "I want... I want Teacher Mu to mark me."

Mu Hanfeng's finger trembled and his own breathing tightened as he continued to ask somewhat stubbornly, "To mark you? Is that what you want? "

"Yes!" Tong Che seemed a little impatient and sucked twice on Mu Hanfeng's fingertip, and even emphasized, "Four times!"

Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes, suppressing the storm that had built up under his eyes. He pulled out his index finger and started pulling at the buttons of his shirt, responding in a hoarse voice, "Okay, I’ll mark you."

If he could still restrain himself, then he's not really an Alpha!

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