Tong Che was still dreaming.

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In fact, he didn't intend to sleep, but after the nesting period came, he really couldn't afford to do anything else.

He couldn't read the script and didn't want to think of decoration, so he gave Coconut Milk a new toy, and the kitten played with it happily on its own, and it didn't stick to him anymore.

Tong Che was alone in bed, knowing that Mu Hanfeng would be back soon, but when he smelled his scent, his body was soothed and his heart couldn't help but miss him more.

After looking at the few photos of the two of them, Tong Che could only go back to his stills.

Of course, he picked the ones with fewer clothes.

As he looked at them, Tong Che was surprised by the fact that "little Che" had woken up.

But he was too weak to solve it for himself, so he closed his eyes and stopped looking.

He closed his eyes to calm down, but somehow fell asleep.

When he fell asleep, he was still dreaming about Mu Hanfeng, obviously.

But even in the dream, Tong Che could vaguely feel that it was not a shared dream, this time it was really his own kinky thoughts.

Because the scene in the dream was no longer the usual seaside, but the bathroom in one of the stills he had just seen.

The moment he appeared at the bathroom door, Mu Hanfeng turned his head to look at him. He then suddenly stood up and got out of the bathtub with a dripping wet body, releasing his sexual hormones.

Tong Che was completely mesmerized, standing still and unable to move his feet.

Mu Hanfeng walked over to him step by step, and when he reached him, without saying a word, he directly shoved his finger into his mouth and stirred it.

He couldn't help but speak from his heart, wanting Mr. Mu to bite him there and then.

But Mu Hanfeng even asked if he wanted to be marked!

At a time like this, can you just bite me already?

Tong Che subconsciously sucked Mu Hanfeng's finger twice more and said emphatically, "Yes! Four times!"

After these words, Mu Hanfeng suddenly pulled his finger out.

Tong Che was stunned for a moment, and before he could recover, he was flung by Mu Hanfeng directly against the bathroom wall.

Mu Hanfeng's kiss fell down.

Compared to the past, this kiss was much more fierce and impatient, with a natural wildness that belonged exclusively to an Alpha, as if he wanted to devour Tong Che into nothingness.

But Tong Che did not feel afraid. On the contrary, it was another kind of enjoyment. He raised his neck high and responded by instinct.

After kissing for a while, the air felt like it was being plundered, and Tong Che felt his breathing getting tighter and tighter, his head getting dizzy. Even looking at Mu Hanfeng was like seeing a double image.

This feeling was so real and so real that Tong Che struggled to wake up from his dream.

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But when he woke up, he found that the feeling had not disappeared, and his lips were still firmly captured...

Tong Che froze for two seconds before suddenly coming to his senses completely.

It wasn't a dream; he was really being kissed by Teacher Mu!

Mu Hanfeng's glasses had long been removed, and his eyes were now closed, with his thick eyelashes covering them, adding two different flavours to his already angular features.

Mu Hanfeng was so passionate in his kiss that he didn't even notice that Tong Che was already awake.

Tong Che's legs were around Mu Hanfeng's waist and his hands were also being held by him, so he could not move. He simply moved his mouth and lightly bit the tip of Mu Hanfeng's tongue.

This worked, and Mu Hanfeng's eyes opened abruptly, and they held an undisguised, thick desire.

They stared at each other for another two seconds before Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes, pulled back and laughed hoarsely, "Kitten, were you woken up by my kiss?"

Tong Che took two big breaths and glared at him, but didn't have the heart to say, " No, I was woken up by suffocation." "

“You..." Tong Che cleared his throat and opened his mouth to ask, "When did you get back?"

“I just got back not long ago." Mu Hanfeng replied with his mouth, but he traced Tong Che's features inch by inch with his eyes. The predatory look in them was not concealed in the slightest.

Tong Che's body got even hotter from his overly blunt eyes, and remembering the dream he just had, he couldn't help but ask, "Then... shall we continue?"

Mu Hanfeng inhaled lightly, and little Mu below nudged Tong Che. He asked in a low, husky voice, "Tong Tong, if we continue, do you know what will happen?"

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he didn't dare look at Mu Hanfeng. He hung his head as he nodded and replied, in a small voice, "I know. I won't be on the crew until the 6th anyway. "

The implication was that he was willing to completely give himself to Mu Hanfeng for these five days.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes darkened, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down, asking with his last shred of sanity, "Do you want to eat first?"

Tong Che burst into laughter. He suddenly made a bold move, reached out to touch little Mu, and said, not quite sure, "You... can you eat this?"

Mu Hanfeng gritted his teeth, held down on Tong Che’s chaotic hand, and said, "If you're hungry, you can eat first."

The tip of Tong Che's heart was warm and itchy. He shook his head and took the initiative to kiss Mu Hanfeng's Adam’s apple, holding back his shyness and saying, "I am not yet hungry..."

These words made Mu Hanfeng’s last trace of sanity collapse. He reached out and pulled the robe’s belt that was around Tong Che's waist, whispering, "Okay, wait for your husband to feed you."

The belt came apart, and Tong Che became a little milk cat, lying back on the black robe, which made him look like a piece of milky white jade.

Mu Hanfeng's kisses were like droplets of water, falling down in a delicate manner, not sparing a single inch of skin, and focusing on the two little red beans and the little moon of the kitten.

Everywhere he went, he sent ripples that turned the milk white into a light pink.

Their breaths were intertwined, their hearts raced, and their bayonets faced each other.

The fresh scent of coconut and the scent of the ocean rose up unknowingly, mingling and filling the air.

"Still..." Tong Che asked softly, "Isn't it okay now?"

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The end note had long since lost its usual coolness, like it was drenched in syrup, so sweet.

"It should be okay," Mu Hanfeng lowered his hand and tapped little Mu twice, then responded in a hoarse voice, "I'm afraid it will hurt, so I’ll try something first."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Tong Che was suddenly half-carried by Mu Hanfeng and set up against the bed, changing into a more convenient position.

The fingers paved the way first. It was smoother than expected, and they were instantly covered in clear coconut milk.

"Kitten," Mu Hanfeng leaned down to kiss Tong Che's collarbone, "you're so gifted."

A feeling he had never felt spread throughout his body from that point, and Tong Che couldn’t say a word. He only opened his mouth and bit Mu Hanfeng's earlobe as a response.

Mu Hanfeng's breathing grew thicker and deeper, and he didn't hesitate anymore. He probed and pulled open the drawer of the bedside table and took out what he needed, "Okay, hubby will tell you a story."

In the story, there was a little coconut.

One day, the little coconut came across an ocean.

Since then, this little coconut has become different from the other coconuts.

All other coconuts had hard shells, but this little coconut's shell, after being nourished and soaked by the sea for a long time, became soft.

Not only that, but a small round hole opened up on the top of this little coconut by itself.

The sea was also not like any other sea.

The water is supposed to be shapeless, but this seawater could form a huge, thick column of water, which was exceptional.

The little coconut and the sea liked each other, and the little coconut was eager to let the sea infuse itself, eager to blend with each other.

The sea water had the same intention, so its huge column of water penetrated into the small round hole at the top of the coconut.

But the hole looked so small that the column of water did not dare venture in at once, but only tried little by little.

The process was not entirely quick, and he would take three steps in and two steps out.

But being completely enveloped by the soft inner walls of the coconut, the water column felt a warmth it had never felt before, and even though the process was tortuous, he still enjoyed it.

Bit by bit, inch by inch, the water column finally reached the bottom of the coconut.

He found it a hundred times softer than he had originally imagined!

The moment the water column reached the bottom of the coconut, the coconut suddenly burst, and pure white coconut milk gushed out in a continuous stream.

The thick pillar of water followed suit, unable to keep its shape and reverting to seawater, but he had already blended with the little coconut, so the water that flowed out was similarly tinged with white.

The simultaneous gushing was wonderful, and both the seawater and the little coconut felt an extreme joy.

The sea water thickened up again, surging up the waves again, and the little coconut lay on the waves, swimming freely.


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When the story was finished, the whole room had been occupied by the scent of the ocean and the fragrance of the coconut, leaving not the slightest gap.

Tong Che was so weak and tired that he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.

Mu Hanfeng looked lazy and content in a way that no one had ever seen before, and he picked Tong Che up and took him into the bathroom with him.

When he was placed in the bath, Tong Che was already asleep.

Mu Hanfeng gently and carefully cleaned him up, took a shower himself, came out and quickly changed the bedclothes before carrying Tong Che back to bed with him.

It was still early, so Mu Hanfeng didn't wake Tong Che up, but closed his eyes together with him.

He had stayed up all night for the past two days in order to get back as soon as possible, and now that his body and mind were relaxed, it didn't take him long to fall asleep.

After a short time, Tong Che was woken up by hunger.

When he moved gently, Mu Hanfeng woke up with him. He lowered his head to kiss Tong Che's eyelids, asking in a low voice, "Awake?"

The memories from before he fell asleep gradually came back to him, and Tong Che hung his head in embarrassment, subconsciously reaching his hand back and touching it.

Mu Hanfeng noticed his movement and was a little nervous, "Does it hurt?"

"No," Tong Che shook his head and said honestly, "It just... it just feels like it's still a little sore."

Without waiting for Mu Hanfeng to say anything, Tong Che couldn't help but add, "Teacher Mu, you're really XXXL!"

The tone of his voice was full of amazement, as if there was a little bit of admiration...

Mu Hanfeng narrowed his eyes and gave Tong Che a light slap on the butt, warning, "If you still want to get up for dinner, don't tempt me again."

Tong Che instantly shut up.

The two of them were going to be in bed for a while longer when the bedroom door was suddenly scratched and the sound of coconut milk meowing came in.

Mu Hanfeng lost his breath, "This stinky cat really knows how to pick his time."

"Mr. Mu, go and open the door for him. Fortunately, he didn’t come running in the middle of..."

Mu Hanfeng grumbled, "If it had come in the middle, I would have locked it in the bathroom," but he reluctantly got up and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Coconut milk expertly stumbled in on three legs and jumped right on top of Tong Che.

Tong Che caught him steadily and sat up, half leaning against the bed and scratching Coconut Milk's chubby chin.

"You play with it first," Mu Hanfeng got up and headed out, "I'll go and heat up the meal."

The meal box delivered came with its own insulation effect, and none of the dishes inside were completely cold yet, so they warmed up quickly.

After it was warmed up and set out on the table one by one, Mu Hanfeng went back to the bedroom and asked Tong Che, "Do you want to eat in bed, or go to the dining room?"

"It's not like I'm doing anything," Tong Che said, embarrassed, "I'll eat in the dining room."

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With that, he was ready to get out of bed with the coconut milk in his arms.

Mu Hanfeng was quick, and he stepped forward and carried Tong Che with Coconut milk to the dining room.

Tong Che shook his legs in embarrassment and said, "Actually, I can walk by myself."

Mu Hanfeng was very obedient to him. "I know," he said, "it's your husband who wants to carry you."

Tong Che then obediently nestled into his arms and kept quiet.

The table was already full of dishes, and the aroma was overwhelming. Tong Che's stomach grumbled in response.

Mu Hanfeng heard it and smiled, "Are you really hungry now? Eat quickly, they're all your favourites. "

Tong Che also smiled and said "okay," putting Coconut milk on a soft cushion to eat the cat food, and both of them moved their chopsticks.

When the meal was over, it was almost midnight, and dinner had turned into a late night meal.

The window suddenly exploded with fireworks, lighting up the otherwise dark night sky, and Tong Che turned his head in surprise to look, exclaiming, "It's beautiful."

"If you like it, "Mu Hanfeng said in a warm voice, "we'll have them after the Chinese New Year."

"Can we?" Tong Che asked hurriedly, his tone full of anticipation.

Mu Hanfeng smiled and nudged the tip of his nose, "As long as Tong Tong likes something, there's nothing impossible."

Tong Che then curled his eyes. The little dimples at the corners of his lips were deep and sweet.

Mu Hanfeng casually turned on the TV and listened to the countdown to the New Year's Day party.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

Tong Che's eyes moved away from the fireworks and fixed on Mu Hanfeng's face.

Mu Hanfeng also locked eyes with him.

The moment "0" came out of the television, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng spoke at the same time...

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Mu Hanfeng smiled and asked, "Do you want to make a wish?"

Tong Che thought about it, closed his eyes to the fireworks, and made a real wish -

"May every year have this day and may every day have this day."

Mu Hanfeng did not ask him what he wished for, but only kissed him tenderly on the temples of his ears and promised earnestly, "It will all come true."

There's me, there's the cat, and there's home.

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