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As soon as Mu Hanfeng started to "eat", it was as if he had evolved into a perpetual motion machine, strictly practising what he had said before:

For three days and three nights, he did not let Tong Che out of bed.

On the first day, Tong Che had to be carried to the dining room for dinner, but on the second day, he simply lazed in bed and waited for Mu Hanfeng to bring him the food.

As for the third day?

On the third day, Tong Che couldn't even move his fingers, so he had to let Mu Hanfeng feed him!

It was true that he was tired, but Tong Che himself also felt very happy.

However, there is a limit to how much he can enjoy himself, so without Tong Che having to say it, Mu Hanfeng mentioned it first, "Let's not do it for the next two days and take it easy. It's time to join the crew. "

Tong Che was stunned, "Then if we didn’t have to join the group, you... you would still want to continue?"

Mu Hanfeng gave a rare smile, while gently massaging Tong Che and answered honestly, "I want to, but if you're too tired, I won't do it."

After saying this, Mu Hanfeng leaned down and kissed Tong Che's butterfly-like shoulder blades behind his back, sighing tersely, "Kitten, you really make me addicted. No matter how many times we do it, I feel it's not enough."

Tong Che was too embarrassed to speak again, and secretly sighed that the difference between the physical strength of an Alpha and an Omega was really huge!

On January 6, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng joined the set on time and started their new journey.

In fact, in this movie, although it is said to be a double lead, there was still a division of priority between the two leads.

This is because the entire story line revolves around the character played by Tong Che, while the character played by Mu Hanfeng plays the role of a guide.

Therefore, the real star of this movie is Tong Che, but Mu Hanfeng is the second male lead.

Yun Su casually picked up a beer bottle to act as a microphone and held it up in front of Mu Hanfeng with a smile, "Interview, how does it feel for Great Emperor Mu to be given a supporting role for the first time since his debut?"

"It’s wonderful," Mu Hanfeng smiled, "If it’s for Tong Che, I would be willing to do it for the rest of my life."

"No," Tong Che moved over to kiss Mu Hanfeng's chin and whispered, "Next time, you should still choose a role fit for you."

"Silly kitten," Mu Hanfeng said as he lowered his head to kiss the tip of Tong Che's nose. "We're a family, what do we care about this?"

Yun Su: "......"

Excuse me, should I be under the table?


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But to be honest, Tong Che's current acting skills are indeed not as good as Mu Hanfeng's. Not to say that he was not as talented as Mu Hanfeng, both of whom, in their own right, belong to the heaven's blessed children. They both have a lot of spirit in acting, but after all, Tong Che lacked too much experience compared to Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng can be said to be at the top of his game, and every production he has taken on along the way has been a masterpiece. He has been honed by major directors and has been able to combine his skills with his own perceptions, forming his own personal style.

But Tong Che was obviously still in the early stages of his career and could only immerse himself in the scene with his own spirit.

There is nothing wrong with immersion as an acting technique, but for the actor himself, it is a drain if he does not control the degree over time.

For example, in the current scene, after Tong Che had to do it twice, his emotions were almost overwhelmed. Mu Hanfeng was watching with a frown.

Director Wang sighed and patted Mu Hanfeng's shoulder, saying, "Let’s have a half hour break. You go and give him a lesson, teach him some techniques, it's hurtful for him to go on like this. "

Mu Hanfeng nodded and also sighed as he walked over towards Tong Che.

Of course, they had talked about the techniques, but after all, this was Tong Che's first screen production. He was afraid that talking too much would backfire, making Tong Che lose his original aura before he could fully master the techniques.

Tong Che thought the same thing too, so more often than not, he relied on himself to figure it out and experience it.

But now, it seems that this was really not the way to go on.

As he approached, Mu Hanfeng did not make any intimate movements, as they were still on the set and many people were around. He only raised his hand and gently touched Tong Che's hair, calling him softly, "Tong Tong."

Tong Che raised his head to look at Mu Hanfeng. His eyes were still red, and his eyes were confused for a moment before he answered, "Teacher Mu."

Mu Hanfeng took one look at him and knew that he hadn't completely gotten out of the scene yet. He didn't say anything more, but took Tong Che's wrist and walked towards the dressing room.

Tong Che followed two steps before he slowly regained his senses and said, "Teacher Mu, what are we going to do?"

"Let's go somewhere else," Mu Hanfeng responded casually, "and I'll give you some acting tips."

As they spoke, the two had already entered their private dressing room.

Mu Hanfeng fished out his phone and sent a quick message to Yun Su, asking him to keep watch at the door.

After sending the message, Mu Hanfeng tucked his phone back into his pocket, reached out and pulled Tong Che into a corner.

As an afterthought, Tong Che realized that Mu Hanfeng was not planning to talk about acting at all, and he asked him in a small voice, "Teacher Mu, are we... not talking about acting?"

"We are." Mu Hanfeng pressed himself to Tong Che's ear and laughed lowly, "but Teacher Mu wants to collect a tuition fee first."

With that, he imprisoned Tong Che firmly in his arms and grabbed his neck from behind. He licked it twice with the tip of his tongue, and teasingly said, "Tong Tong, you pestered me to bite you last night. Do you like it that much? "

No matter how many times Mu Hanfeng had been like this, the tingling sensation that came to the back of Tong Che’s neck had not diminished in the slightest. Tong Che came out of the scene completely. He pursed his lips and shook his head, "No, I just crave for your pheromones!"

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Mu Hanfeng slightly narrowed his eyes, and the next second, his canine teeth did not hesitate to pierce the fragile glands under his lips, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Craving for my pheromones?" Or do you crave for me? Hmm?"

Tong Che breathed in the raging sea scent wrapped in the air, clutching the strong arm around his waist, the corners of his eyes tinged with red, and his voice spilled out in an airy tone, "Yes, for you."

The afternoon sun was perfect...

When they returned to the set again, Tong Che was in great shape and passed in one go.

The director praised Mu Hanfeng for his ability to teach.

From then on, Tong Che had an exclusive trick to get out of the scene. A trick that only he and Mu Hanfeng knew, their little secret.

The life of filming was simple but not monotonous. Although every day was tiring, on the whole, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng enjoyed it.

Until one day, a new supporting role appeared in the drama, an admirer of the character played by Mu Hanfeng. The role was not much, and it would only take about a week to shoot.

The person who played this character was called Wei Qian, an Omega boy. Though he was obviously not as popular as Tong Che, he was a little famous. He was not very handsome, but quite cute, and belonged to the quite likable type.

Tong Che himself has no impression of him. He didn't know him before, and he didn't intend to know him in the future.

Naturally, Mu Hanfeng didn't plan to get to know each other anymore. It was just a week's worth of scenes, and even in the scenes, there wasn't much intimacy between them.

However, Wei Qian obviously had his own ideas.

On this day, it happened to be a scene where the character he played confessed to the character played by Mu Hanfeng, and was later rejected.

It was shot at night, and when it was finished, director Wang called it a wrap.

Mu Hanfeng walked off the set without hesitation, ready to go for supper with Tong Che.

He had just taken two steps when Wei Qian followed him and called out to him, "Teacher Mu, do you want to have supper together?"

Mu Hanfeng didn't stop walking and shook his head coldly, "No."

But Wei Qian was not discouraged and reached out to hold Mu Hanfeng's arm, "Mr. Mu, I..."

Mu Hanfeng cut him off, shaking off his hand and saying, "Don't touch me."

Wei Qian looked startled. He subconsciously took a small step backwards and paused for two seconds before whispering, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mu, I... I do have something to say to you."

Tong Che was waiting right at the edge of the set, and Mu Hanfeng became impatient, "What? Don't say it if it's not important. "

Wei Qian hesitated for a second, but gathered the courage to ask, "I just want to ask you, just now in the scene, I confessed my love to you, and you rejected me, so what about outside the scene?"

Mu Hanfeng did not expect Wei Qian to be so blunt. He froze for a second, shook his head and let out a laugh, "The same applies outside of the play. I have a master, don’t disturb me."

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Dropping this sentence, Mu Hanfeng didn't look at him again and walked towards Tong Che with big steps.

When Wei Qian said that, they were already not far from Tong Che, so he heard it all, and his heart was sweet and sour.

The sweetness was naturally because he had heard Mu Hanfeng's blunt rejection.

On the other hand, he felt that Mu Hanfeng was too popular. They were in the same production, and he was sitting right next to them, but someone was still rushing to confess his love to Mu Hanfeng!

With mixed feelings in his heart, Tong Che was a bit silent for a while.

Mu Hanfeng inclined his head to look at him and smiled as he spoke, "Is my kitten jealous?"

The tone of his voice was a very different kind of tenderness from the way he treated Wei Qian.

Tong Che paused, shook his head, and said, very unconvincingly, "No... I’m not jealous."

Teacher Mu had already rejected that Wei Qian so brutally, wouldn't it seem unreasonable for him to say he was jealous?

Of course, Mu Hanfeng could guess what Tong Che was thinking, and he said, in a well-guided manner, "If you say you're jealous, I will be very happy."

Tong Che turned his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, finding that his serious expression did not look like he was joking. He hesitated for a second, but still told the truth, and his tone unconsciously showed a bit of grievance, "Yes, I'm jealous. You are so attractive."

Mu Hanfeng’s heart softened into a ball, and he suddenly said, "Kitten, do you want to make it public?"

Tong Che was stunned and asked, "You want to go public now?"

"Yes," Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically, "Don't you want to?"

"I want to," Tong Che shook his head hastily, "It's just that we originally planned to wait until this movie was finished before we made it public."

It would be best to wait until this film is released. If the response was good, then he would be considered successful in his transition, and when they went public, he would feel more confident standing with Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng understood Tong Che’s unspoken words, and he said in a warm voice, "Tong Tong, you are good enough now, not to mention..."

Mu Hanfeng paused, the corners of his lips picking up, coaxing, "In fact, I've always wanted to go public, so that everyone else would know that Tong Che is mine. Then there wouldn't always be people who have their long eyes stuck on you. "

He was telling the truth, and in turn, it was also a great temptation for Tong Che.

By going public, wouldn't there be a lot fewer people like Wei Qian?

Or, even if another Wei Qian appeared, he wouldn't have to stand on the sidelines and watch like he did this time. He would be able to go up and sharply swear sovereignty and arrogantly warn others that Mu Hanfeng was his boyfriend.

Just thinking about it made Tong Che feel happy.

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Mu Hanfeng, finding that Tong Che was moved by his speech, picked up where he left off, "You don't have to worry about Yun Su's side either, he was prepared from the start that we would go public at any time."

The last trace of concern was dispelled, and Tong Che couldn't help but nod his head and respond, "Then... we'll go public tonight!"

This was probably the most impulsive decision Tong Che had made in his twenty-three years.

Yet he did not feel uneasy, simply because the source and reason for the impulse were all Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng laughed and gave Tong Che a big kiss on the forehead.


That night, Tong Che updated a very simple yet powerful enough Weibo post- It was a picture, with one word below it.

The picture was of a man's extremely sexualized Adam’s apple, and around it, a circle of teeth marks were neatly printed.

Although his face is not visible, the owner of the Adam’s apple could be recognized by his trademark black shirt.

The caption was simple and brutal:


Along with his tweet, there was Mu Hanfeng's latest Weibo post.

The format was exactly the same: a picture with one word below it.

In the picture, the glowing white skin had a small pink moon mark on it. The little moon had a circle of neat but slightly fierce teeth marks around it.

The accompanying words were equally simple and brutal:


Before, the last thing Mu Hanfeng wanted was for Tong Che's little moon to be seen by others.

But now, he was willing to let everyone see it, to see that this little moon, had long been branded by him.

Tong Che's little moon could be seen by everyone.

But only he could make the little moon his.



Aww the sweet journey comes to a conclusion. Bt the good news is that we stiil have three extra chapters of fluff!

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