“We’re two short.”

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It didn’t take long for him to notice the escaped prey. The young Duke Janus was instantly offended.

Nothing is more disturbing to him than those who break the rules of play. Since he was a generous master, he gave opportunities to his negligent subordinates.

He said they could hide wherever they could and would let go of them if they could avoid him. However, do not enter the castle. He placed that one rule.

He was a nobleman. He was not some delinquent who shoots in his house.

He kindly explained the circumstances and told them not to enter the castle, but one of the prey had crawled into the castle.

While chasing the trail, he became very uncomfortable when he was about to pick up a pair of shoes near the back door where the servants came and went. He felt uneasy about the thought of going inside the house and shooting.

The boy’s face, who had seemed quite carefree until now, became terribly hard.


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A groan was heard above his head, clenching his teeth and trying to contain the scream. He looked up and saw the prey he had missed lurking by the window.

At the same time, the horses of the stables on the other side jumped out as if startled by something, and ran vigorously across the central garden. Some of the employees who had been hiding here and there in the sudden commotion turned their heads towards the running horses without realizing it.

The boy’s lips twitched as he pondered what had happened.

The expression on his face was so bright that it was impossible to tell if he ever had a hardened face in the beginning.


Seeing the commotion in the central garden, Gilbert seemed to have moved as planned.

And by now, Anne, lurking near the window, must be trying to confess to where she had run away to live.

Molly, the smallest and weakest of the horses, was released from the stable. Because I told Gilbert to do so.

But even if Gilbert was captured, that would be no problem.

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Because I have no plans to get away from the Duke’s Castle today.

As expected, I could hear Anne speaking urgently to the Duke who had caught her.

“I will tell you the truth! Betty, the little girl was scared and was trying to run away, so I stopped her…….”

“Did Betty wake up?”

“What? Yes, she just woke up…….”

Ann’s bare feet could be seen through the cracks in the rough plank wall. Gilbert didn’t seem to be caught yet.

“…… She’d probably ride Molly! She might think Molly would be easy to handle because she’s the smallest and gentlest?”

“Won’t she feel dizzy?”

The Duke, who had been listening to Anne, said that out of the blue. Anne questioned, seemingly perplexed.

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“It’s Betty. Dried twin grass takes a long time to detoxify, so she might feel dizzy even after she was able to go about her daily life. It means there will be some brain damage.”

Listening to it, I feel a bit dizzy.

However, it seemed that I would be able to survive a few days in this small and cozy place.

The Duke won’t be in the castle for long anyway, and it’s absurd to run away while he’s still here. No matter how small and gentle the horse is, I can’t climb on top of it and escape the Duchy at the age of 10.

For situations like this, I had looked for a suitable space in advance. It’s in a corner of the kitchen, roughly blocked off with a board (I don’t know why it was blocked, I think it could be used as a cupboard.) The board that blocked the entrance was so weak that if I crumpled my body well, a small child like me could fit in.

Besides, the place beyond the board was originally made as a ventilation window, so I could look outside through the cracks in the board.

As if not knowing that I was hiding here, the duke continued.

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“It’s also good to keep decoction of wing flowers and temi tree fruit for about a week. Both are easily available. Oh, it’s hard to find temi tree fruit when it’s this cold.”

Make a decoction of wing flowers and temi tree fruit.

As the person who ate the dried twin grass, it was very useful information, so I listened to it carefully.

But after thinking about it a bit more, it was strange.

‘He must have been quite angry with Anne, so why was he suddenly bragging about his knowledge?’

As if he was having me listen on purpose……

“So it would be better to lie still and rest in bed, right?”

I felt something unusual and tried to look through the cracks between the boards, but I stiffened beforehand.

It was because of the red eyes that met mine through the gap.

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