My name is Betty. I do not have a last name because I am a commoner.

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So, just ‘Betty’.

It was only when I was about to start that I realized that this was my second life.

There was a time when I was thrilled that I was going to experience the absurd ‘When I opened my eyes, the ceiling was unfamiliar’ thing that I had only heard of.

– Director, what should we name this child?

– Just call her Betty? I’m too lazy to name her.

When I had to see with my own two eyes the way I was given the name ‘Betty’, I thought lightning was going to strike even in the dry sky.

Betty? What do you mean I’m Betty?

I don’t know which novel I am now, but there was only one name I could guess.

It was clear that I was just nothing more than an extra that would pop out as maid 1 and 2 or handmaid 1 and 2.

Born with such a trivial fate, I grew up in an orphanage in Duchy Janus. It was an orphanage with a pretty decent curriculum despite its circumstances.

I learned all the basic skills needed to get a job as a maid, such as cleaning, sewing, and cooking. No one taught me how to write, and I didn’t even have time to learn.

From the time I can walk properly, I start working when the sun rises and only sleep when the sun sets. As the hard days continued, my initial excitement gradually dried up.

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When I found out that the land I was stepping on was the ‘Heavenly Continent, Noah’s Empire’, I thought of the possession novel <JaSV>, but what does that have to do with me?

Even the memories of my previous life were gradually fading.

I can remember what country I was from in the past, what gender I was, and what my job was, but trivial memories like what I liked and disliked, who I was close to were quickly disappearing.

As time goes on, the only thing that I can remember in detail is <JaSV>.

It remained in my memory very clearly, as if it was the only thing that mattered in my life.

[I pray that this time you will….. enjoy a trivial and insignificant life.]



My eyes flashed open as if I had received some revelation.

Wherever I tossed my body, the stiff bed where I had to curl up my body to overcome the early morning cold became a soft and fluffy blanket and a ray of sunlight gently wrapped my body.

I slowly got up and looked around.

The bedroom is slightly smaller than the room where six low-ranking maids sleep together.

A large, clean glass window that faces the south and welcomes the warm sunlight.

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The feel of the carpet that touched my feet when I got out of bed.

‘This is the room for the distinguished guests.’

I was stuck all the time in the kitchen washing dishes, but I could tell. This was the room for the distinguished guests of the Duke’s Castle, which had not been used for a long time.

As soon as I found out, I quickly looked at the expensive things around me. Famous paintings in front of me, small statues and ceramics adorning the fireplace and table top.

I shouldn’t touch anything.

In the cucumber field, do not even bend down to fix your shoes, don’t wander around expensive items for nothing. (an idiom meaning that if you walk into a field and bend down to fix your shoes, you’ll be out of sight and people might suspect you for stealing some stuff, while you may not; only fixing your shoe)

‘What is that fluttering thing?’

Something like a pure white ribbon moved in the sky, so when I turned around, I saw my reflection in the mirror.

The little kid with freckles, like sprinkles of brown sugar on my pale face, was wearing an expensive children’s robe, probably several times my annual income.

‘This is obviously…… the boy Duke’s doing.’

Even when I read the book, I couldn’t quite figure out what this boy was thinking. But now as I actually experienced it, it was even harder for my head to understand.

I looked out the window to see the castle’s changing atmosphere.

And I stiffened.

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“30 minutes left. Everyone, be strong.”

A hunting rifle was held in the smiling boy’s hand, and from time to time frightened employees appeared and moved back and forth from various places in the beautifully maintained garden.

No matter how I look at it…… This is like a hunter and prey.

The butler, who always sat at the top seat and took the place of the Master, was lying in a corner. Perhaps he had already been caught, but he did not appear to be alive.

Crazy bastard, true nut job.

“Betty…… ! You, you woke up.”

My body that got tense at the creepy sight was startled by the voice. I looked back and saw Anne.

Her voluptuous blonde hair, which she was proud of, was scattered, and above all, she was barefoot. Anne crawled under my bed as I looked at her.

Looking into her puzzled eyes, Anne forced her lips to curve to a smile as she put her finger to her mouth. The way she tried to smile with a terrified face couldn’t have looked more bizarre.

‘Is she asking me to hide her?’

I wondered if I could find out more information about what was happening outside, so I lowered my body and made eye contact with Anne under the bed.

“Anne, how long has it been since I collapsed?”

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“Are you crazy? If you do this, I will be caught…… !”

As I approached, she panicked and suddenly became angry.

“Are you hiding from the Duke now?”

“Can’t you see? Betty, you dirty orphan girl…….Hurry, get back up on the bed and lie down.”


“Because, if you ask me, do what I told you to do.”

“Why do I have to do that?”


I was lost in thought as I watched Anne trembling under the bed.

As I looked at her with a calculating gaze, Anne seemed to be nervous, but she quickly smiled and calmed me down.

“Betty, you’re a good kid, aren’t you? Can you help me? We don’t see each other often, but I like you the most among the kids who work in the kitchen. You’re a good kid right? Go up to bed and lie down.”

Hearing those, I couldn’t help but smile. Anne must have completely misunderstood something.

I wasn’t a good kid, I was a weak kid.

“Why should I be lying in bed with such good bait? I don’t understand it at all.”

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