I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1016: 1016 The Spiritual Crystal

This Isnt lord aware of how valuable these legendary fruits are?!! and as if what I revealed shocked him, he couldnt help but frown for a few moments, before taking the two gems again and extending his big hand over to me.

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I cant I cant take advantage of lords not knowing about these gems, he said, and I had to push his hand back.

Dude, I got enough from these, I lied, but I need to understand their value. A big deal is going underway and few folks are asking for these gems at a low price.

This This is a daylight steal!! I had to lie and give him such an excuse so hed close the page of returning these two gems over to me.

Thats why I need your help here. All I know about these is that they are produced by absorbing death energy and can replenish any lost strength.

Lord Is the lord aware of how cultivation works?

Its by absorbing the natural spiritual energy from the world and storing it inside the meridians and dantian, this was my current understanding of how cultivation worked.

Well In general that can be true. But the spiritual energy we absorb is getting refined through our dantians. The meridians act like veins, and dantian is like hearts And here comes the true value of these legendary fruits.

As they do What?

They work to refine the dantian and meridians, make dantians more effective in working their magic over the absorbed spiritual energy. They also will turn the meridians more spacious, making them able to store much more energy, allowing us to absorb more.

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So in theory, they cant restore the lost bases or repair the damage caused by what I did

Lord, they cant restore anything, but surely they can heal any damage, he paused before adding in a serious tone, and the results brought by a single one of these are enough to make any cultivator crave for these, and place them in a very high regard.

How so? If they cant restore bases or even add more, then why would anyone want them?

Because they can shorten the time of our cultivation. If we needed a year to just jump a small base higher, then with these we can cut time into half. And not only that, give anyone without cultivation one of these and he will step into the cultivation world instantly!


Thats how magical these legendary fruits are, he laughed, and thats why we all crave to get these. But lord In our universe The presence of such fruits is almost non-existent.

This Are you saying that they are priceless?

Even the strongest leaders of us wont find these fruits this easily, and that means they are more than just priceless.

Well Just the effect of allowing anyone to step into the cultivation path was enough to turn these gems into legendary stuff in my eyes.

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I needed to test such a theory. And if it was proven to be right, then things would be much different from now on.

I got only these gems back from my necromancer world. What about the leaves? Seeds? Flowers? Water? What about the world itself?

If all had such magical effects, then I swore Id empty this world and others empty from their products.

Id turn not only a few tens of thousands, but millions and tens of millions even into cultivators.

Lord cant just sell them cheap. Its an insult, not just a waste!

I got it, I knew I had now a wild card, one that I should properly use.

I got my bones, got these awesome gems and other products from my necromancer world All of these were priceless and held great value to me and others.

But I also was terribly weak and lacking tons of stuff. So at some point, Id have to accept such losses and do trades, like the ones going on with Silverlining.

I wasnt in the situation to select and refuse to not continue doing such trades. I wasnt in the position of keeping my treasures and good stuff for myself alone.

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And yet That also didnt mean Id settle with just any offer like a stray dog!

Thanks, I said in gratitude, now can you tell me more about how your people cultivate?

I I have a question to ask the lord first How did you get our power? Are you perhaps related to us?

Well It came as a coincidence.

Luck is also one form of power Interesting indeed, he kept nodding and muttering to himself for a few minutes before he finally made up his mind. Ill teach lord our ways. After all, its an honour that our mighty saviour and lord belongs to my clan, hahahaha! I just want to see the faces of other clans when they get to hear this, hahahaha!

Im glad you are excited about this, however I do lack in everything, I was excited that he agreed to tell and teach me his clans secrets.

I was worried hed be too damn loyal to his clan and refuse to tell me secrets even if the price was his head!

First I gotta test the purity of the lords base, and as I was lost in thoughts, he said this weird stuff.

What do you mean?

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Well, everyone isnt the same. And the main difference lies in the purity of ones cultivation base. Its a complicated concept, but there is a simple technique to test it, he got out a small crystal and handed it over to me.

It was small enough to fit my hand perfectly fine. A pure white crystal that seemed like a normal rock. It was transparent, and I didnt feel anything special about it.

What is this?

Its called spiritual crystal, something common in our universe, he said before explaining, I want the Lord to do two things here. First drop a blood drop over it, then wait for a minute and then start to ingest it with your spiritual energy.


Ill explain when things happen, he calmly smiled, giving me such an answer which wasnt. It seemed this matter was too complicated, and I wasnt looking for any headache.

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