I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1017: 1017 Spirit Representation Stage

As he said, I did. First I let a single drop of my blood fall over the crystal. I expected anything to happen, but aside from the crystal to shine with a faint red colour for a few seconds, nothing much happened.

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Sigh! I told you my base is weak!

Its yet too soon to judge, lord still needs to ingest his energy to activate the crystal ability.

Ok, I didnt know from where this dude brought such confidence, but I admired his attitude for sure.

As he said, I gushed my spiritual energy after one minute inside that crystal. The moment my energy went inside, the crystal started to shine brighter with each passing second.

Lord You can give it to me now, after a few minutes, he asked for the crystal back. Yet before Id extend my hand over, a new change occurred.

It was like arcs of lightning appeared around the crystal, black lightning that danced in thin arcs, giving the crystal a magical appearance.

The crystal was already shining in bright blue colour, the current grade of my spiritual energy it seemed. But these arcs of lightning was something I didnt expect to see, and it seemed also Zangibar didnt expect it either.

Lord Lord Keep ingesting your energy, never stop, ok?

Sure, I didnt know why he got all this excited, but I kept gushing out my energy for almost half an hour.

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The more energy I poured into the crystal, the thicker the lightning arcs became.

Sigh! Its almost there, but it seems that something is still lacking and from the side, and after the passage of half an hour, he muttered such weird words.

And just as he said it, a faint rumble suddenly occurred, making me instantly shift my attention over the crystal.

This This

Is this normal? I saw a silhouette appearing all over the arcs of lightning. Just when the rumble occurred, a faint layer of black fog appeared enveloping the entire crystal.

It looked like the lightning was burning something, and in the middle of all this fog, a shape appeared.

It was a face, a face of someone that wasnt any different from me.

Was it my face? How come my face would appear down there?

Thats Spirit representation stage Damn! Damn! How come I thought it would stop at most at the spirit lightning ascension stage, but to reach the spirit representation stage Thats unheard of for tens of thousands of years!!!

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Zangibar, whats wrong with this? I didnt get a single word of what he just blurted out in such immense shock.

He raised his head, looked at me for a long minute without being able to say anything.

Lord Are you sure you are a descendant of this universe, not ours?

Sure, Im a descendant of my universe Why?

If so If this is all true Then he ignored my question and kept mumbling to himself, lord Does the Lord have already opened the shadow world of his?

Well, thats why I came to you. I got such an amazing and fascinating world without any ability to control it.

So its true And that means he sized me up and down before adding, lord, what you got is something considered mythic in our clans history.

For real? How so?

We use the shadow world energy, drain it to form our bases and use our techniques, he didnt laugh over my mockery, acting as if it was something too damn serious, and the stronger the bond we got with the shadow world, the stronger we become.

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But I got a world of my own.

Thats A blessing, truly a blessing. Lord, this world of yours isnt just a place, its an entire world in all what the word means! You can not only draw energy from it, you can even go there, build towns and cities, and even bring people to live there!

Oh, I went there a few times already but couldnt get anyone there with me.

You already visited it? Wow! And you did all this without knowing anything about this world? Thats quite Impressive!

Thanks, I had to establish my base there so

When I said it, his body trembled and I got to stop. I didnt know why, but saying anything to this dude would turn him all excited and get him deeply shocked.

Lord You already moved your cultivation base there? How did you do it without our clans secret technique?!!

Its not that I moved it there, I established my cultivation base in that world. See, the first thing I did was to open the world and then establish the cultivation base there, and the two happened almost at the same time.

This time, I totally ignored his disbelief and shock, while continuing to speak.

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I went there, and felt like my world had more potential than what I took it for. So I came here to ask. Is there another world beyond mine? How can I take people and monsters there? And you said I can build towns and cities Well, considering the small size of my world, I dont believe this will be possible.

Lord Lord You You just got such an amazing gift without knowing how to use it. You dont get any of the techniques of our clan, the ones that will solve all this for you. And about the world, its just like any other world in our universes. You got a place to rule over, while being surrounded with tons of forces that limit your space. So to expand

I need to fight I got his point, but how? Im all alone there! Shall I go outside and kill my way through?

No, lord this is suicide! The forces living inside that world arent bound by any limits. They can be part of our cosmos, or from other cosmos we never know about! They got tons of forces, and they are very strong.


Lord has first to select his forces carefully. The space there is already limited, so the lord has to select carefully whom to send over.

Well I already sent a bunch of crazy folks out there.

What? How?!!!

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