I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1029: 1029 A Brilliant Trick Of My Enem

I fought against tons of enemies and ventured through many battlefields. If I got to learn something, then Id say there was nothing like getting such inhuman power without the need to pay a price.

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And that price was usually the users energy. So that jerk was just trying to buy his time, to launch a second and much deadlier attack to finish me off.

As after that, sooner or later, this mighty transformation of his would vanish and a backlash would hit him.

So it was simply down to this; staying here and fighting him head on was a foolish bravery that I didnt have.

I instantly turned around, moved as far away as possible.

Not letting you off! but the next moment, a huge rumble occurred and I saw that behemoth lord taking a single step forward.

What my chariot would cross in half a minute he crossed with such a simple step. Damn! This wasnt fair, dude!

Hahaha, catch me if you can, hahahaha!

But who said taking such a step with such a body wasnt without a price to pay?

I had to push him to consume more of his limited energy, greatly shortening this transformation time. And I got an idea about what to do.

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Just as he took the step, I was already flying towards a different direction while teasing him with my words.

And he just got provoked, falling into such a childish trap.

Ill kill you bastard, no matter what it takes you are dead meat!

Poor fellow! It seemed he lost much of his intelligence with such transformation. Or was it because the energy consumption was this great, putting massive pressure over him?

If I was him, then Id turn around and chase the wind to get away as far as possible from here.

If the first attack failed, then the clock was ticking and he got no way to kill such slippery enemy as myself.

So running was his only option. And if he tried to do so, I wouldnt be able to stop him or catch up in short notice.

But he was acting like a dumb, moving around, trying to chase or smash me with his feet, or hitting me with his sledgehammer.

All he did was futile! And in less than a few minutes, his colossal body shrank in a loud rumble, before he returned to his small version.

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Got you, idiot! Once he started shrinking, I stopped fooling around. I turned towards him and landed with my glaive to cleave his head apart from his shoulders.

Three lords were down. But I spent lots of time dealing with these three.

So the fourth must have run away and hid himself in the middle of his forces.

Fine, Ill deal with you later, as one was hard to find, I decided to go towards the one I left behind; that hector paragon like lord.

This dude was still fighting against my fallen gods. Even if I called back my chariot, the gods were already chasing after him on foot.

After I left my chariot back there, he started to chase after me yet to be rained with such deadly hits from my fallen gods.

So he had to take detours, drifting far away from the reach of my fallen gods.

They had to pursuit on foot, and that made him unable to even catch his breath till now.

He wasnt able to run, wasnt able to chase me, so he had only one option left; stay back there and fight.

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It seemed he hoped for other lords to come and join him. But that idiotic last lord I killed decided to come at me and help his colleague in taking me down.

As for the fourth lord, he was smart enough to know that fighting me was futile. Only running away was the only option he got, and he was doing it brilliantly too far.

Hi, did you miss me? In less than a couple minutes I caught up with him.

That mighty and invincible looking shield reached a state where many deep cracks appeared all over it. Inside, the face of that lord was quite unsightly.

I want to make an offer Why wont we stop fighting and Ill be on your side from now on? he tried to reason up with me, yet the only answer he got was my glaive smashing against his shield.

Sorry, wrong offer, if he offered to be my lackey, follow me around like a loyal dog, then Id have considered it.

But he wanted to keep his head and status intact. He acted greedy when he got no capital to back him up.

Youll rot in hell motherf*cker! and just as the shield shattered and my glaive followed after his neck, he blurted out such rude words before his head flew in the air, rolling on the ground.

Sorry, I hate unimaginative folks, I waved my glaive, cleansing it off from any trace of blood.

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Then I shifted my attention towards the grand battlefield.

I spent almost half an hour dealing with these four lords. But the result was so amazing. Four armies out of the five got eliminated.

Their forces stood motionless, making my forces free to target the fifth army.

That was what I thought until I took a wider glance at the entire battlefield.

This There was something I never expected. Instead of having four silent armies and one active and fighting my army, there wasnt a single fight going on at the moment.

The five armies, the entire five armies laid down their weapons, fell on the ground, lowered their heads, and never moved a muscle.

Lord, we won! and just as I was feeling this puzzled, an earth shattering cry of victory came from my army.

Damn! This wasnt good!

No, there is still one lord alive and one army still ready to attack us! I instantly held my horn, shouted at the direction of all my forces, scatter and surround all, dont let anyone move. If a single one moved, then attack his entire army!

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