I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1030: 1030 Time To Go Out And Hunt

Lord How is this possible? Just as I was watching my forces scatter around such a grand battlefield, surrounding the five silent armies in the middle, Zangibar came and shouted in distress and disbelief.

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I believe the last lord is someone who is as cunning and interesting as myself, I moved my eyes around, while feeling how with such a simple move, the entire battle shifted.

And that made me want to meet such a genius lord.

It wasnt easy to come up with such an idea in the middle of such stressful moments. He kept his cool even when his life was on the line.

Even I doubted Id think of something like this under similar circumstances.

Amazing abilities and talent I wanted this lord to serve me!

Lord Isnt it possible for one of our men to kill him?

Stop being a fool, any lord is a pain in the ass already, I rolled my eyes when Zangibar said such meaningless words.

That was exactly what that lord wanted me to believe. If I even considered it, then Id be falling deeply into his trap.

No, that dude was alive.

Then what will we do?

Easy peasy, I waved my glaive in the air a couple of times, Ill go and collect my loot first. You keep watching here, ok?

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Zangibar didnt get what I meant. If my enemy was such cunning, then Id have to be a little creative as well.

Listen up, Ill give you one hour to think about this I like what you did, truly am. So why dont we join hands? With me as your lord and you as my appointed man in this world?

Thats what I planned for him. I got that having territory here wasnt nice and fun. It was a great responsibility, and would make me quite busy in the next few days, weeks, or even months.

So why wouldnt I appoint someone who was formerly a lord? One who got to know the ins and outs of this world, and got what it took to lead and protect my territory?

But all I got was nothing but silence.

One hour, thats your limit, I didnt give him such time out of pure will or good heart.

Trying to subdue such a cunning and resourceful lord wasnt that easy a task that could be handled by words alone.

This lord had to feel the coldness of the wall trapping his back, and the fierceness of my glaive coming at his neck before bowing his head over.

But it was worth it. Hed make a fine talent and strong asset, especially here.

As for the one hour, it wasnt for him, but for me.

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The first thing I did was to collect my bones. I knew this was something not that urgent, but something was bothering me.

And when I got the bones, I got the thing I was worried about.

It was the cube!

I got not only one this time, but four.

I felt the same stinging pain before four marks appeared on my left hand and vanished like before.

Sigh It seems there is something related with the lords killed under my hand and these cubes then, this was what I could think about.

Yet this was all I got from these cubes. I got no other clue.

Time to go and hunt territories Little drag, come with me.

I got four lords territories waiting for me to claim, and one of them was the one I was attacking so far.

But this one was the trickiest, even if it was the easiest. I could simply control it but there was a catch.

What if the remaining lord, that sneaky bastard, was the owner of this territory? Then hed get exposed and a big fight would erupt.

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That wasnt my plan. I planned to control the four other armies first, and get an upper hand here in terms of numbers.

But looking for the other lords territories was a pain as well.

Id assume all of them had white territories, and they were close from here.

They appeared in a short time and in such arrangement and tacit understanding of each other.

So the first thing I did was to rise high in the air to gain better vision.

One Two Five Eight Twelve I counted twelve territories close to this one, with eight were white and the rest were all green.

Lets go, I landed fast, try to catch up with me, I said to my little turtle before adding, once I attacked a place, make sure to rain down hell over them without asking.

Sure, dark lord, he said while trying to chase after my chariot.

Id get to check each and single one of these twelve territories. The ones with few forces left were the ones Id attack.

Not this one, unlike what I expected, the closest territory from here was filled with tons of forces.

Next one then, I moved, without even sparing a glance again at this territory. I got to find the four other lands fast.

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The twelve territories were arranged in three layers, forming a semi-circular arrangement around the one I was currently attacking.

This one and once I got close to the third territory, I could see it void from many forces. Come out! Lets go and clear everything together!

I didnt plan to depend only on my little turtle and fallen gods. They were mighty but not enough. So I summoned my soulers, led by Lucas.

Lord! Whats the mission? Lucas flashed and appeared just next to me.

Go and smash and kill anything and everyone you find, I said while jumping off my chariot, lets crush this territory in ten minutes top.

Got it, lord! Lucas also flashed down to the ground and started leading his ten thousand soulers with me.


Defend the lords lands until he comes back!

Kill them!

Many shouts came, but they were sporadic and scattered over a wide stretch of land.

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