I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1137: 1137 They Can't Trespass

These roars came from the direction of the grand gulf. I recalled a mighty aquatic war to erupt there, but never thought it was this bloody enough to give birth to such grand zombies.

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I counted more than one hundred roars coming from that direction before I stopped counting. My face changed when I realised this.

If each and single one of these grand zombies created a den, then it was going to be a real trouble.

After all these dens would all be underwater. And the question I needed to know the answer to right now was if these aquatic zombies were able to come on the surface or not.

If so then the current situation here and at other places, like the eastern side of my capital, would be dire.

Without wasting my time here, I started flying directly towards the direction of these roars.

Even if I was met with many grand zombies, my life wasnt going to be in any danger. And I needed to assess the danger lurking at my kingdom early on.

If my earlier guess was right, then this was going to be a very tricky situation. I wanted to go to other worlds and start causing ruckus there.

The Hescos already came here. And that meant I should also pay their kindness double and start invading other worlds.

However with the threat of the aquatic zombies here, I wouldnt risk doing this for now. I had first to secure the interior of my kingdom before taking any step outside.

Even going up to the North would have to wait until Id secure this aquatic threat if it really existed.

Dens werent that easy to destroy. In fact they were indestructible. The only way though was by using the method the zombie leaders proposed to me.

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Knowing this I couldnt help but sigh. I didnt want to bet everything over unconfirmed theory. However, what choice did I have here?

I didnt need to fly for more than half an hour before that gulf out there came into my sight. When I came closer, I managed to see towering beings that appeared like giant rocks standing from the water.

They looked ferocious and different. Yet with their pale skin and wounds covering all over their bodies, I knew they were zombies, high class ones.

But seeing this didnt make me any worried. In fact I felt relieved. I saw slightly over two hundred grand zombies in the gulf ocean waters, but they didnt take a single step on land.

They looked threatening, but that was all. They couldnt get on land for a reason.

However the land already was covered in endless normal zombies. I started examining them, and found nothing abnormal about them.

Moment of truth then even by seeing their threatening presence in such a way, I didnt take this for granted.

They might act this way because there wasnt enough trigger for them to get on land. So the next moment I summoned tons of my warriors, and didnt bother using my pillars skill.

I didnt want to mask the presence of my warriors or scare these grand zombies to not attack for the presence of these protective shields.

The moment my warriors appeared, chaos erupted. This region had a minimal amount of defences structured already. Yet it wasnt enough to give my warriors proper head start.

So I had to increase the number of the warriors, span them over a large zone to help them claim a piece of land.

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Then I ignored the brutal and bloody fighting down below, and focused entirely over the grand zombies at the ocean.

They roared, seemingly enticed by the presence of life nearby like any normal zombie would do. But after that they did nothing at all.

They kept roaring without doing anything else. I also kept watching the shore to make sure not a single zombie would slip from the water to the surface.

Unlike my expectations and worries, nothing like this ever happened. I looked around and saw the bloody battle still ragging on.

I havent jumped to conclusions yet. I kept myself here while waiting for my warriors to kill as many zombies as they could. I even summoned more warriors to replenish those who fell already and increase the number of them at the same time.

Yet even after a few hours, nothing happened. The ground zombies kept coming from all over the world, but not a single aquatic monster dared to step into the land.

The grand zombies kept roaring and I grew numb to this. I waited for more hours until part of the shore here got secured.

Not many zombies were heading towards here anymore. They either lost interest or my warriors killed them with such ease.

Ok, I can now safely consider the aquatic zombies to be limited to the water zone only, I heaved a sigh of relief and then summoned a large group of shields to protect my warriors before starting to roam the entire northern coast.

I did the same and created many safe zones all over the region. I stopped at a few places to make sure nothing bad would happen.

The bad news was the number of the grand zombies in the water. They were indeed scary and massive in build, and they came in such large numbers that went close to a thousand.

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Having such a number would give a fright to even someone like me. And when I thought about the possibility of having close to a thousand high grade dens all over the ocean made me tremble inside.

If I get the chance, I should try my luck in breaking these dens. Of course that if the method of these zombie higher ups would work.

Just having such an imminent threat near my kingdom all the time unresolved was a nightmare I didnt want to live in. however this wasnt the time to handle such a thing for now.

It took roughly one and half days to finish touring the entire northern region. I left behind many safe zones and an endless number of warriors. In fact I doubted nothing would happen to the northern zone in the time remaining of the fifth quest with such force.

There was another reason for me to do it. If I planned to go against Hescos from the north, then I had to leave behind an insurance like this magnificent force.

The Hescos didnt come here to sightsee or something. They wanted my head. And they just didnt come here yet as the general situation was still risky all over the entire world.

So they had to wait for the northern lord to stabilise her lands just like I was doing in my kingdom. I didnt know if the two were connected or allied or not, but I had to assume the two were working on the same agenda.

I could travel light and head alone towards the northern lands. But that would mean Id leave my kingdom vulnerable behind.

I doubted the Hescos would try their luck before Id invade the outer worlds. They knew I had prepared tons of armies to invade these worlds, or else Id be just a boy dreaming about being a king without any right or power or support.

Trying to invade me right now would only be foolish. Theyd face the huge amount of forces I amassed here. Even if they managed to slay part of it, theyd still end up losing their sneak dagger at my back.

If I was them, and I believed such a mighty race wouldnt have dumbs as their leaders, Id better wait for me to send out my forces and even give them time to infiltrate deep into these worlds.

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By then, thinking about calling them back would be futile. And as situations would develop, Id have to send more forces to support the armies out there, thinning my own forces back home.

Then by striking when I was the most vulnerable, theyd be able to secure most of the gains without sacrificing much.

But I planned to pay them a visit before sending out my forces. Like this, theyd gain nothing by such a good plan of theirs.

Even if they had more than one force eyeing my kingdom, theyd already lose one threatening force.

And that might drive these well hidden forces crazy and led them to attack me faster than what they intended.

But right now it wasnt the time for any of this. I first checked over the general situation in the kingdom, and it was getting better.

The forces that fell were already replenished by the seemingly endless forces coming out from the other Earth world.

According to Isac, we already totally secured half of my kingdom. By her words, half of my kingdom lands were now void of any zombie.

At the same time, we had close to thirty percent almost close up from getting cleared as well. That meant only twenty percent remained dangerous, with different levels of threats ranging from mild to severe.

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