I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1138: 1138 The Turtle Zombie

As for the hot zones, aside from the Hector continent in the East and the places I secured in the middle, there was still a mysterious place in the south.

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And that was what I was heading towards right now.

I was now sure that the aquatic zombies couldnt come over to the land. That relieved me greatly. After all, I was quite sure that the scary zombie down there had already finished building his den.

Lots of time passed, and Id be a fool if I thought it didnt. As for why I considered him scary, I had my own reasons.

That zombie was formed from the corpse of my little turtle. Fighting that turtle when it was a monster was really a nightmare. The memories of that fight were still vivid in my mind as if it happened just yesterday.

And as zombies would inherit the abilities of the deceased, then this zombie should be considered a scary, the scariest zombie in the entire fifth quest if I wasnt wrong.

As I passed through the portal, I came out at a spot just near the shore. There I saw a scene that I imagined, and another thing that made my face heavily dignified.

In front of me, I saw a mountain sized monster. It was the zombie, with a pale yellow body that was filled with blisters and pus.

It was ugly, and it was gross. But it was ferocious, and I felt the same sense of power and danger coming from it just like when I felt it from my turtle.

As before, the angels provided a curtain of protection over this huge behemoth. I saw many of my forces on the shore, fighting against what made my face drop; aquatic zombies!

And these ones werent as common as the zombies scattered all over the world at the moment.

These zombies were huge, just like a mini version of that colossal waiting in the middle of the water.

They were big, strong, and bloodthirsty. And on top of that, they managed to come on land and fight my forces there.

Luckily for me, their number wasnt huge yet. I got the feeling that the den composed under water was either recently made or it was taking lots of time to produce such high grade zombies.

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But that was in my favour. I saw the jumper fighting side by side with the spearhead. The two jerks worked brilliantly well. And seeing the spearhead made me heave another sigh of relief.

Even if my forces down there were fighting a hard enemy, with the presence of the spearhead this wouldnt matter. His ability to reduce the strength and stats of monsters wasnt that much as high as when he used it against races.

But it was effective. And in such a grand battle, such an effect was good enough to be considered a game changer.

It seemed that the colossal zombie got some intelligence as it took note of the spearhead. So many of the incoming zombies tried to cut his head down.

That was why the jumper came to his aid, alongside many of their forces.

As they werent in any hard situation yet, I turned to watch that colossal zombie waiting for me in the middle of the ocean.

The turtle had few of the most deadly AOE attacks I ever saw in my life. So I knew if I summoned my armies to aid, I would only be delivering their bodies for this zombie to turn them into more zombies.

I had to fight it alone. But recalling the risky situation of these skills, and seeing that thick red curtain protecting this bastard made me hesitate.

I wasnt doubting my ability to survive these attacks for a certain amount of time. But the problem lay in how to take down this beast while it was protected by these red beams.

I have to take down these stars first, I turned my head and looked high to the sky. The red sparkling stars up there were shining bright as thousands of protective stars shone over the behemoth in front of me and protected it.

To take these stars down wasnt going to be an easy feat. These stars would be highly defended by the other defensive stars.

But I got the feeling that these defensive stars werent as many as the offensive ones.

p anda nOvel.cO,m And that meant most of the defensive star weapons in the sky were preoccupied defending this behemoth.

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I started to formulate a plan in my mind. This colossal behemoth had to be killed first. Or else no matter what, my kingdom would always be threatened by it and its zombies.

The zombies at the north werent a problem right now as they lacked the ability to set foot on land. But seeing these zombies fighting on land made me realise the issue of the northern breed of zombies wasnt going to last long.

Once theyd evolved high enough, theyd be able to trespass my land. And so I had to take down this bastard, go down there and solve the problem of that den once and for all.

Then Id start my northern invasion, and start my invasion of the outer worlds. As for the northern zombies, once they started to show signs of evolution and sat foot on land, Id spare time to go and wipe them there.

[Get ready to retreat once I tell you] as I finished forming my plan, I had to secure the elites of my forces fighting here.

Or else while I was going to deal with this colossal zombie, Id end up risking the lives of everyone around.

[No way! They are going to deeply infiltrate the land and kill everyone inside!]

For a rare occurrence, that jerk didnt cherish his life and chose to remain behind and fight. And yet I couldnt admire him at all. [Stop wasting my time and retreat when I give you the order]

[I wont!]

[Dont be stubborn! If you stay, not only will most of your army die, but also you may lose your head as well!]

[But the zombies]

[Just retreat and form a grand circle around here. Kill any zombie trespassing] I grew tired from his foolishness.

What the heck was wrong with this dude? When I needed him to act heroic, hed cower away, and when I needed him to pull back, he decided to stand his ground and fight.

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Damn jerk!

[Cool! But once done, tell me to come and have more fun] he sent this weird message, which destroyed all the image I had about him from earlier.

He wasnt planning to stand here to protect my people or land, he wanted just to have more fun.

What was fun in fighting such strong zombies? I didnt know what went wrong in his head!

As for the spearhead, convincing him was much easier than this jumper.

[Sure boss. Ill retreat now! If not for that scary dude with a mask, Id have retreated long time ago]

He was indeed the same coward and preferred running away when things went south.

Anyway, I waited for the two to prepare and I also did my own preparations.

I summoned most of the fallen gods, distributed them all over the shore. I also created ten safe zones and didnt leave behind any warriors.

[Retreat!] When I got done with all this, I sent the same order to the jumper and spearhead.

Their forces were already in millions, yet stretched over a large scale of the shore. So they looked few as they thinned out over the entire shore here.

Once the retreat order was given, they started to group as they retreated. Luckily the zombies were hungry and thirsty for their bodies and blood, ran after them and didnt walk aimlessly around.

[Ill need more force to form that encirclement] as they were retreating, the jumper sent this message, showing his greedy side again.

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[You already have another army by your side]

[We two lost a lot of our men already]

[Then make use of the garrisons around here]

[They lost a lot of their forces too and wont be enough]

[Call for a close by army to come then]

[This will take forever! And this area is still unsecured. Do you think a free army can be found here except the ones you hold? Come on, give me one hundred million warriors]

[What do you think warriors are? They arent grown on trees!]

[I heard you got billions of them. Giving me a hundred million is nothing]

[This isnt a game! Just do as I say and once this is all over Ill give you ten million]

[I cant promise to stop them with my current forces. Give me one hundred million and I can do it]

This jerk! He was getting on my nerves! And who did tell him that I got billions of warriors? I never told anyone about this before.

Was he bluffing? For a reason I felt he was seriously telling me that and wasnt joking around.

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