I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1234: 1234 Something Terrible Happened!

My chariots shield would take most of the pressure falling over the shields right now. I had to do this to make sure my shields wouldnt get crushed anytime soon. Or else such an advantage I got would be instantly affected, or even lost.

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Leave things here for me, I will never disappoint lords trust in me, Lucas bowed and his attitude was the same, filled with veneration and respect.

Good luck, I knew keeping this place under control by just using the soulers and a few warriors I scattered before wasnt going to be easy.

p-n0ve1com The enemy kept releasing more troops from the underground holes as if they were ants coming out from the ground. With the vast space protected by my shields, the number of enemy forces kept increasing as such.

I just hoped nothing bad would happen here while I was away. Before leaving, I stored this place into my staff just in case.

As I stepped outside my shields, what I expected happened. I instantly turned into a lightning moving torch, with blinding lights all over my chariot.

I smiled evilly when that happened. I didnt even need to see anything to use my techniques, and trying to take down my shield was a futile attempt.

I started using my first technique with my right hand. As for my left, I started causing these forces trouble by constantly using my shield skill without reservation.

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Even if my shields got broken easily amidst all these attacks, the brief moments they intercepted the incoming enemies would create gaps in their lines, messing more with their already f*cked up lineup.

At the same time, I released my threads freely all over the place, and kept flying around in circles without seeing anything. My aim was to spread as much chaos as possible, even summoning many warriors from my inventory at random places without any care about their positions.

As for the Hescos I controlled, I didnt bother keeping them this time. I constantly gave them the order to attack whoever next to them, spreading out more chaos everywhere.

They wanted to try crushing me using tactics, and I decided to use brute force to show them who was the boss here.

I couldnt see anything, but I was sure the world underneath me was now ushering under chaos.

If the enemy had to fight my forces from a single or few directions then they might be able to pull a strong frontline and stand their ground against me.

But I didnt do that. I simply kept flying all over the place. I didnt even know where I was heading or where I was right now.

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The only moments I was able to see what was happening to the world around me was when I used my pillars skill.

The shield that got out from my pillar was enough to push all the incoming attacks away from my chariot, clearing the blinding lights and allowing me to inspect the world for a brief few seconds.

The shields I summoned were all singular and thus they never sustained the pressure for longer than half a minute.

But that didnt matter much to me. From what I could see, the Hescos were already in disarray. Fighting against my warriors who appeared everywhere I went was a pain already.

Not to mention each time I used my shields, a gap would appear in between the enemy lines. Gradually these gaps interlapped, ending up creating more chaos down there.

The enemy was cut off their backlines, and reinforcements coming were always stopped in tracks by my shields. No matter how they tried, my forces always had the upper hand here.

I was adopting a guerilla tactic, one that was enough to make any formidable enemy feel scared. And as my forces didnt follow any logic while attacking, only killing everyone and everything that moved around them, the enemy couldnt make the best use of their brilliant tactics.

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If I dared to compete with Hescos on the ground of tactics, Id end up losing quite badly. I was full of myself, but I wouldnt let that cloud my judgement.

My forces didnt lack in many things, but in terms of capable tacticians, my forces lacked a lot. And when comparing them with the Hesocs, I knew wed lose very badly in that regard.

So instead of playing the enemy in the turf they were the strongest at, it was better to improvise and use something we both stood on equal grounds at.

And with the help of my pillar shields and my chariots ability to move around unhindered like this, things were going smoother to my side.

Just when I was feeling better, something suddenly happened.


Just as I was moving around doing the same stuff, I used my pillar like I used to have. But the moment I used the Thundering Might skill, the pillar that was supposed to break free, fly to the sky and release the shield shook in my hand like it was a violent creature.

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And the next instant, it broke free from hand with a loud boom, flew in the sky for a few seconds, shook there while releasing strange wisps of black light.

The pillar never did that before. I looked in a weird way towards my pillar without feeling any good about this.

*Thud!* just like a broken kite, it fell to the floor of my chariot without moving. The pillar used to break free from my hand, go to the sky, release the protective shield, then return again.

Such a process never took more than a couple of breaths before ending. And it always happened smoothly without any issue. But for a reason, the pillar felt like it wasnt connected to me anymore.

I went towards my pillar and held it in caution. I was sure it wasnt acting normally as it should be. And the first suspect was the Hescos paragons.

Hmm I cant feel it anymore I held the pillar in my hand and kept inspecting it closely. I felt like I was holding a cold rod, nothing like the mighty pillar I used to have.

I tried to shake it a little, but didnt get anything happening from it. When I looked closer, I noticed the presence of miniscule layer of chains that was built out from symbols.

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