I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1235: 1235 Even My Chariot...

I narrowed my eyes when I saw such a thing. What I felt was that my entire pillar got imprisoned by these chains or something.

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The more I looked at these chains, the worse I felt. I didnt like that, and I had to find a way to save my precious pillar.

The first thing I tried was to store it away in my inventory. I hoped whatever was affecting and intervening with my pillar would get its connection severed the moment my pillar got into my inventory.

But after taking it out again, nothing changed.

If this wont do, then brute force will, I started to gush my power into the pillar.

I circulated my spirit power in my body, then led them to my left hand holding the pillar. I controlled my energy to pass through the pillar, and not my technique.

The moment my energy touched the pillar, it looked like water came into contact with fire. Loud sizzling sounds erupted and even a thick cloud of black mist came out from the pillar.

pAn-d a-n0ve1.com It doesnt work I frowned when I noticed that after using my energy for a minute or so, nothing much happened to the chains.

All that happened was the reaction between my energy and this chain. Such a reaction was a clear indication of the effect of my energy over this binding chain.

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However my energy seemed lacking in enough strength to make such a chain get broken.

If so, then its time to go crazy! all this time, I was only limiting the use of my bones to my chariot.

I knew how hard it was to deal with the overload of energy coming from tons of bones if I scattered them around. Plus I was constantly moving around, not sticking to one place.

As I lost my precious pillar, I decided to give it a pause. Nothing would be able to harm my chariot at this moment, so my entire focus was shifted over the pillar.

I took out tons of bones, scattered them around the ground underneath me, and then started absorbing them madly.

I felt the same insane pressure assaulting my body again. I tried my best to not take out too much, and yet the same pressure resurfaced again.

I didnt hesitate and moved my energy towards the pillar. This time the sizzling that came was like bolts of thunder hitting in the middle of a thunderstorm.

The mist that came out from the pillar was in copious amounts, enough with each gush to cover up my entire chariot within.

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It was a scary sight, and a weird one. The one who used such technique must have used something on the same level as my pillar, or even a stronger artefact.

No matter what, energy was used to seal my pillar and I was going to crush that seal using my energy.

The thick bellows of black smoke kept rising up without stopping, and the echoes of the thundering booming explosions kept exploding in my ears.

All I feared was for my pillar to not withstand such immense pressure. But as I started, I wouldnt stop until Id free my pillar.


Just as I was in the middle of doing this, a weird sound came from around. It wasnt that loud, but it was weird to make me easily sniff it.

I looked around and the next moment my face changed. Damn! He is coming for my chariot! I inwardly cursed and without any hesitation I turned towards the direction where more shocking lights came from and pushed my chariot towards it.

I used the fastest speed to move towards that direction. This time, whoever did this to my pillar seemed to grow greedy and sat his gaze on my chariot.

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If my chariot got sealed, then Id end up like a sitting duck in the middle of the enemy forces. I didnt want to face such a situation. And luckily for me the chariot was much bigger than the pillar so it took him a few minutes before it stopped working.

The chariot buzzed like an angry beast. I could feel it trembling and roaring, fighting against the sealing effect imposed over it.

Oh, the energy I left behind is working as I helplessly watched my chariot trembling in space, I realised what was going on.

The chariot wasnt at the same level as the pillar. It was an artefact, but a low grade one. So it should have been easier for the enemy to seal it.

But reality proved otherwise.

The chariot was already filled with endless energy crystals. For the sealing to work, it had first to consume the shield. And it seemed the shield was fighting perfectly fine against such force.

But when I opened the interface of the chariot, my face changed. The seemingly endless amount of energy stored within the chariot was now running low as fast as running water.

If this kept on, then my chariot wouldnt be able to stay intact for more than ten minutes.

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It might seem enough for me to return back inside the protection of my grand shields. But if that happened, I couldnt guarantee that this dude or other paragons would use more artefacts to bring my shields down.

Without my pillar, nothing was guaranteed anymore, f*ck it!

Fine, lets play crazy together then, once I realised that the chariot was able to hold on for ten minutes, I stopped in my tracks all of sudden.

Before this, I controlled myself and took out a smaller amount of bones. But this time, I took out an endless amount of bones.

If the way to unseal the pillar was by using energy, then Id flood it with an irresistible amount of energy using my bones.

It was a crazy move, and the moment I started absorbing the energy of these bones, I felt like my body was torn apart by the energy influx.

I gritted my teeth and endured this pressure as long as I could. At the same time, I pushed all the energy towards the pillar without any hesitation.

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