I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1259: 1259 Why Do You Fight?

If I could attach them strongly with my kingdom, if I could plant the seed of loyalty and belonging in their souls, then this problem would be solved.

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Such a plan needed much patience and a long time to give good results. Trying to rush things up would end things up backfiring at me in return.

I didnt have any good ideas for now. But I noticed something. Matte kept speaking about the legendary Hescos. It seemed these Hescos had a high place in his heart, and hopefully at others as well.

If so, then I could use these legendary Hescos to rope these talents in. I still didnt know what I should do, but Id try to come up with a good idea to make these talents mix with the legendary Hescos I got.

I want to ask about something just as I was lost in thoughts about what I should do to rope in these talents and make them believe in my kingdom and me, Stephen suddenly asked.

What do you want to know? This question was just a sign of his mind changing for the better. He seemed to be moved by Mattes words. And even if he didnt agree yet, he wanted to ask about my kingdom it seemed and that was a good start.

Instead of absolutely refusing to join my side, he was now considering this.

I want to know why you are fighting?

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Excuse me? I looked at him in a weird way. I expected him to ask about anything regarding my kingdom, my strength, my military forces, or even my dreams and plans for the future.

Yet what he asked was such a weird thing.

I know people fight for different reasons. Some aspire for more strength, others are trying to protect their families. Some may aim for wealth, and others are seeking fame. What are you fighting for?

I realised that simple looking question held behind tons of things. When I thought about the weird words Matte said before leaving, I couldnt help but take this question quite seriously.

You do know that I came from the human race, right? I didnt directly answer him, and instead tried to get more of his reasons behind asking such a question.

And? but unlike what I expected, he just used one simple word to answer me. Moments ago he was speaking a lot, and now he just used one word. What a dude!

If you want a direct and simple answer then its simply because I wanted to live.

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You can just lower your head, run deep under the ground, and keep yourself safe, he shrugged, why risk fighting the number one race in the universe? Why risk fighting big races in the first place?

Its easy for someone like you to say that, I sighed, bitterly sighed, you were born in a mighty race, didnt know anything about fear of death or something like that. You always had your life secured, nothing can threaten you or your race. But thats not the case regarding me or my people.

Go on that suit he wore didnt show anything about his reaction to my words. I didnt know if he was interested or bored. But I didnt care at this moment.

If I wanted him, then only honesty would be the sole path to secure him.

If I did as you said, then in the middle or at the end Id find myself not just fighting monsters, but mighty races including yours. Dont tell me you dont know about the rules of the apocalypse, and the end result of all the worlds merging together into one colossal world. If I didnt fight you at this moment, if I didnt take all the risks I could take when the gap between the two of us isnt this big, then if I waited for longer, Id end up fighting a losing battle and will die or serve as a slave in the end.

Slave or not, youll keep your life in the end!

A life of slavery is worth than death to me, I raised up my head before adding in arrogance that I deserved to show, Id rather face death million times and live as free as a king than lower my head and live a life of a slave later on.

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Interesting claims, but without enough strength this is all bullshit.

I just crushed your mighty forces and took all of your formidable generals and paragons. Sorry, but what strength are you talking about here?

If he got all the right to show such confidence in himself and his race, then I also got all the right to act arrogant and confident regarding my strength.

I didnt need to speak about anything, just telling the end result of this war was enough. Buddy, I didnt just crush your race for a single time, but this is the second war I won against your race, and this was also a fact.

I didnt even exaggerate or try to boast. If I wanted, then I could have said much more than these few words.

You do know that this is just the tip of the iceberg of our might.

I dont care if its the tip or the entire mountain, I crushed you twice, and nothing you might say can change that, I didnt like his tone.

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You should expect fiercer wars from now on! After all, once the apocalypse ends, any race can come here without any restraint.

I dont care, its something for the far fetched future, I waved my hand before adding, I only care about things happening right now. And right now Im winning. When I conquer the entire apocalypse worlds and merge them together, then I can say I can compete equally with your race.

Nonsense! Our race has many formidable monsters whom you cant compete with!

And who said Im alone? And who said Ill be the same after unifying the entire universe? And who said Im not a monster myself? And who said you arent going to be one in the future?

I looked at him and he seemed to be shocked by my answer. What did he expect? For me to feel fear and get terrified and intimidated of his races name and powerhouses?

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