I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1260: 1260 A Weird Message

I didnt need to say that I already got the backing of the Toranks. After the end of the apocalypse, it wouldnt be just Hescos coming here, but also the Toranks. If the Hescos wanted to tarnish their name and further embarrass themselves, then they were welcomed to come here and try out my might.

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And right now I was able to crush their offspring fair and square. I knew alone I wouldnt be able to compete with them. But with the support of Toranks, and with the mighty effect of the time boost in my second Earth world, I could build up enough armies and powerhouses to keep my kingdom safe.

You are including me in your plans, isnt that quite an arrogant move from you?

Im not a generous person, I shrugged, if you dont serve a purpose to me, then you have no value at all. If so, then killing you is better than wasting my breaths over talking with you.

What about Matte and others? he paused for a long moment before adding, they have no value for you. Why are you taking them with you then?

First they are paragons of Hescos in this world. Believe it or not, this title is enough for me to take them in, I smiled before adding, and to be honest with you, if they wanted to fight for me Id gladly welcome them. If not, then their wealth and artefacts they got will be enough as a farewell gift before letting them live peacefully in one of my worlds.

One of your worlds? What nonsense is that? Dont you know we already investigated everything about you? You have no control over any world, including your home planet, yet!

Thats just a mistake of your part, I laughed, I already got not only one world, but it also has another world in one of its lands, I paused and knew he wouldnt get my point, later on, if you decided to live and join me, then Ill take you there to see for yourself.

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Take me now then, he acted stubborn, but he soon delivered me a good piece of news, if you really have one world under your control then Ill swear my allegiance to you.

I didnt know why he said these words. What was the relation between having a world of my own and lowering his head to me?

Was this a sign for ones might in this universe or what? I looked at him in a weird way, and he noticed my looks.

Dont ask, I wont answer any of your words before swearing allegiance to you, he paused as my face didnt look that great. I wanted to know the reason behind this, as what he said before didnt add up to any logic I had about strength in the universe.

I can tell you this after a long minute of silence where the two of us didnt say a single word, he added, I can tell you that Im in desperate need of a world that doesnt belong to my race. In fact thats why Im fighting here and risking my life. If you have a world of your own, then you are eligible to be my lord.

I couldnt say I fully understood his reasons, but at least I had many ideas about them. I can tell you this in return, as he kept speaking in riddles, I decided to match him, this world is a safe haven, one that even the first race in the universe cant touch.

Theres nothing my race cant touch!

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My world is an exception to such a rule, and Im not acting arrogant here.

How so then? Enlighten me!

Hahahahaha! Lets say when you swear your allegiance to me, then Ill let you know the reason behind this, I laughed before adding, from now on, youll board my chariot and not leave my side. If you move a single finger, believe it or not, my glaive will be faster than your thoughts.

I already gave you my word, he started to move towards my chariot, Ill wait with you until you go to that world. Once I see it, then I can decide my fate.

I watched him walk towards my chariot without even asking about what my future plans would be. It seemed like this man had himself detached from the Hescos, as if their rise or fall wasnt related to him at all.

I sighed. I got enough surprises from this encounter with him.

[Are you done?] Just before I could move a finger, I got this sudden message from Sara.

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[Im coming!]

[Good! We are now entrapped in the mid layers. Hescos are trying to kill us but we are holding up quite well actually]

[How so?] the last time she spoke with me, she kept crying and pleading for me to come and rescue them. And now she was saying that they were holding up quite well. It was weird.

[Oh, thats weird]

[Whats weird?] She was the one acting weird right now.

[Didnt you send for reinforcements earlier?] she sent this message and I suddenly recalled something, [Tons of forces came out from the pillar down at the bottom. Not to mention more came out from the surface as well. With their help, the Hescos couldnt exterminate us as they wanted]

[Oh About that] I recalled what I did and forgot about it. When I opened the second and third portal at the surface area, I sent someone to deliver a request for a reinforcement message.

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I simply described everything to the messenger I sent to Lily and others, leaving the decision to rescue Sara in their hands.

And it seemed they didnt disappoint me. They sent troops from two directions, and that helped to relieve lots of pressure over Sara and her forces.

[What? Did you send them and forget? Hahahaha! Thats funny!]

[I was busy, totally busy dealing with tons of things] I didnt get angry from her words. If she was in the mood to laugh, that meant the situation over her end was really better.

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