I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1314: 1314 A Tough Talk

I have to test the tattoos theory out, I couldnt help but send an urgent message for Lily. but she wasnt in this world, so instead I sent a message to Isac and asked her to send someone and fetch Lily back.

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Then I stepped out, ending the entire structure.

The energy expenditure of the fifth layer seemed scary, but it was worth it.

If my calculations were right, then the bones would only allow for two times usage of the fifth layer attack.

After that, the entire structure would crumble on its own. I knew this would limit the use of this structure for just a short time, but the two attacks would be enough to clear a great area off the enemies.

And as I waited for Lily to arrive, I saw the two watching friends draw nearer.

I didnt need to ask anything as signs of immense shock were appearing clearly over their faces. They witnessed it all, and seemed to stand near what happened.

The fifth attack was quite formidable and scary. The scariest thing about it was that it couldnt be countered. How could someone defend against the explosion of air and space itself?

In my eyes, the moment this fifth layers brutal offence would be used, the enemies would be considered as gone.

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What the heck was that? Sara was the first to speak up. This fiery and explosive girl couldnt contain her emotions anymore and shouted from far behind, I want that thing, I want to use that last technique or skill or whatever it was!!

Hahahaha! Its something related to the structure here. Dont worry, I plan to teach you and many of your forces as well, I didnt just speak up to Sara but also to Legend as well.

The two were going to lead my armies and invade the enemys worlds. I just needed them to stabilise a place before using a previously half activated teleportation device before Id start moving out my forces in full power against the enemies.

The five layered pagodas techniques wouldnt just help in doing that. Theyd also be the cornerstone in any offence and defence against the Silence race armies.

Just before I could speak more with the two, a long line of the same message kept flashing in front of my face!

[Holy Cow!]

[Holy Cow!]

[Holy Cow!]

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I looked up at the seemingly endless messages sent by none other than Silverlining.

Of course he had all the right to get such a shock. After all, he and other sovereigns of his race were also watching this.

I expected them to get their minds blown up by what I just did. However, that didnt stop me at all.

I knew if things worked out in this quest, then this legendary and unbeatable quest would vanish. I planned to save the twenty locked up worlds and races, putting an end to this quest.

So what if they knew about the other uses of this arrayed structure? They wouldnt make any use of such knowledge.

The Silence race wasnt in our universe, wasnt in the hostile universe even. It was only here. And that made me consider them a race from a far away universe, away from the two universes known to everyone.

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The only effect such performance would have was to raise the stakes and prices of getting my bones.

I knew the Toranks were watching, and also the Hescos. After all, the latter would be watching my performance so they could estimate how to edit and tweak their plans for the better.

Other races had their sovereign potential kids participating here. So there was a chance for them to watch me.

Even if the first two races in the universe were the only audience I had, it was enough. The news would soon spread over the entire universe, and might even reach the other universe as well.

The price tag of my bones would get elevated to a skyrocketing level. And Id gain a lot just by what I did here.

[Hey buddy, stop freaking out, hahahaha!] I didnt know what Silverlining looked like. But right now he must be pretty much shocked.

And that was enough to make me laugh at his and others around him expressions.

[Dude! You are a legend! You truly are! How come you find such awesome ways to use this antique structure and show such a fierce way of attack?!! That attack is enough to make any army piss in their pants!]

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[Dont get too excited, this is just useful against those Silence races. Other races will find it easier to handle this attack]

[No, you dont get it! That attack can work on anyone, even my races elites wont fare well against it!]

[For real?] I doubted what he just said.

[Im not kidding! All the sovereigns here just agreed on that! If our top fighters were met with such a ferocious attack, they wouldnt be able to survive it!]

[Oh! Thats new to me] I was shocked by what he said. Didnt that technique only work against the Silence race only or what?

[Dont belittle that combined form of arrays! We used it mainly to face off the Silence race members in this quest, but that was mainly due to the limitation of its usage. Right now, and with the four other uses you showed so far, this theoretical design just got levelled up to a new whole level!]

[Hmm If so then my bone prices and value shall increase, right?] If that was true, then the value of my bones just increased by a crazy margin.

[Dude, come on! We have been friends for a long time already! Are you planning to increase the prices even for us?]

[Bro, I only deal with you for the time being] If he thought Id grow shameful thanks to his words, then he was mistaken! [Or do you want me to deal with other races as well? Like the Hescos for example?]

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