I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1315: 1315 Doubling The Price Won't Wor

[You and the Hescos are like fire and water!]

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[There is nothing like eternal enemies in the universe, right?] I knew he depended on the conflict currently happening between me and the Hescos.

But if I didnt end up getting a good deal out of this, then even if the Hescos asked for my bones, Id satisfy them.

[What do you need? Everything you need is delivered to you, right?]

[Yes, just like my rewards that are still on hold, right?]

[This This doesnt count!]

[Dude, if you dont give me a good price for my bones then forget about it!]

As I said my last piece, he remained silent and didnt return back with anything. He got what I meant, if he didnt raise the price, then Id go global with my bones and accept offers even from the Hescos.

Of course I didnt aim to just increase the price. If I ended up getting that, then Id tarnish the huge value of my bones.

I wanted something else! But to get it, I had to push them this hard first.

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Lord, is everything alright? When I chatted with Silverlining, the two in front of me stopped talking. But when I went silent after I said my last phrase, I got an evil smile on my face.

I was indeed scheming something bad for the Toranks. And they got no one to blame but themselves for that.

Its ok, I responded to Legend, now lets speak further about the most important thing You saw how deadly effective this structure of arrays was. So I wanted you to start taking this matter quite seriously.

What do you want from us? Sara was direct, and I liked that part about her.

I want to do many tests first, I paused before adding, and I want to use your people for such a thing. After all, by doing such tests, your soldiers will get to know this structure better.

I planned for Lily to supervise and lead so many tests over these arrays. However the soldiers used should better come from the two generals armies.

Like this, their soldiers would grasp the concept behind these arrays and how to perfectly do and execute them in a much deeper way.

Just when I said these words, I saw the chariot of Lily coming from far. She didnt take long to come.

I heard you are looking for me, she said before jumping over my chariot. She looked around first, examining the devastation that happened everywhere before adding, what exactly happened here?

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I started to explain everything related to the structure of arrays. I told her about how these arrays had more than one effect, and I explained each and every layers effect and how to activate these.

I also spoke about what I wanted her to do. When I finished, the look on her face was filled with excitement and hesitation.

I know you got too much on you, I slowly said, but I need you to supervise over these experiments. As for the ones truly doing them, these two can help in that.

I can handle that, she made up her mind before adding, however the general construction project shall be handled mainly by Isac.

When I gave her a questioning look, she added, I want to personally supervise over all the tests. Sorry guys, but I have to see the results of each test and confirm the results myself.


No problem.

The two accepted what she said. And by that I had nothing else to say.

I transferred tons of bones over to Lily. I selected bones starting from the green grade up to the dark gold grade.

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I want you to test the theory of combining two groups of arrays together and see their results, I paused before adding, I want to know if this theory will work or not. If it works, then I want to know if the five effects can be merged together or not.

I got it, she nodded in confidence, leave this matter to me. I know what you expect and what truly matters.

Thanks, I knew she was a dependable person. Or else I wouldnt just go and ask for her to come.

As for you two As we agreed before, your soldiers will take the task of doing the experiments to make themselves familiar with these arrays. Also try to educate everyone when the results are done and we get to know everything about the true potential of this structure.

The two nodded and Lily asked to use a different place for the test. This region got totally devastated, and that came just from one time usage of this structure five techniques.

She wanted to use one of the yet to be developed places. And I agreed with her point.

After all, if they started to experiment with this structure on a wide scale, then there was a risk of affecting the ongoing construction at that place.

It was better to just select an empty place and take it as a test zone.

In return for that, the construction plans of that place would have to be postponed for later. Until theyd finish testing, not a single brick would be built there.

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Lily decided to use her own place. After all, she hadnt started building anything at that place yet.

That reminded me of the delayed task of distributing workers, warriors, and materials over many places. I got pretty occupied with testing this structure of arrays and forgot about that task till now.

However before Id move a single finger, a message came in.

[Can I know what you have in mind? How about we double the price? Like a single bone can purchase double the amount of goods you previously were receiving]

At last they decided to negotiate! As long as they were willing, everything was possible.

[Well, doubling the price wont work. You do know that my bones turned out to be some sort of strategic weapons, right?]

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