I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1345: 1345 Unbelievable Result!

I knew doing this would trigger the attention of the enemies. But they wouldnt get that much pumped up yet.

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It was still far from enough to stop the advancement of their locusts. My shields managed to lower the pressure over the distant inner zone shields and forces.

As long as locusts kept coming at my forces and inner shields, the enemy wouldnt have any reason to adjust their plans.

But what I planned to do next was going to set them on their feet!


It appeared as if a nuke just exploded everywhere. Taking my shielded areas as a centre, and after waiting for two whole days, the shields released violent waves that crushed the endless locusts covering them up first.

The shields that looked totally buried underneath swarms of locusts were cleaned and cleared of these rodents.

And then the shocking wave started to spread over, expanding towards the enemy portal region, fiercely slamming against them.

What the heck?!!! and just as I watched this happening, I saw by my own eyes the portals of the enemy getting burst out like they were made of thin paper.

What the heck was wrong with these enemies? How come they use such cheap portals to link their worlds with here?

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Dammit! The shockwave I released was unstoppable! And it was overbearing enough to crush not only the enemies coming out from the portals, but the portals themselves!

Within the span of a few minutes, all the portals here got crushed and that stopped any enemy from setting foot in my zone.

Such a result Tsk! I never expected such a result at all!

I did this to clear up all the enemies blocking my path to the portals. However I never wanted or expected the portals to get crushed in that way.

Would they summon more portals here or what?

If not then itd be quite bad Or a mixture of bad and good news.

I waited for my terrifying wave to clean the locusts who went deeper into my zone. The attack lasted for almost an hour, and when it died down, everything looked empty and silent in my eyes.

There wasnt a single enemy standing anywhere! And not only that, the enemy didnt summon another portal even after waiting for a few hours there.

I didnt stay idle, as I used this chance to collect as many bones as possible.

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Before facing these locusts, I got the impression that their level would be quite high and so their bone grading would be quite high as well.

But when I saw how weak they were, I knew the bones coming out from these would be all low grade.

Yet at this moment, I knew I was gravely mistaken in both!

Dark realm monster bones? How come?!!! I watched the densely packed dark dots racing towards my hand from a huge area around.

As the locusts were already converging in endless numbers around my shields before, the number of them was quite insane in such areas.

I started collecting bones from there. And that was when I noticed that I wasnt gaining common bones like before, but the extremely rare and precious dark realm bones.

To me, these bones have much higher energy than normal bones. Not to mention I could turn them anytime to deadly bombs, ones that could last for days burning and killing any enemy daring to pass through them.

I tried for a long time to get dark realm monster bones or find a stable source for these. However I only got a small amount of luck from the grand monsters I faced and killed before.

Yet right now, I could get them from the locusts here! And just imagining the endless number of these locusts made my heart thumbs uncontrollably.

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All these would turn into my precious dark realm bones? Damn! Damn! That was way beyond my wildest expectations!

I started collecting bones just to kill time while waiting for the response of the enemy. But right now I didnt give a damn about anything theyd do, and got myself absorbed in collecting my precious loot.

I let my generals test the application of the star arrays using normal bones. But with such an insane amount of dark realm bones, how come Id care about that anymore?

Id better use these dark realm bones in making these star arrays and see what changes that would result in.

Would they just add more energy to the arrays, elongating their time for a bit more? Or would they show new changes?

I wanted to stop what I was doing and test the array out. However I couldnt bring myself to do so.

The bones were something I craved for, and these dark realm bones were like precious gems to me before.

I started roaming around the edge for days, before finally collecting all the bones of the dead locusts at the outer region.

And there were still many more locusts lined up and waiting for me to collect their precious bones inside the entire zone.

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[How did you do that?!!!]

In the middle of my spree of collecting my precious bones, Lily sent me this message, [I thought you were going away for a long time. Never expected that youd find a way to stop all the locusts from coming here!]

Tsk! If I told her I never planned for such a thing to happen, would she believe me? I thought in my mind before answering her:

p [I just tried out something and it worked]

[Is this going to last?]

[Thats the million dollar question I wanted to know the answer to as well] I didnt hide the fact that I didnt know the answer to that question.

After all, such an answer wasnt in my power to control. If the enemy wanted to continue their assault, theyd open portals here. If not, or for a reason I didnt know, they wouldnt be able to get access here again.

But I couldnt tell any of that until enough time had passed.

[What about us then? What shall we do?]

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