I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1346: 1346 Gathering Bones

p [First send as many as you can to train on making the arrays] I got more excited about using my dark realm bones in that array. Yet I got to test this first myself.

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If the enemy didnt have a way to get access here again, in case their access to here was one way though, it would be great for my forces and the battles going on right now in my zones.

Id not block the enemies from entering all my zones, but itd be better to control the number of zones we were fighting them at.

Itd be better to keep half of the zones active. In one way, we could train our forces to better deal with these enemies. And on another hand, wed keep killing more of them, lowering the number wed face back at the sealed twenty worlds.

And above all, Id still keep getting more dark realm bones.

After collecting all the bones from all the killed locusts, I ended up reaching the central area.

Time to see if they are going to send anyone here, Enough time passed for the enemy to make up their minds.

So I returned back to the edge area, and there I found the entire world in weird peace and calmness.

There were no new portals, nothing appeared out of the ordinary right now. I didnt hurry to consider the enemys decision, and started to roam the world.

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After two more days, I finally stopped and realised that the enemy wouldnt send anything. That meant either they decided not to, or they didnt have the ability to do so.

I jumped back to the central area, checked over my gains this time.

Hehehehe, they are really generous, I laughed when I saw the hundreds of millions of dark realm bones inside my inventory.

It was like I got so hungry and thirsty for a long time, ending up arriving at a grand party and feasted out there to my content.

If they have the choice, then theyd not make such a decision I thought about this, and reached to such a conclusion.

The enemy would never give up the fight over this area. And so that meant the enemy got forced to.

It seemed the access to here was limited by one chance. If that was true, was it also the same for me? If I went out there, would it be the only chance for me or what?

I refused to believe so. After all, I was the one invading them out of the rules and logic. The enemy would never place such a limitation over me or others in my place, as such possibility wouldnt cross their minds.

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Besides if that was the case, then how come other universes managed to clear this obstacle? If they just relied on defending and didnt invade the enemy at their homelands, then itd be impossible to secure a victory no matter what.

And then it came down to the next troublesome choice, should I keep doing this and follow my earlier plans or what?

I feared that if I closed too much of the portals too soon, the number of enemies out there would be unimaginable.

After all, the forces sent here came from their homeland. Even if they were quite threatening, they were helping me in reducing the total number of forces at the homeland worlds.

If I closed half of the portals as I planned earlier, would this mean Id have to face tons more of the enemy forces once reaching these worlds?

If I was from the enemy, Id move forces from the blocked worlds to the still opened ones, Id do that if I was taking care of things out there.

But assessing such a possibility from one locked world wasnt going to work. I had to start killing portals at five worlds at least to see such a result.

Ill kill five more before assessing the situation at other worlds first, I decided before sending a message to Lily, asking her to keep track of the enemy movements at the other zones.

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Right now this zone is considered safe. There was no enemy here, and it seemed the enemy wouldnt come at all.

She asked me again to send forces from here to other worlds, but I declined. I first needed to make sure the enemy wouldnt find a way to come here.

If so, then it would be better to send part of the forces here to aid the remaining zones under fire. I also told her about the five more zones which I planned to stop the enemy portals at.

[So we are going to have six free and calm zones? Like this we can use the generals of these to lead the armies and go to the other zones, right?]

Generals? I totally missed that! [Let the generals on the side for now. I need them later on] I lacked generals to be left over at the ten enemy worlds.

Realising this point, my desire to crush ten worlds again resurfaced.

I needed ten generals. And if I managed to clear out ten zones portals, and the enemy didnt find a way to send troops over, then itd be awesome!

[Im going to hunt down ten more zones] I finally decided. If the enemy found a way during this time, then it wouldnt be too late to keep the generals and armies at these zones.

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Each zone would take almost twenty days from me to clear the portals and collect my trophies. That meant Id take close to seven months to do so.

If the enemy didnt come during this time, then itd be safe to presume the enemy wouldnt come at all.

Despite the long time spent in doing this, the gains were huge! The number of dark realm bones would reach a staggering number, making me able to use these bones freely for a long time.

And that would be my gains from the forces they sent, and not including the remaining nine zones nor the ten worlds of them.

I didnt yet kill lots of Silence race members to know if theyd give me dark realm bones or what.

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