I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1362: 1362 What About Us?

Combining the four Avengers together, and adding the help of the Avengers V team of the entrapment ability, the enemies had zero chance to retaliate or even defend themselves.

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Getting everything sorted out, I didnt forget the most brutal fact of these Avengers They all could fly!

They werent just limited to fighting over the ground here. In fact, I could simply send a single team out and ask them to attack the enemies even if they tried to pull out a distance or retreat far away.

That meant no matter who the enemy planned, the moment theyd come at me would be the end of them no matter how hard they tried to get away.

We are ready, I looked at my friends and generals at my chariot before casually pointing towards the jumper and added, go and lead the warriors on the ground. Take these clouds down fast.

Ok, the jumper seemed to object or say something useless as usual, but in the next moment he refrained from doing so.

After all, he came here without my permission and forced himself over our little party.

And that was why I selected him first to go down there and start working.

What are we going to do now? as the jumper moved, Sara was eager and restless to join him.

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You see these flying folks out there? I pointed towards the direction of the outer world beyond the reach of the clouds. We are going to fight them.

And? Sara was quite impatient, cant we go out through the gaps and hit them while that masked dude will end his task?

Tsk! If you have a death wish then be my guest, I shrugged before adding to explain things to her, these flying enemies arent that easy to handle. I dont even have absolute confidence in dealing directly with them.

Ah So do you know what we shall do to kill them? Isac was the one to speak up, stopping Sara from entering a dead argument with me, shall I build up forts and such?

Not now, I knew she mistook this ground as something eternal. But it wasnt! Just the time taken to build forts and walls would be longer than the time this ground could last.

And not here, I added when I noticed the dim look in her eyes, when the time is right, you can go down there and start building whatever you wanted.

I knew that even if I tried to push things over, then trying to cover up the entire world with my silver ground wasnt going to work.

First itd exhaust tons of bones and in the end I doubted this world could be covered totally in a short time.

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It was better to keep such a weapon up my sleeve, and use it when I found a great gathering of the enemy to lessen my losses.

And when Id shift the battle to ground, Id need her to start building forts and bases for us. These bases would be used later on for my forces to recuperate, prepare for what yet to come, and act like anchors in the middle of a raging wild ocean.

But such a move wouldnt be used right away. I wanted to first kill as many of these fiends as I could. I also wanted to test recruiting them under my wing using my technique.

And yet something told me such a move was going to fail for unknown reasons. I couldnt help but shift my eyes towards the all shining gears surrounding their bodies and feel like the auras they emitted were enough to stop my threads.

But I had to try out and see if this was going to work or not before jumping over conclusions.

What about us? the others asked, and frankly I didnt plan to depend on their help in the upcoming battle.

But when I saw the eager look in their eyes, I couldnt help but inwardly sigh.

Ill give you part of the warriors here, lead them and crush the enemy outside, I paused before adding, your chariots are equipped with anti air weapons, right?

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We bought some, Legend looked at others before adding, and we got weapons from the research department as well.

Thats great, itd be bad if they ended up getting their asses kicked by the enemy.

As they got enough weapons, I felt reassured about that.

The plan of the battle will go as follows I thought a little about what they should do before deciding to tell them my thoughts.

In fact their role wasnt that big anyway. The avengers of mine were going to do all the work, and the warriors theyd lead would work as fodders.

That was something I didnt plan to change no matter what. As for their role, they should give instructions to the fodders, making them take the best out of the enemy at first clashes.

The more enemy forces they attracted the better for my forces later on.

I stressed over this point. If they had to play any role, then this one would be enough for me.

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But in return for that, I saw the disappointment over their faces, even Isac and Alex as well.

Sorry guys, this battle must be handled by me personally, I said in direct words, without feeling any shame or guilt, Ill take the lead for now. But be on high alert, there are going to be many chances to send you over and lead tons of warriors.

I wasnt lying or trying to console them. I wanted them to get ready as if a chance presented itself, Id ask them to focus over any ground troops.

And that made me consider which type of troops I should use in such an attack.

I wouldnt let them lead any of my Avengers in such a type of attack. They needed some sort of warriors who can deal long ranged brutal damage from high above.

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