I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1363: 1363 My Threads Are Blocked!

The first warrior that popped in my mind was the fallen gods. But the current number I got wasnt enough at all. And even if I exhausted the remaining soul points, it wouldnt matter that much.

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I needed at least a million of my fallen gods to serve each general. And that was something I couldnt do at the moment.

Hmm Should I use Hescos then? This was a good option. However if I used these, then Id burn away one weapon of mine for the enemy.

It was the same thing for my weapons, they were out of question.

I cant let them lead armies from high above then, I reached such a conclusion before deciding to change the way of using them.

For me, Id let my fallen gods devastate any enemy from high above. As for them, they could go down and fight the enemies head on.

As for how theyd move from high above to the ground, and return after completing their task, I got the right idea to do so.

And that was by asking my terrain changing troops to form descending ground layers linking the ground to my high above ground and another to pick my forces up if that one faded away or something.

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I knew by doing so Id risk my generals to be trapped in the middle of the enemy if the latter decided to move out in such a way. However when I recalled that they got chariots, I knew this wasnt going to be a big issue for them to escape.

As for my warriors, they were like fodders in my eyes.

I thought about what I should do if I found tons of enemy forces lined up in many places and waiting for me to hunt.

Id not waste time over using my few fallen gods. This wouldnt do. So it was better to send these eager generals down, and hopefully theyd not end up dead.

Of course that was all my thoughts about what was yet to come. I couldnt tell if the enemy was going to leave his forces wide open like I imagined or not.

Anyway I waited for both my jumper to finish his task alongside the help of my fallen gods, and the Avengers to get done with their absorption of my bones and rearranging their troops.

I left selecting leaders to them to decide. In my eyes, they were all the same.

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The battle over the clouds was one sided actually. The enemy couldnt risk using any offensive attack at this moment or else their attacks would backfire at them.

My shields were pressed by the clouds, but that kind of pressure wasnt hostile at all. The clouds acted as immovable mountains, and my shields just got stopped there without getting stirred up by anything.

The fiends controlled thick lightning arcs which danced all the time inside the remaining layers of the clouds. Yet none dared to get out and clash against my shields not even once.

That told me a lot about the mindset of these fiends I was fighting. They analysed and realised that by the presence of my shields, any offence would trigger a rebound, one theyd not be able to endure.

I didnt know how they planned to deal with my shields the moment these clouds would be brought down. But soon enough Id learn about this answer.

Despite their futile attempts to support their clouds, even after reinforcing the existing clouds with more layers, the clouds were getting smashed and perforated at a fixed pace.

With the addition of my warriors led by the jumper, the clouds the fiends added didnt make much difference at all.

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And on another note, my forces never suffered a single causality, even after fighting these clouds for hours!

At the end of a ten hour period of fighting, the last pieces of these clouds got smashed and vanished, revealing the world outside.

The first thing that happened was for my shields to expand fast and envelop a huge area in mere seconds.

But as the clouds were about to fall, the fiends seemed to get ready and started to fly away. Yet they underestimated the speed and strength of my shields.

They thought my shields would take much longer to cover up a great distance, or perhaps they mistook the true reach of my shields.

Just as my shields expanded, lots of these fiends got trapped inside. In fact most of them got trapped, and only those few who were already smart enough to be far away managed to escape.

The combined shields I got helped in increasing the space my shields could cover up. Even I couldnt tell how much area my shields spanned to cover at this moment.

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And it wasnt the moment to worry about such a thing.

Attack! The moment these annoying clouds vanished, and my shields expanded, I shouted, moving my chariot forward, leading the general charge forward.

Go down there, I turned over to my generals, each take a small army and lead them to fight those fiends. Ill keep adding more forces to you along the way. Go!

They didnt say anything and simply each summoned their chariots and moved fast towards the ground. The jumper was already taking everything he got and moving in a direction. Yet his happiness of having an army of his own would vanish soon enough.

I didnt care about that and simply took lots of warriors and left them to help the generals on the ground. At the same time, I started my technique and waited to see what my threads would do.

Hmm So they got something to block my threads as expected How about using the technique with my right arm?

During the past few hours, I didnt just sit idly watching. I used my sacrifices and augmented my personal stats.

I didnt use any protective shields as it wasnt needed. The warriors were already used as fodders, and my Avengers were so strong to be killed this easily.

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