I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 311: 311 Meeting The Big Military Comp

Yet this time Wolf looked more attentive to his words. He even used just a simple sentence as a greeting, and didnt lean to his usual way of speech.

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Thats expected, Moore appeared next, patting over Wolfs shoulder in a way that annoyed the latter, he got the direct orders to be more respectful to you, sir.

The last word he said seemed like it carried tons of mockery and sarcasm towards Wolf. The latter had an ugly expression, telling me what Moore said was true.

Its not ok to keep suppressing yourself like that, I smiled before adding, acting in front of me wont get you anywhere. You need to just be yourself around me.

Really?!! Wolfs tone told me he was excited by what I said. Yet it seemed he got a really strict orders from his superiors this time as his face changed abruptly before hurriedly adding, while lowering his head:

Sorry sir, but Ill have to show you my true sincerity.

Sigh, I could only shake my head helplessly before adding, your sincerity appeared the moment you showed up here with all your people, ready to follow my arrangements to the letter.

Wolf looked at me with hesitation. That dude was still struggling against his superior orders. I didnt know what they told him, but anyway they managed to keep him under leash.

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What will we do now, sir? Moore asked while pointing in little pride towards the large group of people he brought, I gathered all the big minds in our company here. I even called those trainees and interns to come as well.

I can see that, I noticed the number of people was still increasing, and that didnt include the youths from MIT. Those youths seemed to grow the habit of coming late to any meeting or lecture, even coming here as the last batch.

From just looking at the crowd in front of me, I could tell there were almost from four up to five thousand people here.

Most were from MIT without doubt. Then people from Raytheon company came second, and slightly less than a hundred people from Lockheed Martin came last.

Speaking to such a large group of people wasnt easy from the ground. I opened my market and found some sort of an item that could magnify sound, acting like big speakers.

I bought this, and it was like a cone shaped horn. I held it in one hand as I stood on the top of my chariot. I held my glaive with my other hand, leaning over it like I was using a walking stick or something.

Behind me Moore and Wolf stood with two of their most trusted men behind me. As for MIT students, those three from before stood behind me as well.

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Im Hye, welcome to my forces, I said in greetings, something that seemed known to all of them, I gathered you here so we can discuss everything about our future plans. As you know, the apocalypse we live in has left its deep marks over our past civilisation. Our tech was all lost, and now we are here to reclaim it.

Not a single one down below breathed or made a sound while I added:

The first step in doing this would be solving the energy problem. Electricity is now obsolete. We need a new form of energy, one that can power up our new weapons and help our old way of life to continue.

I pointed my glaive towards the hills of dead monster bodies gathered over the distance, these monsters use a unique way to produce energy and transform it into something corporeal. I dont want you to do all this in one go. First lets use the cores and salvage the energy from it. This energy will be the one well use later to build our new weapons.

I then turned to Moore and Wolf, Have you brought any big guns here with you?

The two nodded and instantly they started sending messages to their people down below. In a few minutes, two big things appeared.

The Raytheon people brought over a big cannon, while the Lockheed Martin brought their useless bomber.

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Wolf Come on, dont you know these bombers are useless? I couldnt help but turn to Wolf and say in an annoyed tone.

Oh Its just that

They just brought these bombers as their top guns, hahaha, Moore laughed intentionaly to irritate Wolf. and he scored a perfect score in that.

Stop it already! I wont tolerate such a loser from a small company speaking to me in that way! These bombers he started to rain his flood of words over the head of the poor Moore.

I watched from the side, all in silence, while inwardly laughing over the poor luck of Moore. That dude brought this over himself. What told him to annoy Wolf and let him open such a suppressed landslide of words?

I shook my head before saying after few minutes:

Dont you have anything else?

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We have rockets, Wolf lost his focus for a second and was this close from continuing his long lecture with me. Yet he forcibly stopped himself when he saw it was me who asked and couldnt help but tremble while trying his best to contain what he wanted to say.

Dude Like this youll end up exploding in the end, I couldnt help but grin, resisting the urge to laugh. But Moore didnt restrain himself and laughed.

Just wait Ill teach you a lesson after this, Wolf realised his mistake and didnt fall for the same trap twice. He sent orders to his people down below, and yet they didnt take back their bombers.

They only brought a rocket launching big vehicle that was hardly moving thanks to the immense weight of the twelve rocket launching stations over its back.

Now we are talking, seeing this rocket launching truck and that cannon with a slightly short and thick barrel. Whats the name of that weapon? I pointed at it and asked.

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