I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 313: 313 The True Problem In Human Wea

Explain further, I nodded as this dudes people seemed to get closer to the core of the problem more than Wolfs people.

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We found out that the amount of explosives used in each munition isnt enough to cause any harm to these monsters. So if we manage to produce much larger missiles and munitions, well be able to solve this problem.

Alright, lets test it then, I was disappointed. They got close to the problem yet they ended up astray in the end.

How, sir? Moore gave me a weird look and I explained further:

By your words, if we used more than one attack at these monsters at the same time, wed end up damaging them, right? I said before adding, bring forth more of these big weapons. Let them all launch at the same time and lets see the end result.


Just do it, I knew it wouldnt work. But using words instead of showing them the result was wrong.

They listened to my words, brought more of their weapons. Each company brought five more of their big guns, and they attacked at the same time.

Twelve loud explosions shook the entire world while releasing thick clouds of dust. This time it took more than one minute for the dust to clear out and we could all see the result.

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Its not working, I said what I knew earlier, your theory isnt valid as well. Next

I looked up at the three youths from MIT. the girl stepped forward as she said:

After our last discussion, sir, we got to upgrade our theories about the main issue, she paused while slightly feeling like she cheated here.

Continue I nodded in encouragement and she added after taking a deep breath:

Its the problem of the explosives used itself The materials we used arent suited to face off these monsters.

Explain further, as expected, those genius young minds were so fast in picking the hints in my words from before.

We have to find new energy, plus new materials from the current era to use as explosives. Without that, well fail in upgrading the weapons.

Good, I said in praise, this is the main issue. The materials we are using arent suitable for this part of our history. We need to adapt, change everything and use the materials provided by monsters and the apocalypse in making brand new weapons.

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I turned to the rocket launcher, the one big weapon I held much hope for, take this for an example. If we manage to change everything in it, using ores excavated from the apocalypse and materials from monsters to build it, and replacing the explosive powder inside with new explosive material from the new world, well have a deadly weapon we can depend entirely upon in changing the course of many big wars.

But sir

Weve never met such explosive materials before!

The two said in succession, and I simply took something out from my inventory.

This is called the grenade of death, I handed one to each of those standing behind me, they are priceless weapons of mass destruction. If you look closer, youll see its structure isnt much different from the usual grenades we used to make, right?


Be extra careful while dealing with this, I warned, or else even I wouldnt be able to help you at all.

I took out more grenades and handed them over to them, its not the matter of the absence of materials. Its just you never took such a thing seriously before. For example, why didnt you search in the market for such materials?

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My words landed as a lightning bolt over their heads. They really took such a thing lightly and never seriously sought after gaining such materials. If they did, then the market was the first place to look for such materials.

I can help you and provide lots of such materials over, I also had the card of the Bringold impact up my sleeve, but you first have to change this.;.

I pointed at my head, referring to their mindset. Even if I provided them with the best kind of materials ever, theyd still fail to use them to show their fullest potential.

They looked at my grenades in daze while my words kept hammering this inside their subconscious minds.

You need to start itching everything you built before. Stealth bombers? Its a great concept indeed but how can we use such a thing in such times? Anything flying over high altitude will be taken down by the system No exception here.

But sir Wolf was still reluctant to let go of such a thing, we spent lots of time and effort, wrecking our minds to bring such weapons to humanity.

You can then use the same concept and work over other things, I patted over his shoulder before adding, for example, why not use the same stealth function over choppers? Even if you used such tech over the munitions, making them all invisible to any enemy, it would be much better than leaving it to rot in such an obsolete weapon, right?

His eyes went wide in response to my words. I hoped he got what I meant and learnt the lesson. If not, then he would waste lots of time and effort without bringing me any good results.

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This place is fantastic for us, I turned towards the MIT campus, its filled with brilliant young minds, not tainted with the fixed and rigid concepts of the lost days of human civilisations. They are revolutionary minds, ones that can bring great things to your inventions, making them adapt to the current times.

Well hire them of course, Moore was faster than Wolf to grab what I hinted at here.

W Well also do the same, Wolf seemed to still be lost in his dilemma, but losing to Moore made him follow his steps blindly without much thinking.

Well In fact its the opposite, I couldnt help but laugh before adding, your previous prestige as the biggest military companies in the world is gone. From now on, youll have to work under the leadership of those youths.


But sir

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