I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 322: 322 Harvard Is Here

You should control yourself a bit more, the jumper moved towards me and his eyes behind the mask were glaring in dangerous light.

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Keep your sticky nose out of my business, I didnt respond gently to his rude words.

Humph, he bypassed Leo and stood by my side, just inches away from my back.

What are you doing? I turned and gave him a questioning glance.

Im making sure that b*tch wont dare to touch you again, he said and I didnt know why I felt so weird about his words.

He why was he acting like this? Weird!

Lets Talk about business then, I said, especially when I saw a new face added to our group.

It was Mouven.

You are finally here, as I saw him, I instantly recalled his scattered forces here.

Does lord want anything from me? his face changed from surprise and amusement into shock and fear.

Have you taken control over your forces here or what? I asked, I havent met any representatives from them yet.

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They already signed the contracts, he hurriedly said before adding, and we all decided, Im going to be the only representative for our cult.

Its your force and not a cult, I didnt like the name he still kept using to describe his people, you work for me, not for your cult anymore.

I I got it, lord, it seemed hard to accept the new situation, but with repetition things would become easier in the future. Id keep reminding him of this until the idea would be deeply engraved in his mind and soul.

Can you stop this useless sh*t and tell us why you gathered us here? The jumper was the only one daring to speak to me in this way.

But I knew he was pissed off for unknown reasons. It seemed Hilary and he had a friction, something even far more serious than the thing between her and Karoline.

The latter kept her silence, only standing without saying anything. You gathered up here instead of releasing us around, isnt it weird? under my firm gaze, he had to give such a fake reason for his attitude.

There are more important things to discuss than just running around like idiots, I didnt buy his useless reason, now lets talk about something, I need three forces out of you. One will stay here and defend, the second will go out and claim cities and regions around here.

What about the third? Sara asked, while looking at Karoline from time to time.

Ill need them to do an extremely important task, I said without exposing everything, now who will go out and who will stay here to defend?

First tell whats that mysterious mission of yours, the jumper said but I looked up at Mouven, ignoring him for now.

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Youll lead your forces and remain here for defence.

Ill do my best, me selecting him and assigning the first task directly meant one thing. I didnt trust telling my plans in front of him.

After all, I just met him a couple of hours ago. He should behave well in defending my capital to gain more of my trust.

Then go and start arranging your troops, I waved my hand at him to leave.

Ahem, what about the other forces here? he didnt leave as he asked about this.

Arent they all students of MIT academy? They have something to do here, so leave them aside from this.

No, most of them belong to other universities, he shook his head before adding, most are from Harvard.

Oh, I didnt know that, why didnt I meet up with any of them yet?

I believe you asked for only the cult and MIT representatives, he seemed at loss as to me about this, plus they were active mostly in Boston, their leaders I mean.

Alright, it was some kind of unintended error, go and bring their leaders to me then. Ill decide after speaking with them.

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Ok, he descended and vanished from my sight. I turned to look at my team, with faces filled with questions.

Do you remember this? I took out one of my two dungeon keys. Both were now dark gold grade, and with that golden key the spearhead jumped as he pointed at it and shouted:

Isnt it the key I once had?

What? Do you want it back or something? I looked up at him while Alex moved closer as she said in her usual shy tone:

I recall seeing this Isnt it one of the two keys you upgraded that day?

It was the day when we both met. Of course she wouldnt forget about this, as the spearhead wouldnt. On that day, I taught this arrogant dude a lesson and made him obedient.

It opens a dungeon, Hilary moved towards my side, but the jumper moved faster and stood in between me and her.

Its something interesting indeed, the jumper said.

Do you even know what this is? I rolled up my eyes while he nodded.

I know dungeons, I once had a key but it was much lower in grade than this.

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A silver grade key? I asked and he paused before looking at Hilary, changing the topic:

Stay a little back please.

Why? she crossed her arms while her face carried an interesting look filled with challenge, dont you think you are acting weird? Tell me, are you a guy lover or something?

Im not, the jumper solemnly responded and I had to step in and stop this nonsense from escalating into a bigger sh*t.

Lets stop this then, I said, this dungeon is our chance to turn tables over.

How? the jumper and Hilary asked in the same breath. Well, if others asked then it would be fine. But these two Dont tell me they didnt know about the real strength of dungeons!

Come here, I pointed at Karoline who was standing all silent and seemed a little distracted. Since coming up here, she looked more pathetic to me than ever.

Even if I had little fun with Hilary, Karoline was still my first girl.

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