I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 323: 323 The Dungeon Is The Solution

Ah, ok, Karoline was jolted awake, before coming at me while all the eyes fell on the two of us.

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You stop right there, just as Karoline was getting closer, Hilary seemed to intend on moving closer as well. Yet the jumper stood like a wall between the two of us.

You Hilary moved her eyes between the three of us before focusing over Karoline, lucky For now at least.

Humph, Karoline seemed to regain her previous fighting spirit as she responded coldly at Hilarys remark. As she came to me, I pointed at my Gollem to come and extend his thick arm for me to sit.

Come, I let her sit just like how I let Hilary sit in my lap. But comparing the two together, Karoline was more docile and less daring than Hilary.

The dungeon is a treasure trove, I started moving my fingers across her hair while explaining, we can get anything from there. Be it gears, materials, stat points, and even skills We can get everything.

I know that, Hilary was a little annoyed seeing Karoline taking up her place, but I dont see how this will help in our situation.

The stat points, I said before explaining further, we can have tons of free stat points if we manage to clear lots of stages inside the dungeon.

But Arent we limited by the system? Karoline finally spoke to me. It seemed being in my embrace let her anger melt away.

The system wont upgrade our stat limit, the jumper crossed his arms before adding in sarcasm, dont tell me you think our problem was in getting stats, and not in our inability to use them.

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Inside the dungeon, we have our system control relieved, I moved my eyes from Karoline to the jumper, didnt you say you entered there before? What? Were you distracted by a girl or something?


I also went into many dungeons before, Hilary used this chance to bypass the jumper, standing just next to me, but there wasnt such a thing there.

You the jumper was startled by what just happened. Before he would do anything stupid, I grabbed Hilarys body and let her sit next to me.

One girl was in my lap, and the other was next to me This scene attracted the eyes of everyone, and I felt the burning heat of envy coming from the spearhead and Leo.

As for the jumper, my actions stopped what stupid thing he intended to do. He looked at this scene and seemed to not find any suitable words to use in such a situation.

The system wont disappear, I continued explaining, as if I didnt do anything just now and this was all normal, but few of its restrictions will be released.

You mean Hilary turned to me as she paused and I nodded.

The curse will be lifted there.

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So we can gain the system quest again? Isabella asked.

I believe this will be hard, Angelica said, after all that dungeon place seems to be isolated from the apocalypse here.

Thats correct, I nodded in agreement, the curse will be lifted temporarily but we wont receive any quests.

Then Leo asked and the jumper explained what they all missed.

The stat limit will be released, he said, so we can add stat points there. Then when we return, even with the curse being reactivated, we will still enjoy the gains of our stats.

Exactly, I said, besides our forces are very big. We need a reliable source to get more stats. These dungeons will help us in doing that.

We need first to conquer them, the jumper suddenly said, making me look at him in disbelief. What? You dont know about that?

About what?

Sigh, you are really helpless, he shook his head, doing this on purpose.

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But who said he was the only one having such knowledge here?

Any dungeon has a challenging test when first opened, Hilary said, giving the jumper a big smile that wasnt a smile at all, its not easy and not hard. All depends on the goals you have for yourself before taking this test.

What do you mean?

The dungeons are like separate worlds, the jumper said, seemingly annoyed by the interference of Hilary, any dungeon is like a bottomless pit. So the challenge test at first will determine not only the level of difficulty of the dungeon, but also the available levels we can clear, the quality and quantity of rewards, and even the number of people taking part in it at the same time.

This This news was all new to me. I never expected dungeons to have such a hard test at first.

As you plan to let all our forces enter that dungeon, well have to try our best and work hard to score big on that test, Hilary said.

How many can we bring there at that test? I asked while having a bad hunch about it.

Only ten, the jumper said, what? Terrified now?

Terrified? Dude, I, alone, is enough to clear it! I said in a response to his mockery, but for a reason he laughed.

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In there We cant use lots of our strength, Hilary poured such a cold bucket of water over my head, each test has its own rules, but in general it tests the individual strength of the team.

I also believe we cant use cheap tricks like what you used to in the dungeons in general, the jumper didnt stop his annoying comments.

Cheap? I never knew that my supreme class is considered cheap! I scoffed before adding, I dare to see how that dungeon is going to limit my class then.

Well We cant tell until we try, right? that bastard kept knocking on my door of anger.

I doubt it will limit my class, I said with confidence, after all classes are just like our bloodlines, genes in other words.

Well see, screw you! I decided to drop this topic, for the peace of my mind.

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