I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 395: 395 Arguing With A Greedy Dude

Are you afraid? Humph, I knew that would be the case, that damn bastard kept taunting the owner of that voice.

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One thing was certain for now whatever that paragon connected this world to, it wasnt a place he held any control over.

In fact it looked like there were deep wars between his race and the owner of that voice.

A weak figure is trying to show up in front of the mighty me? A hegemon of your kind wont dare to speak in such a way to me at any time, kid!

Empty words, the paragon kept taunting him, and I had no control over this situation.

My heart My guts told me something bad, really bad was going to happen if I didnt stop him. But aside from my curse, I had only my technique and my boys here to silence him.

Hit that motherf*cker, as I sensed such an urge to stop him, I didnt hesitate to shout, kill that bastard!

With it I controlled all the threads and pushed all of them towards that bastard. At the same time, my boys started releasing their deadly attacks.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

But that bastard was ready. The previous shock waves appeared again in torrents, like ragged ocean waves coming towards me as if I was the shore.

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Each wave crushed a few of the incoming attacks, and weirdly enough they also shattered a few of my threads. Things kept happening at a fast pace like this, until only a few of my threads and my boys techniques landed over his island.


This time the attacks and threads all were stopped with a mighty looking shield. I knew that shield, it was the same the first paragon I truly killed used to protect his island.

Damn! Such offensive and defensive ways make my path to him almost blocked, I clenched my fists, not knowing what else I should do.

Sounds of fight? You dare to talk this big in the middle of a fight? Hahaha, thats really funny!

At this moment, the sounds of our clashs here seemed to reach that mighty figures ears.

Mighty one, as I failed to kill that bastard, I had to use this moment of his distraction blocking my attacks to stop whatever was coming here, please dont listen to this filial kid. He is trying to borrow your hand and as

Just before I could continue my words, a weird message popped in front of my eyes.

[Let him come! This will act in your favour]

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I looked at the owner of this message. Damn! He was that greedy bastard from the system higher ups. He was the one to teach me in my way to open my cultivation in the first place.


[Dont forget our little deal. He is a person youll need to fight, or kill his forces whatever happens in the end]

Just mentioning that deal made my heart shudder. Damn! Damn! Damn! Dont tell me Is he one from the hostile universe?

[He is a hegemon at his world, one of the strongest forces we had to fight there]

Damn! And you are asking me to fight him? Are you crazy?

[Fighting him will bring you closer to your goal by a large step. What? Dont you want to establish a human connection system? Or did you change your mind?]

That damn bastard! Both of them were bastards! What did that paragon think to bring such a deadly foe here?

Was he really this tired of living? Or was he out of his damn mind? I never expected what I did here to bring me such a disaster.

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Forget about that bastard for now, that system higher up was a nuisance! He used this moment to let me accept that incoming enemy.

But cmon! I was this weak, my forces were this week, this world was all weak If I allowed such a behemoth or his forces to come here, wouldnt this be like condemning this world to be destroyed?

I can do it, but in return Ill have my human communication system activated at once, screw logic If I was going to risk it here, then I should play it big.

[This I cant promise such a thing to you] that bastard was reacting the same way I knew he would.

If you didnt accept, then Ill try my best to let that hegemon not send his forces here, I was going all out at the moment. It was all or none for me. Either Id win this fight and get everything I wanted, or let this fight not happen in the first place.

[But the conditions]

I gave my conditions, take them or leave them, I didnt even continue to read his answer as I knew what he was going to say here.

He was going to find his way out of this deal, trying to keep his hold over my fate. But dude, this chance was thrown as a disaster in front of my path. If Id take it, it would be for something great in return.

Or else it was better for me to not risk this fight at all. Even if that bastard sent his forces here, Id just take my elites and run, run as far away from here as possible.

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In such a case, Id love to let other races here fight this war, not me.

[You are a really hard human race kid to deal with] As he said that, I knew he already agreed. It seemed losing this chance would cost him much more than he desired.

[But in return, youll pay double of the fee]

D Double? Are you a greedy merchant or what?!! I couldnt help but get shocked.

[One hundred million souls, or nothing] he sent and this time I felt the pressure instead of him.

Alright Send me the contract, but as he was forced to agree on my terms, I had also to agree on his.

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