I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 397: 397 The Weakness

[Their idea was simple, if we are weak against them then arming us with their power will make us stronger. But that didnt work out well as we still place much importance over old and classic cultivation ways than trying to come up with new ways to merge energy with our cultivation]

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Speaking here, I suddenly recalled my cultivation. So this is why everyone seemed so hectic about my cultivation It hit me at this moment. I realised why my cultivation was considered so special and mighty.

Also my class After all classes were provided by the system, away from the cultivation concept. Putting in mind what Fang just said, I knew this class, or perhaps all of the classes, came from the other universe.

Perhaps even the system itself was brought over from that universe. Well, in times of war, anything was possible. Even stealing tech from our enemies and arm us with was feasible and even encouraged.

[Anyway, the exiles are considered one of the top races there. In that universe, they dont divide themselves into races, but factions based on their innate abilities and affinities with energy]

[Who are those damn exiles?] I hurried him. In fact I didnt want to interrupt him, let him continue spilling all these secrets that Id never dreamt of hearing before.

But just while he was taking his time explaining things from the start, these clouds were getting bigger, extending down all the way to the ground.

Something told me theyd release whatever was on the other side once these clouds burst open. And that would happen when theyd touch the ground.

[They harness the energy of death, use it to summon scary things that know no pain, fear, or any feeling but the irresistible desire to feed over the flesh of the dead. And each time they kill or feast, they grow stronger. They are deadly, scary, even in the other universe they are considered gods]

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I stood in my place motionless, looking at his words in shock. This Just taking a look around here and I knew how bad it was going to be if such a thing was released here.

Feast over the energy of death and flesh of the dead? And grew stronger while doing that? Just imagining such a race in a world filled with killing and wars like the apocalypse here made me feel goosebumps.

And at this moment I saw the first cloud touching the ground. Unlike what I expected, it didnt burst open. Instead it twisted around like a giant snake, sniffing something from the ground.

Its absorbing the death energy Damn! I realised what was going on here. That was bad, but it also meant I had little time left.

[Tell me What is their most fatal point of weakness?]

[Not to Kill, perhaps?] His answer left me startled. Damn bro, it wasnt time to be funny.

[Another weakness] I ignored his useless remark. Not to fight? In the apocalypse? You gotta be kidding me!

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[Well I have to say not many faced them and survived So]

[Just tell me what you know] I hated it when someone stalled for an answer when there was no time for that.

[I heard fire can hurt them, but the only proven way to control their spread is by killing as many as possible when they are weak. If we waited for them to grow stronger, then things will be out of our control]


[This danger isnt just threatening you, my troublemaker friend. Ill contact my paragon and I suggest you let that other lazy one know about this as well and contact his paragon. We need to put our differences aside for now and work towards controlling this deadly enemy]


I didnt find it weird for the current races to unite together. They already were uniting to fight me, my humans. So what was the problem in letting them work together to crush this enemy here?

I looked back, towards the area beyond this ring of shields of mine. The number of races here was still large, large enough to make an impact and make a difference if we managed to bring everyone on the same page.

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The next moment I sent a summed up report to Wryly and asked him to deliver this to his paragon. Of course that dude screamed and whined, giving the same reaction as Fang. but I simply ignored all of this and warned the rest of my team.

[Damn! Are you telling me exiles are coming here?]

The only one who recognised them was Hilary. She seemed scared, and she had all the right to feel so.

[So are we going to help you or what?] This question came from her the next moment. I paused, looked around and decided not to do so.

[Remain at your current course, do your current mission]

[But that might be pointless if they spread. Their infestation is wide known to be deadly and unstoppable]

[Just do as I say]

I had to do so. In case other races didnt agree to join hands with me, in light of our past differences, then it would be nice to keep threatening them with my forces.

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As for the imminent threat here, I had to find a way to deal with them.

Fire? I have no skill or weapon to create such a thing on a wide scale, I muttered to myself, thinking about my options here.

Fire and other natural powers werent my turf. I thought about asking for help from my teammates, but I doubted anyone would have such a unique ability.

I was A bit negligent about this, I sighed. Even if I had many skills now, I still lacked such natural powers.

I decided after this battle, and if I survived, Id have to look for ways to gain such powers. Either me or any of my teammates, anything would help to avoid such a disastrous situation like this one.

There was no point in regretting this. The only thing I could depend upon was my dragons and fallen gods. Dragons had the power to release fiery attacks. But the number of such fiery dragons wasnt that much.

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