I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 426: 426 Another Follower With A Compl

Only that last paragon remained, alongside the bunch of fools here waiting to be slaughtered.

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[Have you rested up well enough? Its time for a counter attack now] before going to meet that dude, I made sure to take a wide tour around, killing as much as I could, creating as much chaos as I could, and eventually I gave the green light for my forces to attack.

The area around them was already cleared all the time by my dragons and soulers. As for the jumper forces, they were too deep in enemy lines, killing fervently without any specific goal in mind.

[Get ready, we are attacking now] and as I gave the order to my boys, I also sent this message to both Fang and Wryly.

[Are you trying to seduce our paragon? Did you like her this much or what?]

Just as I sent this to Fang, he responded with such a weird message.

[Her? Is your paragon a girl?!!] I never noticed this. Was that paragon a girl? How come I didnt know it?

[She uses a camouflage technique to make her appearance look like a man. But she is one of the fiercest, and most beautiful ladies of our race. Are you sure you arent after her beauty?]

Just reading this made me not know if I should laugh or cry. That dude just said that she used a technique to hide her appearance from the world. How come Id be after her then?

[Dude, this is all a misunderstanding]

[Tell this to her big army of fans then]

For a reason, this phrase looked familiar and left a melancholic feeling in me. Somehow, somewhere else someone told me such a sentence before, or one similar to it.

[Im not after her, but she is going to be mine anyway]

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[Contradictory words coming from a tyrant man]

[Dude, Im just trying to help you here] I rolled my eyes, [Dont you feel like thanking me or something?]

[Humph, as if its easy to fill up her place like this]

[You are such ungrateful bastard]

[Learnt from the best]

[F*ck off!] I closed the chat, feeling a little irritated by this ungrateful dude.

Why the hell didnt he just say a simple thank you? Was it this hard to thank me?

Humph, if he didnt know his place, then Id end up replacing him with someone else.

As for that girl, she wouldnt be the first by my side to act like a boy. I had Hilary for now, and had problems still waiting to get solved back at my capital with Karoline.

Last thing I needed was to bring myself another disaster or a pile of trouble.

[We are ready!]

[Lets go, boss!]

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[My boys are hungry for blood]

[Im leading out my forces right now]

[Can I come over now?]

Of course the last message was from Hilary. I didnt know what went into her mind. But anyway, it wasnt time yet to rest and have fun.

[Go, start the big and final battle boys. Follow the spearhead, he will clear the way with his ability]

[Me? Damn boss! Why give me such a risky task?]

[Dude, dont act like this] I responded to the spearhead before adding, [You have to help others. After all the forces here arent in their top shape]

[But Ill be at the frontlines like this]

[My dragons will protect you, just keep your ability rolling all the time]

[ Fine boss Whatever you say]

[If you dont how a better attitude, I might call my dragons back]

[No boss, I still have Isabella to live the rest of my life with. Please boss, I swear Ill name my first kid Hye, I swear on my honour]

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[Screw off!] I closed the chat while laughing. That dude he was feeling so well to even crack such a joke.

Anyway, I took a detour to tell my dragons to protect the spearhead after locating his place. I also took a few circles around, killing lots of the enemies and made sure the first few clashes wouldnt be that fierce on them.

Then I had time to go and see this chick acting like a dude.

Would she wear a mask as well from now on or what?

So, have you decided, girl? as I arrived at that paragon, I said while stressing over my last word.

You Damn! Fang must have told you! That damn talkative bastard!

It seemed Fang was famous for not keeping his mouth shut. But he didnt speak that much with me anyway. Compared to Wryly, that dude only spoke when there was something important to say.

Anyway, have you decided? I ignored her useless remark over my boy, and waited to hear her answer.

Just a question

Im not after your body, wake up I didnt know about your secret identity until later on, I rolled my eyes as I knew what she wanted to say.

Then can you

Dont worry, you arent the first anyway in my team to hide such a secret from others I again read through her mind and knew what she wanted to ask for. But for Fangs part, I cant guarantee that.

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Ill teach that bastard a lesson later on, leave him to me.

I didnt know why when she said it, I felt sympathy towards Fang. that dude was going to have his as* kicked with a former paragon, and a mighty and fierce girl on top of that.

Any more questions? I asked and she shook her head. Then lets sign the contract, I took out the highest grade contract I could get.

One second


I need to resign from my position first, she said and strangely enough, she took out a big sword. Without any warning or a speck of hesitation, she cut her left arm from the elbow, leaving me all speechless while looking at the fountain of blood coming out from her wound.

We have to pay the price of what we pledged when we joined this rank, she said in a slightly weaker tone, before she started wrapping the wound in a shaky way.

Damn you girl! Wait, Ill get you a healing potion.

No need, it wont work anyway This is a pledge price, something that had to be paid fully to get free, despite being shaky and looking weak, she gave such a strong front and said such strong words back.

And without saying anymore, I inwardly nodded in respect to her courage and strong will.

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