I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 427: 427 Dealing With The Crazy Jumper

She was a brave girl, so I gave her that.

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Just her decisiveness made me realise how she intended to serve me.

Ok, from now on you are part of my elite team, I had to reward her for what she did, Come on board, lets talk inside.

Ok, she said in a loud tone but when she moved, her body shifted to the side all of sudden. I inwardly sighed, jumped off my chariot and grabbed her body before falling to the ground.

Foolish girl, I said to her when I saw her white face and closed eyes. She seemed to pay much more than I thought, and she was now unconscious.

I thought about using a healing potion or pill, but her last words made me stop from doing so. Such a price was like a curse, not easily healed without doubt.

I returned back to my chariot using the stairs, and left her to rest in one of the beds here. Of course thinking she might betray me was out of the question.

She just abandoned everything she held dear and paid a hefty price for that.

As I went up to the chariot, I started to roam the battlefield.

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This place was already chaotic. The dense numbers of different races here played a role in adding more to this chaos.

Unlike what anyone would expect, this gathering without a strong overall general would be a thorn in their backs.

And now my boys were fighting fiercely, releasing all the frustration they had against those races.

Of course I knew these races were innocent from what happened to them. None of these races was behind what happened, and I doubted anyone would know who caused all this mess.

Anyway, I just roamed around, killed everyone I got near to, and eventually reached the dead paragon bodies. I simply got them up to my chariot, claimed my prize, and kept roaming the battlefield without any specific purpose.

The loot I got wasnt that great anyway. Aside from tons of coins, stat points, gears, and few low grade treasures, nothing big was there.

Only high grade bones might be considered the good loot I got from the two. As for their elites, it was so damn hard to find them amidst all the devastation and death here.

If not for me recalling where I slain these two, Id have never found their bodies this fast.

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[Head north] as the fight seemed endless and pointless, and my forces werent indeed in top form, it was better to start and shift slowly towards our escape route.

I gave them five to six hour to vent their anger, release whatever they held deep in their hearts. But I feared about the other races getting the glaring mistakes fixed and their big names would take charge of their large number of forces.

Form a wall from here to here, as I gave that order, I entrusted the task of stopping and defending the back of my army to my newly acquired Bulltors and humans.

These dudes were strong, hellish strong. So leaving this part to them was more than enough. I knew theyd excel at defending my army while retreating, stopping any problems that might rise.

But the only problem I had left was none other than that crazy jumper!

[Hey! If you dont stop now and turn around, I swear Ill come down there and drag your ass all the way to my chariot!]

[Leave me alone! I wont stop before killing all of those bastards!]

Well That was a problem indeed. That jerk was focusing on the wrong enemy, wasting his time and effort over such useless foes.

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[I swear if you dont turn around now Ill tell everyone about your little secret. These races are nothing but useless sh*t! They arent the ones who trapped you in there]

[Then who was it? Tell me his name and I swear I wont stop until butchering him in the most brutal way ever!]

[Dude, calm down please. No one knows who is he, and I swear to you I wont forgive him]

[I want to kill that bastard! I want to kill someone! Let me keep fighting here and come to me in a week or two]

Week or two?!! Damn dude!!! Do you plan to keep fighting like this for all this time?

Sigh, I didnt want to do it but I had no other option then.

I moved my chariot towards his location. Other than this stubborn dude, everyone was fighting together and listening to my words.

They were moving slightly to the north, supported by my boys and the mighty Bulltors and humans who formed a big wall to defend their retreat.

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Only that jumper stayed there, deep in the enemy lines, giving me such a worry. Something seemed wrong in that dudes mind, like he saw something unbearable or forgivable at that illusion.

What just happened there? Damn! This was getting more complicated than I thought.

But that crazy dude was forgetting that even if he had the will, he couldnt keep that up with his body and his forces general conditions.

They were tired and still wounded. They couldnt maintain such a high intensity fight without getting weak at some point.

And if that happened, and with their presence deep and isolated in enemy lines, they would face a disaster.

Listen up, I first took a half circle in the air before adding, hit this zone as if this is the end of the world. Dont let any single bastard survive, and slowly expand the attack towards that direction.

Even if I planned to get that bastard with force, his forces would still be trapped in here. So I had to clear a zone for them to retreat and move towards the rest of my forces.

Just as my boys started to rain that zone with their deadly attacks, I called back a few dragons and jumped over the back of one of them.

Go, lets get that maniac home, I took out my light weighted glaive and pointed it towards the direction of the jumper.

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