I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 434: 434 The Races' Fierce Rules

You are so mean and cold, the coldest person Ive ever met! she complained yet I knew such a lustful girl would never take my no as an insult.

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How are you all doing now? as I got myself freed from Karoline, it was the time to check over everyone else.

It was Bad, Sara was the first to speak while I noticed Leo standing arm to arm and body to body with Alex.

It seemed these two got together and that loose cannon inside that Leo found its target at last.

I never want to experience such a thing ever again! Isabella said, and the spearhead couldnt help but pat her warmly on the shoulder.

Dont worry, we will try our best to catch that bastard, I said before looking over Fang and Wryly, but first we need to commence a big meeting about our next move. Come, lets talk over there.

I led them back into my chariot. Just as we arrived up there, Karoline looked around before asking in puzzlement, where is that jerk? Last time I saw him was when we got out. He roared like a wounded beast and led everyone under him into the depth of the enemy.

He was courageous, that was how Wryly saw what that mentally ill jumper did.

He isnt in his right mind, I just said this before looking at everyone, now lets talk about what we should do next. Any suggestions?

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My words landed and all of my team went silent. The only one who spoke was Fang.

We lost it big this time, he delivered the bad news, despite killing lots of big names, we ended up losing many of our normal forces.

If not for someone to act selfish and cowardish, we wouldnt have lost this big, Isabella showed her fierce side as she directly looked at Fang and said these words.

You You dont have the right to address me, human girl!

Watch out dude, she is my girl! the spearhead was stirred up, moved to stand in front of Isabella, shielding her behind his big body.

Easy boys, I had to intervene and stop this from escalating, Fang did what was best for his forces.

And ended up losing the biggest out of all of us, Wryly didnt let this chance slip by this easily.

Says the one who runs around like a mad dog looking for bones, Fangs sharp tongue proved its worth indeed. But Wryly only snorted, pointed around as he said:

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Just take a look out there and tell me, who is the biggest fool to lose most of his forces? And for what? To stay behind and not share the pleasure of fight with all of us?

Its called tactic, dumbhead, Fang snorted back, and before I could say a single word to stop these two dogs barking at each other, Wryly instantly said:

Tactic or not, you lost it big and needs lots of time to recuperate.

Thats not entirely true, at this moment I stepped in, and made sure no one would speak as I moved my eyes around in clear warning. I have an idea for the two of you. Do it and youll guarantee lots of support and forces to your aid.

You mean Fangs face changed slightly before firmly shaking his head, it wont work. Our races dont go by this arrangement.

See this, I didnt instantly answer and instead I pointed at the two dead bodies of paragons here, one is for you, and the other for Wryly.

This Wrylys face changed slightly as he realised at last what I was talking about. Will it work?

Weirdly enough he turned to Fang who shrugged, just tell him that, not me. He is the one believing our races are ruled by this pathetic rule.

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The rule of power isnt pathetic, I instantly said, dont tell me your paragons wont acknowledge you for that.

They might appreciate our doing indeed, but not to the degree of making us upgrade, Fang sighed, and Wryly nodded in agreement.

It doenst work this way, bro. We need to achieve some milestones before getting upgraded.

I wasnt speaking about getting upgraded here, I lied, I just wanted you to ask your paragons for a simple request.

Which is? Fang asked in doubt, while giving me a curious gaze.

Just ask for all the forces without archlords to be assigned to you, I shrugged, after all those archlords were killed on our hands, mostly of course.

This the two looked at each other before Fang took the role of answering me, by custom, any dead archlord will be filled by selecting the most capable dudes out of our forces to get promoted.

Then you should work fast, I shrugged, I dont care what your races rules are, and you shouldnt bother with that. Life taught me that whoever holds strength is the one who has the right to speak and determine everything. F*ck rules, they are only created for the losers and the pathetic weaklings.

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My words landed and the two went into silence. They seemed to not believe in what I said, seeing little hope in accomplishing that.

So I had to add my last piece here.

Just tell your paragons that your friend, the human race Hye with the title of paragon slayer is wondering about how much forces you will get.

This this time the two literally jumped on their feet, are we going to threaten our paragons?

I killed many already, so dont give me such a scary look and go and do what I just said.

I didnt give the chance to ask or negotiate. Sometimes cutting any path for argument or negotiation with others would be the best approach to force them to do something big.

These two didnt get it yet. Their paragons wouldnt look at them like any paragon would to any of his archlords.

These paragons would always see my shadow looming behind these two. And just as I stated, I was now famed for killing and slaying paragons.

And that would leave any paragon scared from the idea of turning into an enemy of mine at this point at least.

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