I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 435: 435 Strange Finding

I realised that paragons werent that scary. And that was because we were still at the early stages of the apocalypse. Later on they might turn frightening. But they needed to survive to reach that stage, right?

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So even if these two were trapped into seeing things from the rules of their races, things wouldnt turn out like this. Their paragons would fear me, fear them, and would eventually succumb to their desires.

But they had to act fast before those dirty paragons would assign people to the free forces. If that happened, then it would be a problem indeed.

Go, start speaking with your paragons, I waved my hands for them to go and start their talk.

As the two moved in such reluctance towards the corners of my chariot, Isabella whispered:

Will they get what you want?

No one can say no in the face of death, I shrugged, if they refused, then it would be more perfect to go and find one of these two and kill him. That would knock some sense into the other one.

This of course thinking about going into another big war this soon was crazy. I laughed over their expression before saying:

Joking, I was just joking.

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Dont give me that face, Im not that war maniac like him, I pointed at Wrylys direction when I noticed their gloomy faces.

They seemed to not believe my words as a joke and took them as if they were real. If they didnt agree then it would be better to just look for another masters for these two. Who would say no to someone with my backing?

You Karoline shook her head before Leo added:

I like your mind, boss. Dirty, but cool, I like it.

Stop it guys, I didnt know why but I just wanted to laugh when I heard what they said, anyway, lets talk about your losses. Is it big?

Once I mentioned their losses, bitter sighs and darkened and pained faces appeared in front of me.

Boss, we were doing great, the spearhead said, but starting from that damn thing that enveloped us and we lost our advantage. Even at the last fight where we were trying to run away, we still ended up losing a lot.

At least one third of mine are gone, Karoline was more specific, and the rest are still injured and exhausted from all these fights.

Boss, cant we just let our forces rest during the upcoming quest? We dont have to take part in the upcoming two at least, right? Leo said and moved his eyes around.

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We wont take part in the next two quests, I said it out loud, making them all feel comfortable. Anyway, where are these dudes from that cult? And those representing the MIT academy? I turned around, trying to change the topic and give them a space to rest.

This fight It was really stressful over all of them without doubt. Even one of my best, the jumper, got serious damage at his mind.

So taking part in the upcoming quests? That was indeed the plan before, but not anymore. Right now my top priority was for them to rest, build up, and start strengthening themselves and their forces.

We dont know, but the answer I got from Isabella made me feel puzzled.

Werent they with you? I asked and as they looked at each other in such way I knew they must have been lost in the middle of all this.

[Where are you?] I first sent message to that dude from the cult. I had him as a friend so it was easy for me to find him.

But the three students from MIT werent friends with me. So I had to let them look for these three here, or wait until arriving back at the capital and ask for them there.

[Help me, boss, help me, please]

This message came as a surprise. I didnt get what was going on. But before Id ask him, he sent more messages.

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[Thanks god! I thought I thought you were dead. I thought Id be dead as well Im crying right now out of happiness]

[Where are you? Whats going on? What happened?]

[Ive been captured by strange looking dudes] he sent this weird message before adding, [They arent like any race here. I dunno where they came from, but they landed over me when I got trapped inside that big scary thing. They took me away, and I dunno where Im right now]

[Calm down dude, as you are speaking to me now means you are still in the world here] I said, but he sent this message next:

[No boss, Im not! And Im not alone! Many of us got teleported through some sort of a portal]

[A portal? How do you know that?]

[I got sick, like sea sick. Its a portal, I know for sure. Plus boss, since when our sky is pale green and we have two big suns in the sky? On is purple and the other is brown?]

Well That dude meant one thing indeed You werent in this world anymore.

But how? Oh, it hit me once I thought about it. Didnt I speak with that green nymph lady even when we were worlds apart?

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[Dont panic, and just tell me your current situation]

[Im not afraid anymore! As long as my boss is alive then I wont just die]

That dude he seemed to be this desperate to even feel alive by knowing I was here.

[Alright, try to tell me what you know about this race and this world. Also is there many humans there with you?]

[We are trapped into deep caves in some sort of a desert terrain. We are all good, eating, drinking, and resting well. Damn, even many are now having fun with girls and forgetting all about this damn hell we are in]

[Focus, concentrate on facts please] I stopped him before continuing to add rubbish and useless words. I just needed to know more about this race.

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