I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 464: 464 A Weird Meeting

A third? I raised one eyebrow, and she seemed to mistake me for being astonished, thats not something to make any difference.

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You Humph! Just wait The fourth quest is going to be the paragon shining quest.

Paragon shining? Are they gathering around a fire or something at night? I said in mockery before laughing over her funny reaction.

Dont be like this! We will regain our full power at that quest. All of us were working so damn hard to get our powers back.

Quests only for you? I got what she meant by saying this, and she nodded.

I completed mine during the past quest, and many also did the same. Only a few are still struggling to keep up with us. If they missed the next quest, then theyd have to wait till quest nine.

Hmm I see, I said in fake seriousness, but that doesnt have anything to do with you for now. You arent a paragon anymore, right?

Thanks to someone, she punched me on the arm, making me feel a little stinging pain there.

I did nothing, I acted innocent and she rolled her eyes in response.

Yes, I can tell.

Anyway, even with such an increase in power, they wont match me.

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Dont be like this.

Like what?

Underestimating them We I mean they are paragons, mighty ones and not that weak.

Im not making that mistake, I shook my head, Im just all knowing about my individual strength.


And I had all the reasons to be, I laughed.

Seems like you two are having fun!

Just at this moment, a voice came from my back. It was someone who I didnt see for such a long time.

Who is he?

Who the hell are you?

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The two pointed at each other. And like any love rivals, they instantly recognised each other as an enemy.

Damn! These two Sigh!

He is the jumper, and he I paused as at this moment I realised I didnt know that paragons name.

Im Isac, the paragon of the Selvator race, that dude introduced himself in such an arrogant way, a jumper, huh? I met a couple of your kind before. All of you are arrogant and full of yourselves despite the fact that you are all cowards!

A dirty loser of such a race that held no candle in front of me doesnt have the right to speak, the jumper responded with as sharp words as Isac.

Loser? Who the hell are you calling a loser? But it seemed unlike the jumper, that Isac had weaker mental strength as he got stirred up with what the jumper said.

The jumper didnt directly answer. Instead that jerk calmly and slowly walked towards me, stood by my side while taking his time to watch the two of us from underneath his ugly mask of his.

The fact that you are standing with such a bastard here means you already fell for his tricks and became one of his loyalty contract bound people, right Hye?

Who are you calling a bastard, jerk? I rolled my eyes when I heard his words. Damn! It seemed he returned to his old self, with his sharp tongue that always targeted me.

You are, the jumper was shameless to not feel any regret about what he called me, dont tell me you dont do that? Everyone knows at least, he shrugged, as if this was something taken for granted.

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F*ck you! I shifted my eyes towards Isac, dont listen to him. He is just a jerk and always acts like that.

Stop calling me that! the jumper shouted, but I ignored him.

I know his calibre very well, after all my first lover was a coward jumper who jumped and dumped me all here by myself, Isac said this about his past. Knowing his true identity made me realise the jumper he was speaking about was a male.

And strangely enough, these two were one way or another related to an old emotional trauma related to men. Dont tell me that Isac here decided to change her appearance from a girl to a boy because of such an incident?

A loser is always a loser, the jumper snorted, saying such weird words to my ears.

Go screw yourself, Isac didnt show any weakness but his tone was filled with immense rage.

So I had to step in and put an end to this nervous meeting.

Speaking like you arent a loser yourself.

F*ck you! The jumper shouted in rage, but he didnt continue pestering Isac for now. That dude was smart enough to know if he kept doing this in front of me, Id expose his past as well.

Anyway, I shifted the topic to something useful, the two of you know each other now. He is going to lead our forces in hellish training, giving birth to great fighters.

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Arent you tired from using outsiders to do that? The jumper was still pissed off at what I just mentioned, why not let me train them? I can guarantee strong and very experienced forces.

You? A human and a coward jumper? No way you can be compared to even half of me!

Shut up! If not for that jerk here, I would have dumped this pathetic apocalypse a long time ago and jumped!

Oh, so he did such a great feat? Impressive Hye, Isac gave me a thumbs up, I like you even more.

Speaking about that the jumper seemed to recall something, what the two of you were just doing when I came up here?

What do you mean? I asked while the face of Isac turned slightly red. Damn! Get a better hold of yourself girl, or that predator here would sniff your true identity out like a seasoned dog.

I just It felt weird how the two of you were acting with each other, the jumper felt something was amiss here, but he failed to spot it, luckily.

Its just your imagination, I rolled my eyes, Im all into girls, not interested in boys, dude!

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