I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 465: 465 Finally He Responded!

I know Thats why Forget it, the jumper finally decided to drop the matter, letting me heave an inward sigh of relief.

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Now, Isac is going to lead our forces to train and you shall wait and watch and learn from the side.

Me? Did you get your head hit or something?

Dude Im not the one who led my army into such a losing battle, ending up losing most of them.

Even if he wasnt in his right mind when he did that, it didnt negate what he did. And he committed such a grave mistake for sure.

You the jumper knew he made such a grave mistake indeed. So even if he was insulted and enraged by what I said, he didnt have the gut to fight over me for this.

Anyway, we are going home now, I moved my eyes before adding, we are going to Boston.

What are we going to do there? The jumper seemed very annoyed by what I said so far, so he decided to go to the edge of the chariot. Holy sh*t! What the hell is going on down there?

He pointed down at the ground where it was covered with herdes of my boys. Hye, since when do you leave such a monster infestation loose? Dont tell me The next quest is up!

Didnt you get the notification yet? I asked in doubt and he shrugged.

I was sleeping most of the time.

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These are all his, can you believe that? Isac pointed at me like he was pointing at a monster.

Yes, I can believe that. Just stick around for a few more days and youll know this dude is crazy A crazy bastard!

Humph, I didnt take their words this time as an insult, and felt pride in what the jumper just admitted. They are taking control of our lands.

And the quest? Whats all about this time? Monster invasion? he asked and I nodded.

Its about defending ones cities and lands against monsters, Isac explained, we need to have at least half of the lands we initially owned before the start of the quest.

What?!! This was a little detail that I initially missed. And Isac nodded.

Do you think its just to protect one city or town? No pal, its about protecting half of what you already own.

Damn! I cursed before suddenly laughing.

Whats wrong? the two looked at each other in question before the jumper asked.

Some dude was getting away with this quest it seems, and in the end he had to lose it bitterly and big, hahaha! I said these words that the two wouldnt get, raised my head to the sky as I shouted, thanks for your generous help. If not for that, Id have forsaken more than half of my territory and would be punished in the end.

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Is heAlright? Isac pointed at his head and the jumper sighed.

He is always like this, just get used to it and dont let his madness get to you.

I see

See what? I looked at the two before laughing, screw you two! If my chick was here, she would have laughed alongside me.

Yes, she already got infected with your madness, the jumper pointed at his head in a way to express madness.

Its just your ignorance, not my madness, I laughed. In fact I was right now in a very good mood.

Damn! Things worked out like that without knowing about it. I thought I was blessed with luck to get all these monsters to safeguard my kingdom.

But now I knew it was much better than this. I got saved by my luck, and that bastard, the system higher up and his friends, would end up crying over losing such a chance.

[Im out At last!]

Just as I was laughing and grinning, I got this sudden and long awaited message.

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Damn! Once I read it, I hurried to one corner before responding: [What happened bro? Tell me all about it!]

[Just let me catch my breaths It was really Horrible!]

I didnt know why, but just hearing such words coming from such a strong and fierce Berserker made me realise how bad that meeting was.

Damn! Did they torture him? What about Fang? I opened my messages with that bastard, but there was news from him yet.

Dont tell me he was still inside that meeting! Or was he out already and didnt tell me like Wryly?

I knew Wryly was a kind man. So it was expected for him to send me once he got out. But that sly Selvator was another story.

[Damn man! You got us in a deep sh*t this time]

In ten minutes, Wryly finally sent that message.

[Sh*t? What happened? Tell me everything!]

[Sure, but where are you now? I have to warn you The paragons of all races agreed to pay a bribe for one of those mighty ones to target you in this quest]

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Reading his words left a touch of warmth in my heart. If I just had all my followers to be as kind and loyal as Wryly, life would be great.

[Dont worry about that, I already handled the situation]

[Phew! Thank God! The first thing I wanted to do was to get out as fast as possible and come and warn you about it]

[Thanks bro, you are the best brother I ever had] I honestly said. Comparing Wryly with the jerk, the jumper, or the sly bastard, Fang, made him the best brother I ever had.

[Is your land secure?] I knew I already got a good deal from his lands.

[I Still dont know. But if they came at you, they will come at us as well]

[Dont worry, Ive passed through your lands earlier and helped to some extent. Ill send more help to your aid]

[Thanks bro for that] I had to give him a reward for his good attitude. Unlike that bastard, Fang, Wryly contacted me the first moment he got out.

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