I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 467: 467 I'll Chop An Arm Off Them In

These two? Great! I never felt anything special about any of them anyway.

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That jerk! He was too smart to get my real intentions by dealing with these two. Did he want me to lose such a good ally? Damn cold bastard!

Thats not right, I shook my head, we will have to help them.

Why are you acting this kind? The jumper kept faking his misunderstanding. That jerk I really wanted him to get better but he returned worse than before!

If I wasnt getting much from them already, Id say youve a good point here, I glared at him, but you are well aware of their true value. Dont think Id let such a benefit slip away like this.

Ok, the jumper shrugged, but if they are targeting them, then the benefits we are getting will decrease, right?

I decided to ignore him. That jerk was just circling around the same thing despite knowing how valuable these two were.

Tell me, in your race laws, Fang is in the wrong? I turned my attention fully towards Isac, and he seemed to struggle to give an answer.

What exactly did he do?

He fell for that bastards trap, the jumper laughed while pointing out at me like I was a joke or something. He did then he started to tell in brief the things Fang did for me when I gave him a warning glance.

Being a jerk was enough, but going overboard and making fun of me was way beyond the red line. If he kept doing this, Id expose his secret. He got it from my eyes, and so he behaved himself better.

Damn it Hye! You made him do all that?!! in the middle of jumpers words, Isac turned to me while shouting in such shock.

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What? I acted innocent, he did it on his own accord and will. Besides, he got lots of benefits in return.

Thats Sigh, things dont go this way in our world. It would be lucky if he got out of this alive.

You know where he is? I couldnt help but ask while looking at him in doubt.

Since you asked about our law, that meant they took him to the paragon trial, right?

Well You can say he is with paragons right now, I didnt know what this trial was named after, but he was indeed getting interrogated by paragons.

Sigh! Its hopeless then If he gets there, he wont get out unscathed, Isac shook his head while speaking in such a bitter tone.

What if his paragon helped?

It wont.

Why are you so sure about it? He might step in and help.

No way, it was him who sold him out in the first place!

What?!!! It was shocking news indeed. That paragon did that to Fang? That meant he intended to be ill about this.

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Its a paragon trial! Not a single paragon trial in any race I heard of before will commence without the call of a paragon.

This saying it in such words shed light over something else, are you sure it wasnt another paragon who did it?

Only his paragon has the authority to call for such trial, Isac said in firm tone, its like he is announcing his inability to control his man. So he is asking the help of all the other paragons, calling them to gather up and meet to discipline this rogue dude.

Damn! At this moment I wasnt thinking about Fang, but Wryly. If what Isac said was true, then it meant Wryly was sold out by his paragon.

Wait a sec Wont Fang know that his paragon sold him out? This point puzzled me about Wryly, not Fang actually.

No, this is a secret between paragons, Yet Isac shook his head before adding, in other peoples eyes, the paragon trial is held based on a major complaint from a mysterious source. But in fact it all came from his paragon.

O Ok I paused while thinking about Wrylys words again.

That dude He didnt sell me out, right? He wasnt planning to be a double edged sword, a double agent or something.

Once I thought about it, I recalled his eagerness to warn me about the danger I was facing. If he held such ill intention against me, then he wouldnt have done this.

So Wryly was in the good here. But that didnt mean his paragon was intending anything good. Something fishy was going on here. But what was it? I needed to know the answer for that.

And at this moment, a message came that let me inwardly sigh in regret.

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[Fang is already out. He is forced by a contract with his paragons to not speak or deal with you ever again] Wryly sent this message before adding, [He says if you two met up in a battleground later on, you two will be enemies]

So you managed to sever an arm off me Interesting!

[Double agent!] But who said Id let you chop it without fighting back?

[Excuse me bro, what do you mean?] Wryly was a kind man, but he was a bit slow on other things.

[Just tell him this and tell him he got to the end of this quest to take a decision about it]

[Ok bro, Ill tell him all that]

Whats wrong? Isac asked, is he out?

He is, I sighed.

Alive?!! He seemed a bit baffled with such an end.

Yes, why? Is it weird?


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They made him sign a contract to not deal with me, I shrugged, perhaps that was his punishment.

No way! Thats not even close!

Then What do you think his punishment should be? I felt curious about it.

At least to attack and fight you, Isac said.

He isnt crazy to do that, I rejected such an opinion.

They will force him.

They know he wont survive this. Im not that weak!

You dont get it They already sentenced him to death!

That I finally got it. So that was the meaning behind the words he sent through Wryly, to be enemies when wed meet up again.

Then I have to chop an arm off them as well, my eyes shone in the cold light and fierceness that made even the jumper take a single step back.

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