I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 468: 468 Texas... Here I come!

Dont tell me you are going to take him as a prisoner! The jumper missed my point, but Isac didnt.

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You already chopped one arm off them, he pointed at his severed arm.

Not enough, I clenched my fist, not even close enough!

[Ask him about the current locations of all his paragons in this damn continent!]

And in the next moment, I opened the chat with Wryly and told him that.

[But He didnt respond yet to the first message]

[Just tell him what I said wont happen, and he knows why. But Ill make sure theyll pay a hefty price if they decided to do what they planned]

[Bro Why speak in riddles!]

[Just tell him that and let him respond fast]


Are you Sure? Isac looked at me in doubt, you know they arent going down easily, especially with the entire world being covered with this disaster.

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I knew he was attached to his race, thinking how big of a loss this would bring to his race. He wasnt questioning my ability to do it. He knew I could, and he was the sole living proof of that.

They were the ones to start this war, not me, I shrugged, before turning around and looking at the world down below. I believe you two shall go down and go to the capital on your own. I Have something important to do here first before coming back.

Killing paragons? Why did I start to feel this is becoming a fun sport for you? the jumper rolled his eyes, and when I glared at him, he added, if you are going to have fun, why exclude me then?

He I pointed back at Isac, needs a guide home.

F*ck you both! the jumper blurted out, sat on the floor of my chariot, crossed his arms and closed his eyes, I wont move away from here to work like that to someone like him!

You You are a jerk like Hye said!

Screw off!

Screw you!

F*ck off!

F*ck you!

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Damn! What brought me in the middle of these two crazy bastards?!

Shut the hell up you two! I reached the limit of my tolerance, if you dont move, I can force you to do so!

I wont move as well! but like my words hit a wall, Isac mimicked that jerk and landed on the ground, crossed his arms, and closed his eyes.

Damn fools! I was surrounded by fools!

And at this moment, I got something to save me from these fools.

[He says he knows of three here]

[Three?] As Wryly answered fast this time, I moved to a corner away from these two and added, [Isnt it supposed to be two? I got one and that means only one is left, right?]

[No, he says they sent three through special method to this region]

[They are coming for me? Interesting So where are they?]

[He says the three are taking base at the Southern West, somewhere near a place called Texas]

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Texas? The cowboy land? Sure, that suited their burial grounds perfectly well. [Ok, tell him to try and stall for time] I paused before adding, [Make him buy me as much time as he could. I promise him safe exit in the end]

These bunch of paragons did a great job indeed. Forcing him to sign a contract that would bind him forever as my enemy was a nice move.

My current strength was no secret to anyone. But as Isac said, they stopped caring about him and decided his death with such a move.

So if they were going to kill him, Id first kill as many of these bastards as possible. As for Fang, he wasnt a problem.

Forcing him to be my enemy? Humph! As if I didnt have a way to force my enemies to be my loyal dogs!

Ok I now knew what I had to do. I knew where I would go. Only finalising preparation was what was left.

Are you two sure of your stay here? I asked, but my question was actually meant for Isac.

The jumper was just like me, a badass bastard in fighting. He didnt care about any race. Damn! I even doubted he even cared about our human race.

But this was different for Isac. he was a Selvator, just recently severed his connection with them. So staying here and watching his people get massacred was something hard without doubt.

I can handle it, it seemed intelligence ran in all the Selvators genes. He knew what I truly meant, and gave me such a straight answer.

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You have to know I wont show a speck of mercy towards them. Your friends, your allies, your people Ill kill all, I slowly said, trying to describe in words what was going to happen.

A bloody damn massacre, one that I wouldnt stop even for days and nights until I got all of them exterminated.

That was the perfect answer for such a challenge. At first they targeted me using some bullshit authority to deprive me of two quests. And now they were targeting my golden boy.

Lets see then how strong these bastards were.

I Have to adapt to the new situation Im in, Isac showed another show of bravery, no less than when he chopped his arm in cold blood. You do what you have to do, and I Will adapt to it.

A cold blooded son of b*tch you are, the jumper said such harsh and rude words, but his eyes held nothing but respect and admiration.

Cool! I said, ending this topic, we will move. Our destination is Texas!

[By the way, he heard rumours about strange movements from two race paragons as well Dragons and Hectors] As I was going to do something, Wryly sent this warning to me. [He also says that the area from your lands to Texas is covered in swarms of monsters]

[Send him my thanks, and tell him to wait for the big news] the more of those bastards the better. Thinking that getting help from other paragons was going to scare or stop me? Damn pathetic fools!

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