I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 475: 475 The Terrifying Dark Realm Mon

[They are bringing a gigantic aquatic monster to help them cross the water to the southern continent. They are running away, so damn away from you]

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Wrylys answer came fast, and I didnt know if I should laugh or cry. [Why not use the help of Hectors? They got a flying island in their hands. Or they arent allies with them?]

[They are, but Hectors islands cant stand in the air for long enough to cross waters]

I see I muttered to myself, attracting the attention of Isac.

What happened? she stopped nagging my arm as she asked in curiosity. Did they try to run away?

They are trying.

But you already closed the land on them from all directions, right?

They are bringing a gigantic aquatic monster to escape.

No way! They are bringing him?!! from the reaction on his face, I could tell she knew what that monster was.

Tell me more about it, I demanded, but she instead pointed to the direction of the south.

We need to make it fast and reach there, she hurriedly shouted, that monster That dude isnt just a monster, its a dark realm intelligent monster, one of the kind.

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And? Her words made me feel more intrigued about facing this monster. A dark realm monster? I already met one and killed it.

Its not what you have in mind, yet she shook her head, Ive heard about your fight with a dark realm monster before. This one is Different.

In what way?

Lets speak on the road, we have to hurry, she urged me to move. But the moment I thought about leaving, my eyes moved without control to fall over the far away jumper.

He was fiercely immersed in fighting, bathed in blood of his enemies that even his mask turned red.

[Dude Can I entrust this place over to you?] I had to make such a decision now. It was either stay here and babysit this jerk and lose the paragons or go after them and get to face a dark realm monster in the process.

Of course I knew what I needed to do. Facing paragons wasnt the main reason behind my current excitement and impatience. I wanted to see that dark realm monster. I wanted to kill it and get its bones.

I needed these bones, desperately needed these. My reserve of the first dark realm monster I killed was almost depleted.

I needed high grade bones, black or red grade or even higher if present.

[What happened? Are you finally deciding to let me loose?]

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[Ill unleash you over them. Ill entrust you with the entire region]

[You mean here?]

[I mean the entity of Texas]

[Damn cool! Sure, let these bastard to me]

I was watching him while chatting. That dude never stopped fighting while speaking with me. Not even for a single moment.

Damn jerk! I hope youd return from this all healed and ready to be sent away without getting me to worry.

[If you faced anything major, just send me a message]

[Youll save this place as well?] He was familiar with my way of doing things. As he was sending this message, I already took out my staff and saved this location.

[Ill try to save few more during my way, but dont get yourself into much trouble]

[Dont worry, leave it to me]

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I hope Im doing the right thing, I muttered after closing the chat with him.

He is a grown up man, he can handle himself, Isac was totally oblivious to that dudes past trauma. So her words here didnt count.

He was a big man indeed, one that needed care and attention unfortunately.

Alright, here we go, before I left, I sent a general order for all monsters to follow that jerks orders.

Hopefully he wouldnt end up with the same big losses he had at his last battle as a general.

Tell me more about that monster. As we started moving, I made sure my chariot would flash like a bolt of lightning in the sky.

I controlled it to fly at its highest speed, not sparing any fuel to catch up with those cowards.

You know dark realms are lost worlds where no life is allowed to be there, Isac started explaining, they are failed worlds of apocalypse where all races were gone and only monsters prevailed.

I know that.

In there, and under rare and not fully understood circumstances, special kinds of monsters will emerge. Monsters of these dark realms are usually brutal and fierce, know nothing but shedding blood and feasting on their enemies.

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Just like these monsters here, I pointed at the ground down below which was flashing fast enough to form long lines.

They are the rudimentary form of these monsters, Isac nodded in agreement, but they lack intelligence. Of course those old monsters of ancient dark realms will grow intelligent with time, but not enough to be compared with any race. They can mostly say a few words and do little tricks every now and then.

Her words made me recall that brutal and desperate fight I had with that monster before. Indeed it said a few words, pulled a trick or two, exactly like Isac said.

Then that monster here what makes him special? I returned the talk once more to that monster.

He is one of those who experienced evolution, Isac sighed, in the eyes of my race higher ups, if there was a female of his kin, the two would start up a mighty and terrifying race.

Really?!! I raised my eyebrows while watching Isac slowly nod.

He is terrifying Simply described as a calamity on any place it would go to.

But you control it, right? I asked in doubt. After all, if that dude was so terrifying, then how come he followed their orders?

We were lucky to get him when he was a baby, Isac explained, it took roughly one year for it to grow ten folds in size, five years to reach one hundred folds. He said once that he isnt yet fully matured, lacking something that he is looking for.

Damn! All this and he isnt yet an adult?!!!

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