I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 476: 476 Fighting Craziness With The S

He lived for a century so far, and after the fifth year, he stopped growing in size. Only his power kept escalating slowly, also his intelligence showed remarkable progress.

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So Are you bound with him using a contract?

Thats the case, she bitterly smiled, but that contract was written by his baby version at that time. He asked for us to set him loose over the world once in a decade. And each world we sat him loose upon ended up being another dark realm.

Damn! I knew what this meant. That monster exterminated all sources of life and killed all races, turning these worlds into monster paradise, fallen dark realms.

Thats why we shouldnt let them bring him here Damn those bastards! What went into their heads to try and bring him here?!!! Isac looked pretty much annoyed. And I could understand her reasons.

After all this move was weird, just like what that Hector paragon bastard did when he opened a gate with another universe.

Were they abandoning this world? Or what? Something looked fishy here. This move, according to Isac words, was a death sentence to any world.

What made them take such a step? Were they tired of living? Or thought that Id catch up with them regardless so they decided to burn everything and take the entire world down with them?

That was the only reason I had, a desperate move that would end up by getting them revenge even if they were dead.

Burning down the temple and bringing its walls and ceiling on top of the heads of everyone Such a fierce move was indeed crazy, but it was logical at least.

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Are you sure its the same monster? I had to ask, cant it be another one?

No way, Isac shook her head in firmness, there is only such a big monster at our disposal, one that can traverse oceans and seas without getting stopped by any aquatic beast in the process.

Are you sure?

One hundred percent.

Then Whats about his weakness? If I was going to face such a nightmare, I had to gather any available information I could get.

Weakness? Hahaha! Thats really funny! but what I got was such a bitter laugh and mocking words, Hye, such a monster is a perfect form of anything you can imagine! Our only hope is to stop him from getting here by ruining that damn summoning ceremony before it gets completed.

O Ok as she answered in such a way, I had to give up knowing anything about it, how long does that ceremony take?

At most five hours, she bitterly said.

That I got the news once Fang told Wryly about it. But I knew time must have passed before Fang knew about it. How long? I Didnt know for sure.

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Not to mention I was crossing the second largest state in the US. That meant I had to take at least three hours to cross it.

So I had less than two hours at most, and most likely I had much less than that.

So in other words We are screwed!

Those bunch of crazy bastards Now I want to kill them with my hands more than ever! her body trembled when she said that, showing a glimpse of her fierce side at this moment.

They are just fearing to die on my hands, I shrugged, so they are doing their best to kill me with them.

They are killing everyone with them, she shouted at me, and if they were this crazy, what went wrong in the heads of the higher ups of my race? Damn! Damn! That monster should have been sent to another world where we already lost!

Perhaps your higher ups deemed this world as a loss already, I couldnt find any other explanation but this.

We are Still in the early stages!

We got Hector, I paused before laughing bitterly, and we got me.

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Anyway, lets pray that the ceremony isnt over yet, I said while looking at the direction of the ocean, feeling the pressure already weighing down over my heart and soul.

So I was going to fight a bitter battle against such a monster, a losing one in the eyes of Isac. I didnt know that monster, but from what she said, I could say it was a real challenging hard rock in my path.

Trying to kill me with one big dude? Humph! I wont fall that easily! As I thought about it for half an hour, I suddenly blurted out my decision before taking my sword out.

What What are you doing?! in front of Isacs eyes, I injured myself and started to form my technique.


And the next moment I called out a dense amount of my bones.

Im going to make my crazy move as well, I gave her a serious look before I planted my bloody left hand into the centre of my techniques circle.

And the next instant, lots of threads moved out and vanished thanks to my chariots insane speed.

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You As I started to crazily release my threads all over the world, Isac exclaimed in shock while watching all this happening around her.

I felt her taking a few bones and examining them. I didnt say anything to stop her. After all, I had no time to spare worrying over such a thing.

This This is the first time for me to see such a marvellous thing! she said while examining more bones. But all of sudden, these bones were surrounded with my energy and turned into dense clumps of light.


Are you done playing? I said without even turning my face to her. In fact this was the first time for me to put my technique under such immense pressure.

I was releasing all the energy from the bones towards my technique, forming endless threads. But the moment they were formed and left my chariot, I got to feel a strong pressure coming from the large distance they covered.

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