It wasnt their fault, it was my chariots insane speed that made the threads reach a terrifying length in matters of minutes.

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I had to not only keep them intact, I also had to direct them to attack the nearby monsters.

The hardest step was this first step. After taking control of these monsters, then expanding my threads didnt need my control or guidance at all.

I just had to force my energy through them, to make them keep controlling more.

But that was done on such a wide and terrifying vast scale I never did before. In the span of ten minutes, the bones that could satisfy my needs for many hours were depleted.

More! like a crazy person I shouted, while bringing much more bones. This time I didnt just bring bones once. As the first batch turned into light bulbs, I summoned another batch of bones and did the same to them.

Then another batch appeared and another. I kept doing this like I had a bottomless pit of bones.

I could feel the shocking gaze from Isac, but there was no time to worry about that. She was just damn lucky to be here at this place and hour, to witness the true horror and craziness of me.

My chariots speed was maintained at full power. In fact I was sure that Id end up arriving too late.

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So I had to work my best, try to control all the monsters I could before arriving there. To do so, I had to keep releasing threads all over the world, and try my best to maintain the energy consumption balanced and fulfilled.

Bringing forth ten batches of bones and turning them into shining clumps of light made the influx of energy into my body reach an insane amount.

I felt pressure at my dantian and meridians starting from the fifth batch, yet I kept going. I felt immense pain as if my body was stabbed with swords, spears, and needles at the ninth batch.

But I forced myself to endure and summoned the tens before stopping doing this craziness for now.

The entire roof of my chariot turned like a small piece of a dark starry night. It was shining with dense stars, looking like a distant galaxy seen by a telescope.

Luckily I got tons of threads to gush these energy at, reaching a balance in the middle of such pain and torture. I knew if I stopped for even one second, Id end up losing most of these threads.

I was sure many reached for ten miles by now. And soon they would exceed one hundred miles in length. To keep those intact, I had to maintain gushing out a crazy amount of energy through my technique.

And as I secured this, it was time for the next step Binding all of these with contracts!

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I started a purchase spree once again. With part of my attention being focused on controlling the newly formed and released threads, I could purchase blindly without caring about the grade or the price tag of these contracts.

Anything that was offered at the market was bought in any amount available. I didnt even have the luxury to check the grade, amount, or price, and went to fervently purchase all with my right hand without even sparing a single glance to the market interface.

I was so stressed out right now. I had to keep this up, make new threads, control them to attack the nearby monsters, then let them expand. At some point, I felt like my threads werent just attacking monsters!

I felt the presence of other races in the mix. But I had no time to differentiate between the two, and worked at forcing all of them to bind a contract with me.

Gaining other races in the mix of monsters wasnt the issue right now. I needed as many monsters as I could get. As for those races, they were just unlucky to stand by the monsters side when I came at them.

Once the threads took control of a single entity, they would expand further. That relieved me from the toll of controlling them, but as I kept releasing new ones, that toll never ceased.

I kept this up, replacing my bones once they got decreased, buying out contracts in large amounts, releasing threads, controlling them to attack nearby enemies, and then forcing them to sign my contract.

As for writing the conditions of the contracts, well I had to use the help of Isac at this moment. I didnt even have to check the nature or the price of contracts I bought, not to talk about writing the terms.

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You Are really insane! After two hours of doing such a crazy thing at such an insane rate, Isac couldnt help but sigh in a tired way after writing all these contracts.

Just keep doing it, I hardly managed to say these words while gritting on my teeth.

You know its futile, right?

This monster cant be stopped in this way! Lots of people tried before and failed!

Hey! Im speaking to you!

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In fact speaking again would risk me losing more threads or losing focus. I had to keep listening in silence to what he said, without even saying anything back even if I wanted to.

Just the pressure The pain Everything I was experiencing made me feel numb. If I shifted my attention away from this, I might lose everything! Literally everything!

So no matter how Isac tried, I totally ignored him.

Right now my technique was looking much like a black hole than a cultivation technique. The amount of my black threads coming out from it was simply unimaginable!

It looked like a dense pack of long hair was stretching out from it. And with more added with each passing minute, I knew the scene from outside would look shocking.

Dammit! but just half an hour later, I couldnt help but shout in frustration and agony while my chariot stopped moving all of sudden.

Isacs body felt unbalanced, and ended up flying in my direction and slamming together with mine.

Together we fell on the ground, ended up rolling while I had no ounce of strength to even push her body away or stop our rolling.

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