I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 484: 484 The Epic Battle - Part 5

However I had to wait until I crush that son of b*tch. Just the early clash between us was so intense that it made even the entire world rock and rumble.

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Isac stood at her place, grabbing the rim of my chariot with such ashen white face. This girl didnt have enough mental strength to face such a scary monster she was raised on fearing.

In my eyes, it was just a big behemoth, with nothing special about it so far.

As I closed the gap created by its sudden explosion of the rocks, I moved my chariot higher, reaching close to the edge of my shield.

The shield seemed to slowly expand, not as fast as before. It was of course due to the intense and brutal attacks it was getting from different directions.

But at least it was able to expand a little towards the front and upwards to let me see the back of that bastard.

Lets see how you are going to hide your head from me, I moved my pillar to clash at that gigantic back of that monster.

It was all pitch black, killing all sorts of light. But when my deadly ray of energy clashed with it, all the darkness vanished while a growing flower shaped explosion erupted, illuminating parts of the back.

And like the side, it was covered with ridges and tentacles. Nothing stood in front of my deadly ray. But I knew this wasnt enough.

The ray could only hurt a limited surface of that monster. Not to mention that the monster s entire body was like a sturdy piece of steel. I felt like scrapping its body like I was peeling an onion, layer by layer, attack per attack.

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It was effective, but it was damn slow! At this rate I might take an entire month to just reach deep enough to threaten this monster!

It wasnt logical or practical. So I had to find that point of weakness, and start focusing on it.

Wow! That Tickles! Hahahaha!

Just as I was pointing my pillar everywhere I could reach on its back, such a childish voice came all of sudden, startling me.

Damn! heHe is awake!

What? Was he sleeping all this time?!! This time I turned to Isac, who had her body shivering out of genuine fear.

Just from looking at her reaction, I could tell how deeply scared she was. And I also got the answer already.

Damn! All this What about the abilities it used before?!!

They As long as he was roaring, he was sleeping deeply. Only his body would react according to the situation. But now the real monster is awake

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She couldnt continue speaking, as she lowered her head, hiding it in between her shivering legs, and murmuring all the time, We are dead, we are dead, we are dead

Damn girl! We were still alive! Stop cursing us like that!

Wow! I reached a new world! Amazing! The childish voice came once more from it, and I could see the colossal body trembling when it spoke.

This dude Was it really asleep when it came here? Was I fighting against a sleeping monster? And I couldnt even win? Damn!

Hahaha! Stop it! Stop it! I cant take it anymore! Hahahaha! Just as I was absorbed in my shock, that voice which belonged to a six or seven years old kid came again amidst his laughter.

To be honest His laughs were sweet, not any different from any kid.

So you are a kid? I finally couldnt help but shout. I didnt know if he would hear me or not in the middle of all this chaos, but I had the feeling that it would.

Hahaha, stop it first, it tickles, hahaha! I cant take it, please stop it, please!

Please? Was he acting this courteous to me? damn! A deadly freak looked much weirder when it acted in such a way.

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Im sorry but I have to keep massaging your body, what else could I say? My strongest attack here did only this! Making that bastard Laugh!

Hahaha! Ok, ok, Im going to give you a gift if you stop, or not I Hahahah I will make you stop using force!

A choice? One with a gift and another with a punishment? Of course the choice here was simple.

However, just before I could open my mouth to answer, a message came out of nowhere.

[Dont accept any offer from him, or else youll get cursed!]

S Sith! damn! It was Sith! It was my supporting god! He finally showed up, and again at such a delicate and critical moment.

Get cursed? Damn fierce! Dude, I was the one cursing you, not the opposite.

[Just keep attacking, dont stop or listen to anything he would offer you]

I Frankly dunno how to kill it, I honestly blurted it out. In front of Sith, my Sith, I held nothing back off him.

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[You are doing fine! Just make sure to not accept any of his offers]

Im doing terribly! All I did was to make it laugh It felt really bitter and greatly disappointing admitting it like this. But I failed. All I did was to give that bastard a massage.

[If so then why did he wake up then? You have to know that kind of monster takes a decade to sleep in deep slumber. Waking him up means only one thing]

Sith paused, and I got what he wanted to say here.

He is getting considerable damage and feeling immense pain! my eyes shone brightly, while looking again at the colossal trembling body of that behemoth.

My shield was still getting fiercely attacked from all its abilities. It felt like true doomsday was happening outside my shield, and I was separated from it by the sturdy shield of mine.

Its body was trembling, and it was just laughing to mask the pain and not let me see through it? Damn fierce! Indeed this monster was evil and cunning!

I never met something or someone like it before! It was masking its pain and faking laughing, masking his body trembling using laughter.

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