I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 486: 486 Fine! You Ruined My Mood!!

It hit me! He Wanted me to create a new cultivation technique, one that would act like a contract binding that damn monster to me forever.

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But The real question here was Would I be able to do it?

The last time he guided me to create a brand new technique that would open a portal linking my shadow world to here. But now things were quite different.

He wanted me to form a technique that would bind the soul of anyone forever to me. It wasnt just the issue of the difference between my strength and that colossal behemoth out there, but it was also a problem in concept.

How did these contracts even work? I always thought it was the magic of the system. But now I was asked to mimic such a thing, a thing that I never got to understand before It was simply too much to ask for me to do here.

[Dumbass! You are really getting on my nerves more than that great goddess of beauty at that love shrine You dont get how the loyalty contracts work? Dummy! Its not a contract, its a pledge between two souls with a higher power overseeing it!]

Thats the system, but Im not a higher form of power Sith, come on pal, cant you see Im just a normal human?

[Normal my as*! Im not referring to you, but to the source of energy your base is connected to and using]

My green spiritual energy?

[Stupid! Wrong! This form of energy comes from this universe. I just told you, there is no power in this universe that can control such creations!]

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Then My shadow world is it?

[Finally we got someone using his little brain! Yes, dumbass! Its your shadow world]

Cool I said it without knowing really how I should do it. I just got tired from getting insulted all the time like I was a naughty stupid kid.

[Dont think Just do it! If there is anyone in the entire universe who can get it done, then its you]

But I still dont get it! Can you explain more about how to do it?

[Dummy! If I knew such a thing why would I waste my time and breath over you!]

He got me lost again! If he didnt know, then how was he sure this could be done?

[I know because I saw it, saw many strong foes in the other universe do it. So if they can, then you can. The thing is You are the first in our universe to get such a base, the first to merge the two universes energies in such a unique way. So I cant give you answers, you have to find them yourself. All I can do is to guide you and give you advice, nothing more]

Got it! so he didnt know anything about what he was talking about. That dumbass god! He was just trying to show up and act like the all knowing almighty while he was just a frog in the well.

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[Stop cursing me or I swear Ill come to teach you a lesson personally!]

No No need I already got one behemoth on my as*!

[F*ck you! Who are you calling a behemoth?!! Damn! I wont step in to help you from now on!]

Mighty god! Mighty Sith! Im just a rash human kid who knows nothing about your might and wisdom. Please dont punish me like this and forgive me.

I had to kiss his as* to just let this go. I controlled my thoughts for now, hopefully he would leave in peace and let me alone.

[Fine! You already ruined my mood and drove my sexy girl away! Fine! Ill stay here and watch, see how youll perform till the end. One single word that I dont like and consider yourself dead!]

Damn! He was going to watch! How should I generously give him the credit he deserved?

I swallowed my saliva, feeling more bitter and sour inside my mouth. Ok, Ill try my best then, I faked my admiration and veneration for him just to survive.

But in reality I just wanted You know

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[Stop trying to think of hideous ways to insult me Im reading your mind and seeing your thoughts in front of me Lets see how youll insult me next time!]

Oh the all mighty and venerable and generous god, Sith, I wont dare to insult you.


Im honestly speaking my thoughts and intentions here.

[No need, I know if you arent that kind of a bastard, I wont have liked you]

That means

[Kid! Are you tired of living or what?]

Ahem No sir, of course I like my life, I had to sigh before finally returning to the fight, so Ill do it like last time, right?

[Its your cultivation base and world You are the best to decide, not me]

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Useless Piece of sh*t this monster is! I hurriedly corrected the words I wanted to say here. It was really stressful to speak with that Sith when he was in such a bad mood.

Ok, Id better get to work then.

Hahahaha! Come on! Lets get it to stop! Hahahaha! I cant take it anymore! Dont you show mercy on kids like me? Hahahaha!

And now I had another shameless bastard to deal with here.

Kids should always laugh, whats the big deal about it? I blurted it out, while trying to not curse that motherf*cker.

After all, I needed it to sign a contract with me, using a technique I didnt know how to execute yet.

So until I could get inspiration here, I continued to lash that monsters back with my pillar.

Its body kept shivering, and I didnt let myself get fooled with its laughs. I kept attacking while the shield around me was getting bombarded with the deadly abilities of it.

What I noticed was that even after all this time talking with Sith and attacking this bastard, the abilities never ceased to stop.

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