I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 520: 520 A Serious Talk With The Missi

One of the mightiest three in the universe, she blurted out, alongside us and Heskos, they are the third.

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I see I returned to continue studying the drawing, thinking about how her race was the third when there were other mightier ones, like Hectors?

How her race higher ups messed up in raising her the way she wanted, even giving her such delusional info?!

Selvators were the third mighty race in the universe? I couldnt believe this sh*t!

I couldnt help but steal a side glance at her. Was she really beautiful to such an extent? To the degree that one higher up was raising her for his boy? Or perhaps For himself?!!

Its great, I finished studying the drawing and couldnt help but express my admiration, you thought about everything, arranged them in such unity with other blocks.

Thats my work, she shrugged as this was nothing, so, will I start mapping and planning the entire kingdom?

Go for it, I raised a thumb up, you have a green light from me.


It means you can start doing it now, I felt this term might be human related and specific, do you need me to arrange a team for you to visit other places?.

After all, she needed to go out there and start drawing the maps.

No need, I got some sort of an item that can help me do it, she took out a strange ball that was white in shape, glistering from time to time, with thick white fog circulating inside.

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This I held it and felt how cold it was.

Careful This is a really good baby that can help me see for tens, even hundreds of miles around.

Is that true?! I raised an eyebrow, and she snatched the ball when she saw my reaction.

Like you said to me before, this isnt for share or sale!

Dont act like that, I rolled my eyes, knowing what she was referring to.

Mean human! I asked for a lot of nice stuff from you and yet you denied it all!

She even stuck out her tongue, making me sigh.

Girl, dont you know I can force you to do anything by our contract? I took a step forward, leant over her as I added in slow tone, Anything I Want?

You She stepped back to be tripped by the bed and fell over her papers with a slightly reddened face.

You You know Im a man! she shouted in such embarrassment, and her answer made me laugh.

Yes, a girl in the suit of a boy, I touched her male face, strip off the suit, and a sexy girl is there inside, right?

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S Stay away she even retreated back to the end of the bed, bending her knees and taking a small space.

Hahaha! This is my chariot, and everything inside is mine, I was enjoying her reaction. This girl tried more than once before at me, and now she acted like this when I teased her a little?

That was funny!

W What do you Mean?! she stuttered out of her fear.

Nothing, I shrugged, taking a step back before turning to leave, just remember, you arent ready to get to me, not with the current you.

I left her behind, while not knowing if she got the lesson here or not.

As I reached up at my chariot, I started to think about her orb. Something that can let her see for such a large distance The universe is boundless and filled with such interesting things indeed.

I turned around and looked at the bustling capital. All of my team was trying their best and working for the tasks assigned to them.

Right now the capital was filled with tens of millions of people walking around and getting to know their new lives.

I just hoped the two girls and their team would know what to do best with them.

I have no more tasks to do here, I turned towards the horizon, its time to see what went wrong with this girl!

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I knew Karoline had something fishy going on around her. Getting slammed by the deadly red beam was strange enough, and now she ran away.

The change in her personality was itching me down. Such a change in her wasnt logical and didnt make any sense at all.

She Was a different person after that hit. Red beams were used to kill, since when were they used to change ones mind?

I had to get more answers. But first I had to get to her.

I moved my chariot outside the seal region around my capital. Once there, I opened my profile first, checked something before opening my friend list and found her name there.

[Where are you now?] I sent, and as expected, no answer came. [If you didnt answer, Ill force you to do so using the contract between the two of us]

One of the reasons that made me so lenient and patient in dealing with her issue was the contract. Even if she tried to do something funny, she wouldnt be able to truly harm me.

After all, I was well protected by the contract between the two of us.

[Screw off!]

As expected, mentioning the contract was enough to force her to respond.

[Where are you?]

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[Why? Do you want to come and see me?]

Of course I could take this tone as her way to express her anger. But I had the feeling it was more sarcasm than wrath.

[Are you afraid?]

[Its not like that, its just you cant possibly find me]

Couldnt find you A thing flashed in my mind next, a thing that happened not long ago.

[Another world?]


[Who the hell are you?]

It was just like I expected, she went to another world. This wasnt the first case to happen here.

Just when the illusion hit my forces, part was kidnapped and taken forcibly to another world.

This wasnt a new thing to hear, but was she in the same world as them?

[Someone who wants to see you dead!]

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