I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 521: 521 Putting A Plan For Rescue

Ok At least I knew she wasnt the one speaking to me, but another person. An enemy of mine Interesting!

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[I have a very long list of names wanting me dead, which one of them are you then?]

[One youll never imagine!]

[Is that so?] I clenched my fists before adding, [But Im pretty damn sure you are someone that I can kill]

[If you found me!]

[Its easy, motherf*cker! Ill just go through my list, kill each and single one of them until I find you]

[Youll take much time to do that]

[Dont worry about my time, I get to do whatever I want with it!]

His answer revealed another thing to me, he was in this world of mine. And he was someone I could reach and kill..

But he wasnt nearby to feel such fear. So where was he? And how did he do it?

[Lets make a bet then What would you do if your little beloved girl came at night and stabbed you with a dagger?]

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[I will simply smash the dagger to pieces]

[What if I forced her to destroy everything close and dear to you?]

[She cant, after all she is bound by a contract with me]

[Then Ill smash that contract first!]

[No need] I shrugged, [Ill come to see you first]

[Well see]

Breaking a contract wasnt that hard, but for a reason I felt it was something hard for him.

So my girl wasnt in this world. She was taken to another world, away from here. It must be the same way the mysterious race that came attacking my forces before used to get my humans away.

He was someone I faced before, someone I and he had a very deep enmity for. And he wasnt that mysterious bastard that was lurking at the shadows, waiting for me to slip and attack.

And he was weak. A weak person who I met before and held a deep grudge against me, with an ability to access an alien world

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That made me think of a name That dude He was definitely a paragon!

A paragon was such a mighty person who would get everyone to work for him. He got access to move forces through worlds, after all he was one of the few mighty figures in his world.

He was also someone who wasnt strong enough to face me right now. Facing me meant death, and that was proven right in all the clashes I had with paragons till now.

He was biding his time, waiting for what Isac said the paragon time to shine, the fourth and fifth quest.

Would he be strong enough to face me? I doubted that. I believed any paragon would think thrice before coming at me at this current stage.

Even if the seal was lifted off their power, they still needed to train and raise it significantly to be able to crush me.

That meant That bastard would keep Karoline in his clutches for all this time.

To relieve his control over her, I had to find her and see what that jerk used to do.

I wasnt out of options, as I got a clue. Whatever he used, he had to use the red beam energy to execute it.

That meant the tool he used needed lots of energy to be activated. And it meant he also had the support from the angels.

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Another way was by finding that bastard and killing him. Once killed, his control would be released and my girl would be freed.

The choice was simple I had my girl far away in an unknown world right now, while I had that bastard here.

So I had to look for paragons and ask them about who did it or kill them all and get rid of such a nuisance.

As for my girl I just hoped she was still having part of her consciousness. After all, the part of killing that jerk was risky as she would be left all alone in such an alien world.

If she was asleep all this time, then once I kill that bastard, she would wake up to find herself in such a strange world among a strange race.

That would be the last thing Id like to see.

The best case scenario would be for her to be brought over here before I got to kill that son of b*tch. No matter how I deeply wanted this to happen, I knew it was far unlikely to occur.

That bastard would never bring her here without being forced to. And even if I got my hands on him, he might see this as a good revenge against me.

Sigh! This situation was just Messy. I had to first determine who he was before deciding what to do.

As for the opportunity to kill him, I knew there was a chance soon to come; the golden quests!

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These quests were very important to any strong figure. It wouldnt make sense for any paragon to skip it. And if one did, he would be marked down easily.

So one way or another, I was going to know his identity very soon.

But that didnt mean I couldnt start my work from now.

[Can you prepare a detailed list of all the paragons in our world?]

[All? Detailed? You know this isnt easy stuff thrown around the corner of the street!]

[Just do it for me, its very important] I rolled my eyes. That Fang dude had a sharp tongue as my jumper.

[Ok, but I cant promise anything about the Hector race. After all, they barked in our yard without invitation Oh wait, someone just provoked the dogs to let them chase us here!]

[Stop blaming me on something I have no fault in] I couldnt believe he was still thinking about this till now, [Just prepare the list of other races paragons for me]

[Even of our race? You know there is only one left and we are on good terms with you now]

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