I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 541: 541 A Troublesome Shield

I never forgot the fight against the illusionist bastard from before. That time I was much weaker than now, but I managed to clear my way out using brutal force and even ended up chopping two arms off that higher up who showed to help.

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This wasnt the first time for me to face such a higher up. I didnt know if they got ranks, but at least he wasnt that terrifying.

If I was facing him in his world, then things would be much different. But right now he stood in front of me, in my world.

He wouldnt be here without getting great restrictions from the system. Even if the system was biased, it wouldnt close an eye over such a thing.

Kid Listen


I simply waved my glaive and gave the order for my boys to start attacking. I just ended a stressful fight against such forces of nature.

And that didnt mean I was weak or vulnerable!

F*ck you! Just as I gave the order and my boys started to attack, that bastard flashed fast and retreated to his land..

As I thought All this time he was bluffing! Damn! I was this close from getting fooled by his perfect act!

Pretty damn fast for an old man, I laughed when I saw him run so damn fast. But when the attacks of my boys reached the new continent, a thick shield layer flickered and absorbed the hit.

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This shield was really strong! It came from the wall that stretched around that place, making me want to go down there and crush that damn wall.

Hahaha, its just pointless for you to try and do it, his voice rang from far, this shield is enough to sustain a direct hit from a god! Not from such a mere mortal like yourself.

A god I muttered, knowing how damn hard it was to crush that wall.

Its regretful I thought I got you there for a moment. How did you manage to find out?

If you got the strength, then you should have aimed at my head from the start, I said while moving my eyes ceaselessly around.

Dont bother, this wall is really something not the low race you came from can hear of, the old man said before puffing his chest, Ive been summoned here just to build this wall. You shall feel the honour, after all my services arent any cheap at all.

Im flattered, I said with zero honesty, but Id be more grateful if you told me about this shield weakness.

It has none!

A liar wont let his tongue grow cold, isnt it? I knew this time I wouldnt be able to lay my fingers on that point of weakness. But soon, a time would come when Id find such a thing.

Its pointless This shield of mine

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I know, I know, I interrupted his words, its all mighty and invincible.

I said it in such a mocking tone.

Are you mocking me? Humph! I dare you to try and break my shield! If that ever happened, Id kill myself instead.

I hate the idea of the universe losing such a big talent as yourself, I laughed while not commenting on his empty words. Of course I didnt have the power to tear this shield to shreds right now.

But who said I wouldnt be able to do it in the future?

Why not do it this way, the day when I bring down that shield of yours will be the day when you will serve under me, got it?

F*ck you! I wont serve someone like you!

Arent you confident in your shield? I said it as if this was such a disappointment.

Its my shield! No one, not even a lowly god can break a hole in it! he shouted, and he got a laugh from me as a response.

Then its a deal, I waved my glaive and without the need to say anything, my boys here stopped their attacks.

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It was just a simple waste of ammo at this point.

Ill keep trying until I succeed, I said as a farewell.

Keep dreaming!

He seemed a little pissed off with what I said and did. That jerk He thought he could fool me with empty words and no actions.

But his shield was really something. He was indeed a higher up, excelled in his abilities and skills, not his strength.

That didnt mean he wasnt someone special or dangerous. Not all danger came from pure strength. Just my spearhead was a living proof for such a theory.

Having a higher up coming here to establish a protective shield? I must have scared the sh*t out of those Hectors.

But that shield would make their lands always secured and untouchable. That wasnt the case regarding my kingdom.

So they would keep harassing me, while I would stand idle and watch without being able to do anything.

Would I be this passive? Should I go all out and cover up the entire coast with my shield?

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I had such an idea before to do that. But the question wasnt if this would be feasible, but if it was going to work.

Last time my shield faced a challenge, it ended up doing nothing. That bastard who I knew nothing about wasnt the sole special being in the universe.

If he could do it, then I had to assume that others would. Leaning only on the shield wouldnt work.

I had to focus on my human race uprising plan. It was the only guarantee and solid card I had to face off any challenge like this.

Gaining humans, training them, and using all the different abilities of humans to my benefit; this was the human race uprising plan.

My kingdom getting stronger didnt mean I was going to be stronger alone. My entire race would also be stronger.

It was a long road indeed, filled with many rocks and not that smooth. Yet I had to endure and keep trying, not succumb to any failure.

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