I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 542: 542 Planning A Countermeasure

The first step The first step was my capital. I had to let my boys finish digging and building, training and getting stronger I had to start building up my kingdom starting from such a small zone here.

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As for the Hectors I had to assign watching guards along the coastline. They were so damn near my capital backyard. And I had to make sure any attack coming would be detected way before it reached my shores.

According to Isacs blueprints, the side of the shore was protected with a series of defensive posts. They were enough to secure against single raids.

However the situation had now changed.

I went back to my capital. The situation there was best described as waiting on their toes, holding their breaths to see the results.

It seemed Hilary didnt spread the word about my success to stop the incoming waves. As I appeared there, I sent a few to look for Hilary.

All the humans in the capital and around it started to cheer the moment I appeared, and kept even shouting when Hilary came back with Angelica and Isac.

The three girls were together, seemingly in the middle of discussing their plans to rebuild the capital..

You werent lying, the first thing Hilary said was this. She ran, threw herself onto me while adding, I was sick and worried about you.

Liar, I said with a chuckle while surrounding her with my arms.

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You are mean, she complained, but I didnt comment on her remark.

We need to talk, I turned instantly to Isac.

About What?!

Isac seemed surprised by what I did. If there were people here knowing the full scale of this disaster then they would be Hilary, the jumper, and Isac.

These three, alongside anyone from any other race other than humans, would know how deadly the merging process was.

The Hectors are the ones holding that land, I said, pointing towards the direction I just came from.

As if you didnt kill many of their strong powerhouses so far, Angelica said in such a light tone, telling me she missed the whole point.

Thats not the case here, I slowly shook my head, pushing Hillary aside to fully concentrate on what I was going to say, they got someone to help them establish a strong shield. We cant breach it for now.

That means They can get to us fast, cant it? Hilarys wide eyes told me she got what I wanted to say here.

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They can take up to three hours to arrive at our shores, I said in rough estimates.

Thats Too close, Isac said, I didnt plan the eastern defences that much.

Thats why I needed to talk to you, I nodded, you have to go back and revise that regions drawings. Also try to tighten the security at the northern and southern borders until we expand the rebuilding process across these parts.


It wasnt just a remodelling in the eastern part of my capital, but also modifying things at the entire grand setting and planning of the eastern coast of my kingdom.

Once we secured this part, we would sleep assured at night from the risk from getting attacked by Hectors. Yet such a goal wouldnt come true so fast, at least it would take months to get done.

Why not focus on rebuilding the eastern coast first? Angelica proposed, we have to relieve ourselves from their nuisance as fast as possible.

I agree, Hilary said in agreement, and Isac also nodded.

I wont say no, I sighed, but to do that, we have to work fast and also have to guard against any interruptions from the Hectors.

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Of course those bastards didnt endure such a big price to bring that higher up here to just stay within their lands.

I could feel their eyes falling over my lands, wanting to attack it day and night.

This was going to be a really challenging period. But once the eastern coast got secured, we would get rid of their nuisance for a long time.

We have to do it this way, Hilary took charge of this, Isac here can work on his drawings and plans. Leave the rest for me and Angelica.

I got more humans to come, I sighed, I cant let the two of you work on this. Also we need strong fighters to help secure and defend our workers.

We can Use help from you, right? Hilary hit me with the elbow, but I didnt nod in return or agree.

I might not be available most of the time, of course we were talking about a long time commitment here, one that would last for months, not just days or weeks.

Then she was startled for a second.

Didnt you get fighters from the previous human batch? Lets do it this way then, I thought of a solution, lets face strength with numbers. Send a word for Lily and her group, we need elites strong and capable to lead strong armies to be sent to you.

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This isnt going to help in solving any problem, Hilary said, but I shook my head.

They will lead all the fighters we got from those batches, I said, I believe their number is in millions, even in tens of millions later on. Such force will be enough to secure our eastern lands without doubt. With the help of those elites, we could survive this.

What if

If things went south, Id just come to help, I shrugged, and dont forget, all of our top forces are here. So if anything happened, and I was away, you could ask for their help anytime you wanted.

If so Then it might work, Hilary could only accept such an arrangement. Of course human forces we could get from the slaves wasnt going to be much.

The human forces we got this time werent that good. They got experience in fighting great battles, but they lacked good stats and with no cultivation.

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