I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 566: 566 Bringing Isac Over

Fine, just state the suitable prices in exchange for each group of woods. Ill leave this task to you, I waved my hand, go down now and start working. The races down below have cleared lots of trees already.

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Yes, lord!

I wasnt lying. During this short period of time, a vast space spanning in tens of miles were cleared off trees. If this continued, then in less than a day, an area suited for all my humans to come here would be ready.

I wasnt a nature nemesis dude. So I didnt plan on continuing chopping trees in such a way or pace. I just would do that to clear spaces for my people to live in, build roads, and look for ores.

This was a pure world, it didnt have only trees but also ores.

I watched the group of four get down there and start examining the woods. I didnt need to stay here any longer, flew high up and started to see the races work with such diligence and speed.

Most of their high speed in work came from the tools they got. Thanks to these, they could cut trees down and chop them into equal sized logs of wood and even store these into one place.

Then a group would come later on to move the logs back to the centre of this zone..

Thanks to such organised efforts that I didnt know they all pulled this fast, the size of logs took up a small area in the middle.

From above, it looked like fire was spreading outside and eating away trees at a fast pace. With each passing minute, a new area would be cleared in all directions.

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Its enough for my boys to come here, After twenty hours of watching them work, I decided to go back.

Being here and watching these races work had a soothing effect on my nerves. I didnt feel the passage of time until the cleared area exceeded a hundred mile by now.

The empty zone looked very beautiful with the pale pink and green colours expanding in the underneath soil. There were streams of fresh water running in many places, and I even saw a couple river branches in this region.

It was a rich place, suitable for our boys to come and inhabit it. This world It would be my crown jewel where humans would rebuild their lost civilisation and culture.

I opened my profile page, selected the option to open a portal for me before passing through it.

What is That?!!!

But once I came out, I was shocked to see Angelica and her boys were still working with the large number of humans here. Twenty hours ago, I left here and went to the Krishn world, while Angelica and her team were almost half finished.

Twenty hours were more than enough for them to end their task!

Damn! I forgot about the time difference thing! I patted my forehead when I recalled this.

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When I fought that paragon, my forces were on the brink of extinction. I fought him for many hours, chased that bastard all around the world until I finally killed him.

When I returned back, I was worried that my forces were gone, yet to be surprised by what I found. The time difference was in my favour, and I thought it was just a single incident related to that quest.

But it seemed it was a feature of that world! Damn! That was so cool!

Thats A bit problematic!

I realised that the time difference was so high between the two worlds. That would work better for my humans there. But if anything happened, anything bad, Id take long hours in that worlds time to get notified by it.

By then, interfering would be too late and pointless.

And like now, I had to wait for more hours for Angelica and her boys to finish before moving them towards that world. That Would days pass there in that time?

Sigh! I have to get back and give an order for them to do something Hmm Why not bring that girl with me then?

I decided to get the best benefit this time. After all, I wasnt sure for how long such peace would last.

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Hey, find Isac for me, I soon found one of the dragon rider girls flying around and gave her such a task.

Well Such riders didnt only add to the scenery here, but they also did a great job and helped a lot.

Isac didnt delay and came in less than ten minutes.

What? She gave me a weird look. Of course to her, we just met a few hours ago. But to me, it looked like half a day had passed.

Come, I want to show you something, I said while opening a portal and then led my chariot through it.

She didnt notice anything different about this portal. Yet when we arrived at the other side, she couldnt help but loudly gasp in immense shock!

She placed her palm over her gaped open mouth, looking with widened eyes around.

As for me, I just sighed. I stayed back there for no more than half an hour. And yet the time here seemed to pass for many hours!

The size of the cleared zone increased by fifty percent! Damn! I stayed only for half an hour, and almost ten hours passed!

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What a terrifying time difference this was!

H How?!! Just You she stuttered while looking at me in disbelief.

Its my world, I shrugged, dont ask about how I got it. In fact I still didnt get it myself. But I want you to plan things here.

For What?! And what are these Are they yours?! she pointed at the races at the far distance, working to clear trees.

They are mine, I nodded, they are clearing a space to build cities and towns here. I want you to plan this as well, can you?

Of course, even when she was shocked like this, she still answered swiftly and without any hesitation. But these trees What do you plan to do with them?

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