I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 567: 567 The Eye Of The Storm

Ill leave them for now, I said, we are just going to chop what we need, and leave the rest to grow and keep thriving here.

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I dont have anything to say against that, she smiled, slowly her smile turned into a grin, but this place Is it a world?

It is, I nodded, and there is something I want to show you.

The next few minutes, I led my chariot towards the distant series of peaks. When we arrived there, I penetrated the thick layer of clouds, giving her a scare by the fierce response from the lightning.

But when my chariot broke through that thick layer of clouds, her expression instantly changed from fear and doubt, to show admiration and appreciation.

This This place

Here is where my big capital will be, I started to tell her my thoughts in detail. The more I talked, the brighter her eyes became.

When I finished, she couldnt help but sigh..

You Arent you just lucky, you are the son of the goddess of luck, do you know that?

Hahaha! I dont consider myself lucky at all, I laughed, so, what do you think? Can you do it?

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She didnt hurriedly answer, as she first examined the place around. Under such peace and calmness, she couldnt help but close her eyes, take deep breaths before saying:

Its doable, but it will require lots of resources and preparations For example, we wont take a single step here before we finalise making enough of those flying fortresses with shields strong enough to endure the thick lightning from earlier.

I see, I nodded in support, then we will first work towards building those floating fortresses.

Thats a must, she said as if she was stating her conditions, Also the size of this place is massive! You mentioned you want bridges, but we have to make sure first this place is just like this all year long.

Fearing of lightning?

Of anything, who knows Who said there wont be falling meteorites from time to time here? Earthquakes? Even volcanic eruptions!

I knew she was just overthinking about any possible scenario that might endanger my capital here. But girl If there was such a thing, then all the trees down below would be ruined and left with traces of immense fire.

Ok, but I didnt say out loud my doubts, lets do it your way then. Ah, there is only one simple thing you must know about.


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There is a time difference between here and our real world, I bitterly smiled, it runs for this worlds favour. Staying here for ten hours will only equal half an hour in our real world.

Damn! You cant be serious!! from the look on her face and her intense reaction, I knew she got something from what I said.

It felt like she was already aware of such a phenomenon, and it wasnt just a normal occurrence in the universe.

Sigh! An ignorant man having such a precious and extremely race gem that he doesnt appreciate or know anything about is a waste!

Dont speak like this! I said in warning, despite I was just joking, what do you mean Im ignorant? Whats the benefit of having you then by my side?

Speaking as if you were aware of me knowing about this.

It doesnt matter, I shortly laughed, as long as you know, it means I know.

Mean lord!

Come on now, tell me what do you know about this world?

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Its one of the rare singularities in this universe, she had no other way but to explain what she knew, the world is one of few, very few, who are located in the middle of black holes.

In what?! I knew few things about black holes, and all of these came from pre apocalyptic human knowledge.

They are places with immense gravity that can even distort time, she explained, in their hearts, and in rare occasions, a singularity occurred where a place is void of any negative effects of the black hole.

Like the eye of the storm? I tried to get what she was talking about, the eye of a tornado?

Something like this, she nodded, and in these regions, a world usually is present. Accessing it is very, very difficult. But once one gets there, he will get a very secured world that wont get into the turmoil of the apocalypse or the system tests. Also As you noticed, the time factor is a bonus as well. And thats thanks to the effect of the black hole surrounding this place.

I looked up, but all I could see was a big sun that was going to set. Are you sure? There is a sun here!

Its not a real sun, she shook her head, its just the accumulation of all the light absorbed by that black hole, focused into a single point, to form something similar to a sun.


Its not only that, as the black hole is absorbing light from all directions, nights in these worlds are considered very short. Just a few hours and another sun will appear from another direction, and it might be a different colour, like red or blue.

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This world It was more complicated and far more unique than I thought!

Ok, so we are done here? I asked and she hesitated before pointing at a single peak, take me there. I want to take samples from the rocks here to examine and study them.

What for? Despite asking this, I controlled my chariot to go and land over the peak she selected.

I need to know if there is a source of water here, she rolled her eyes, you dont expect to build such a big capital here without a stable source of water. Also I needed to know if there are special ores here or what.

I got that she wanted to see if we could depend entirely on this place or we had to go down there and look for resources.

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