I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 664: 664 A Weird Move

These forces werent there for defence, but for delay. They would stop any incoming forces, while buying time for the bigger forces to get back or get ready to face the incoming enemies.

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[Im already pressing forward. Im just informing this over to you] Fang spoke in such arrogance, but it wasnt even close to the rudeness of that jerk.

[Hell! Did you think I was going to stop and fight these flies? Do you take me for such stupid person, bastard? Im continuing forward, but just wanted to tell you about what happened, nothing less!]

That jerk! He would never change!

I closed the chat with these idiots, and started to ask about other armies current situation.

It was the same. Monsters and races kept pouring towards here. The fight over the capital was the bloodiest one out there at this moment.

The forces that were assaulting my capital looked endless! Yet with all the defensive structures we had, the fight was still under our control.

Yet what made this fight still going on in such heat was the inability of my forces to reach these portals and crush them..

That bastard arranged the portals in clusters, surrounding them with protective shields that were strong enough to sustain damage from any forces of mine.

Not to mention the size of any force reaching so deep inside the enemy ranks was already small. That made my forces lose lots of fighters in the first hours of battle.

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They kept losing in such a way until I gave the order to abandon such tactics for now. A battle of attrition wasnt that good indeed, but it was better than risking my boys lives out there for nothing.

That made that fight over there stagnant. My forces retreated back to the defensive lineup at my capital. Supported with my grand shield there, the enemies couldnt break through yet.

Like I once doubted it, the ability that bastard used before to penetrate through my shield was a one time perk or something costly to be used again.

[0) His forces kept attacking the shield, not able to show the same fierce ability they showed when they came here last time.

[Lord, there is a new army coming out from the gulf!]

[Lord! Lord! Forces are spotted coming out from the gulf!]

[Lord! There are tons of enemies coming out from the gulf!]

Such reports started to pour in, coming from many teams patrolling the current war.

[Where are you?] I didnt know who sent these or where they were. So I waited for them to respond, and with what they said, I looked at my map and thought deeply about this.

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The teams were at the three big gulfs surrounding my capital. Forces started to come out in large numbers, mostly Hectors and aquatic monsters.

Few aquatic weird looking races came out as well in the mix. But mostly they were Hectors and their boys.

The two gulfs at New Jersey had many forces coming out in two major directions.

The first big army went towards the eastern coast, seemingly wanting to flank the rear part of the jumpers army.

That dudes army was big regardless of the smaller size of it compared with the other generals. He had a good number of aquatic monsters, but not that many compared with Fang.

So the jumper had to move his forces in two batches, taking almost all the fiercest monsters with him in the first batch.

They were now facing the fierce attacks of the aquatic defensive forces near the continent. Even after the passage of one hour, I didnt yet get any message from them about reaching land.

That other half of the jumpers army It was going to get destroyed like that without having a chance to set foot onto that continent.

I thought for a second before deciding to accept such a loss. Moving out anymore forces would cause more damage than help.

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Right now the entire kingdom was held with firm grip. Moving a single army away would lead to a vacancy. And something told me this was what that bastard was looking for all this time.

[My forces are getting attacked on the mainland!]

Just as I was thinking about this development, the jumper sent this message to me.

[You should have taken everything with you, we arent on a picnic, we are at war!]

[Screw you! Now this is my fault! You didnt give me enough monsters to help in crossing the ocean!]

[You should have seen this coming, or you are just as an idiot as the ones around me? Ah, you are also one of those around me, right?] I slapped his words back at his face.

[F*ck you! Im going to kill my way towards that cursed continent! Its better for you to arrive next, or else Ill kill you!]

[Thats the old jerk I always knew. Go, do your job properly before coming back to complain]

I closed the chat while he kept sending curses at my face.

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I wasnt that free to even read what he sent.

The first half of forces went towards the remaining jumpers army. But the next half moved towards a different direction.

They are heading towards Pennsylvania Are they trying to take a tour before going up north towards my capital? If so, then why take such a long road and not directly go to the coast and land their forces just next to my capital?

That was the issue I didnt get. If they wanted to attack the capital, then why take such a long route? It looked pointless.

But if they just wanted to go at Isacs and spearhead armies nearby, then it also felt a weird move.

These Hectors were strong. But taking such a long route to come at the scattered forces of spearhead and the strong intact army of Isac would be pointless.

The best they could do was to get Isacs army into fighting them. They had no chance of winning this. And they werent just like that bastard, they couldnt summon portals to bring more forces here.

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